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Homebrew Race: The Divaharrat

A DnD race for both Pathfinder and 5e.

By Olivia FishwickPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
This sample image was made using HeroForge.

Here is my homebrew for the Divaharrat, a race inspired by gem fusions in Steven Universe. I wanted to create a playable race with the same kinds of features found in gem fusions: multiple arms, multiple eyes, multiple skin/eye colors, etc. Divaharrats let you have all of these things and more!

This homebrew was designed for Pathfinder, but can easily be adjusted for 5e. Simply change "Desert Training" to a +1 bonus, "Desert Endurance" to a +2 bonus that applies to Constitution checks and saves, and change the racial bonus to Wisdom from +2 to +1. Everything else stays the same!

The Divaharrat

Physical Description

The Divaharrat are tall, dark/colorfully skinned, exotic, desert-dwelling humanoids. Their long lifespans, unique physical features, and mysterious customs have made them comparable to djinn -- but their lineage is entirely unique. All Divaharrat have four arms, 1-2 mouths, 1-6 eyes, and a number of other possible (but rarer) noteworthy features. The species naturally has a very androgynous build, and it is often difficult to identify gender at first glance. A good pop culture comparison would be fusions in Steven Universe; Divaharrat are similarly exotic and strange in appearance.

Teenage or younger Divaharrat are required to wear ornate desert robes and cover their faces with veils or cloaks until they come of age. Adult Divaharrat may dress as they please.


Legend says that they were created by Divakara, the goddess of the desert, amid a particularly long fit of boredom. Each god has a patron species, but Divakara is unique in that she chose to create her own species rather than to protect one of Ora’s. The Divaharrat are nearly as old as Musea itself, but have not been very active in all that time. Historically, the desert was even more dangerous than it is now, and was sanctioned off from other parts of the continent. Divaharrat kept to themselves in the far part of the desert and did not associate with other races.

With the establishment of the city of Panohsem, Divaharrat and other races began to interact more regularly.


Divaharrat tend to favor the desert as their homes, often living in large tribes or settlements, and because of their close association with Divakara often receive positions as emissaries or representatives for desert nations. That said, most Divaharrat make a pilgrimage to the outside world when they come of age. Many Divaharrat return to their tribes after this pilgrimage, but some choose to stay in the larger world of Musea and make a name for themselves.

Art by @EarlCrayTea on Twitter.


Ability Score Racial Traits: Divaharrat are nimble and ancient. They gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Wisdom.

Age: An average Divaharrat lifespan is 500 + 2d% years. Divaharrat come of age at 90 years. (Intuitive +4d6, Self-Taught +6d6, Trained +10d6)

Size, Height, and Weight: Divaharrat are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Height: 5’5” + 3d12 in. Weight: 120 + 2d8 x 5 lbs. (Divaharrat are rarely overweight or overly muscular, but if wanted then make it 3d8 or 4d8)

Speed: Divaharrat have a base speed of 30 feet.

Type: Humanoid (Divaharrat)

Languages: Divaharrat begin play speaking Common and Seshat (the language of the desert). A Divaharrat with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following: Dwarven, Draconic, Gnoll, Orc, Sphinx, and Undercommon.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Desert Training: Divaharrat gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC.

Desert Endurance: Divaharrat have a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue, exhaustion, and other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.

Desert Stride: Divaharrat move through non-magical difficult terrain in desert environments at normal speed.

Multi-Armed: A Divaharrat has four arms. One hand is considered their primary hand; all others are considered off hands. This does not grant extra attacks, but does qualify the Divaharrat to take feats that would grant extra attacks (such as Multi-Weapon Fighting). They can use any of their hands for other purposes that require free hands.

Alternate Racial Traits

Desert Runner: Some Divaharrat were raised as messengers or hunters that had to cross huge portions of the desert in a short time. While not as physically endurant, these divaharrat are extremely fast. A divaharrat with this racial trait gains Run as a bonus feat at first level. This replaces Desert Endurance.

Divaharrat Random Appearance Chart

The following chart contains some recommended methods for rolling the appearance of a random Divaharrat. If you don't want to roll, you can simply choose features off of this list instead! When generating a random amount of eyes, it is recommended that you use a d6.


About the Creator

Olivia Fishwick

Olivia Fishwick is a freelance writer in Johnson City, Tennessee. She used to live in Arizona, but the desert was already weird enough without her getting involved. She uses Vocal to share stories and anecdotes from her DnD world, Musea.

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