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My 'Genshin Impact' Main (And Why)

They got all the right stuff!

By KaciePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Dear Vocal Readers,

Oh, the many characters of the videogame 'Genshin Impact', how beautiful and precious they all are. To be quite honest any of the characters I currently have could be my main, that's how unique and awesome each of them and their builds are. But, I cannot stop myself from leaning towards my all-time favorite and main character that I play. I'll give you a quick hint as to who they are: she's a blonde, beautiful, badass who leads a whole nation. Know her yet? You guessed it, she's Barbara..........'s sister, Jean!

Did I get you there for a second? Of course it isn't Barbara, it's her older and much better sister. With the power of the anemo god she honestly is effective against any other elemental type due to her swirl ability. She's a great choice for a DPS character and a support/healer! With some of her strikes she generates health for herself and her teammates. You can literally have your other three characters on the verge of death, switch in Jean, swing your sword around a bit, and boom. Your team is already good to go for another round without needing any food. She is also one of only two characters to have a buyable skin!

I mean come on, is she not stunning?! You already know I bought this and did it hurt my wallet a little? Yes, yes it did. But was it so worth it? Yes, yes it was. Her original skin shows off her fierceness as a warrior and is gorgeous as well, but this skin is just gives off such carefree vibes and it gives the impression that maybe for once she is getting some time to just relax and enjoy the sun. Now, let's get to her abilities and how awesome they are too.

First, there's her elemental skill. It is called Gale Blade and it is honestly so much fun to use. Up until recently I only ever used it to shoot enemies away and never charged it. Then I realized if you hold it down you can suck your enemies up into your wind and propel them in whichever direction you want them to! It's hilarious watching your enemies flail around and it is super effective. Not only does it create damage from the initial push, it also creates fall damage. So, shooting them up to the skies is quite a bonus for her. The one drawback is that if you get hit while charging it you lose the skill and have to wait again for the cooldown.

Next, there's her elemental burst called Dandelion Breeze. It creates a circle of wind power that regenerates a good chunk of your team's health and it will continue to heal whoever is inside of it while it occurs. It also has anemo power in it so it causes swirls to those around you. It also deals damage to those inside when you start it as well. It's also pretty! It creates the illusion of a grassy field with dandelions inside and it is so fitting for the Dandelion Knight herself.

And I know I poked fun at Barbara earlier but I still find it so cool that these two are sisters. They have such different personalities but they make a really cute duo. I hope to see more with these two together in future updates of the game and I am sure I am not alone in this desire.

Well, there you have it! I've shown you my main character and given you the reasons why she rules, now you show me yours! I challenge you to write your own article and hopefully I will get to read it and see what your reasons are for whoever you choose. If you enjoyed reading this leave me a tip, like, or even subscribe!

Sincerely from my dandelion-filled mind,



About the Creator


Just an aspiring writer trying to gain experience :)

Follow my adorable kitties on Instagram and Tiktok @joethehoe.finnforthewin <3

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