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Ellenoir - Section 2

U.V.I.C. (Ubratrap, Valley, Interface, Core)

By Lawrence FinlaysonPublished 3 years ago 16 min read

Ellenoir - 2.1

After the secondment for the international officer to Ellenoir's personal and professional friend, and also her mentor, Ellenoir was able to move on to other more important positions, and there was one office that she had eyed up for years, that she had both a low frequency child in sweatlodge to do her bidding and a high frequency barristers document holder to embue others with her intentions and expectations, she would be living large.

The fact that other prominent aboriginal females had gotten themselves caught up in this scandal was unfortunate to say the least, the fact that they were contaminating research through boasts of trespassing was worse, sabotaging themselves, their government, their respective departments with squatting and utilizing corrections classification of low-frequency locatives and confrontation scenario forms of pulling into ones sight was going to be the most.

The agreements for sweatlodge shaking tent the dominant knowledge in “Maple Leaf Country” was probably the largest mistake since the last time an international officer of its equivalent had enacted such an empowering yet self-sabotaging method and its subsequent behavior.

The research concerning the Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women would have been a redeeming subject matter if the people trying to acquire the knowledge were not utilizing the same exploit of boasting trespassing to reduce people directly or indirectly until they themselves were quarantined or otherwise killed themselves. A repeat of history whether rule-of-thumb stick to curb chastisement or stony mountain penitentiary or residential schools, all boasts of trespassing to stress and pressure transfer via previous psychological means and what later became corrections locatives.

As for the Raven Project which came by observance and necessity, what it revealed of low frequency communication and high-frequency intention, expectation, and accompanying quelling, it would seem that the highest offices might be in jeopardy of being compromised by pathological liars and sex offenders who knew this type of knowledge better than others.

Further, that these MMAW researches had revealed the creation of malleable variables in policy and policy exploit were from coordinated national and international constants. The fact that they mimicked the dirty-thirties scapegoat contract diaspora and behavioral consciouslessness contamination sequence was by far the most advanced study of literary devices since that era.

The detection of low-frequency communication and noise pressure in pascals had activated the Emergency Broadcast System directly or indirectly through the DAF satellite system or whether or not CONRAD of the USA had picked up these negatives was uncertain, it would seem that the planet had left open some drastic vulnerabilities.

A hypothetical situation had been revealed by his calculations, the detection grid of this type of low-frequency communication seemed an amazing breakthrough, and perhaps it was though the Men In Black overlay still reminded him that some things happen in entertainment before in society for certain incalculable reasons.

Ellenoir – 2.2

Where had it started, this unnatural communication. The final review of the emergency broadcast system delayed audio frequency satellite system, otherwise known as the global amplification system, it was difficult to say if it was determinately detectable.

Where the file had come from concerning the national denouncement of worldly knowledge by Sadam Husein and its causal effects was still a very abstract function of the United Nations; accordingly, he had denounced worldly knowledge at the United Nations and had fired off the gun he had. Any issues that he had at that time or before, may have been the major resultant factor of modern terrorism, what eventually became the synchronized knowledge system based on his Quran written out by himself, it would seem that he had been the last Mufti blessed, though there were far too many in human history to really understand which direction or indirection went where.

The odd thing, in the long run was then, how did this protocol trace its way from Iran to Canada for Ellenoir to reproduce the denunciation of knowledge to favor, for herself, the confrontation scenarios of sweatlodge shaking tent, and whether directly or indirectly renewing every other form of pulling into one's sight as well.

The 'Worst Case Scenario' was becoming more of a reality...

Ellenoir - 2.3

Worst case scenario, The remaining “Maple Leaf country” Grand Master or Loyal Assistant overseen by the International Officer; a likeness of the overseeing quality of the Holy See over the Papal Grand Master and Papal Loyal Assistant or the Mufti overseeing the El's and Al's (King's and Prince's), since the current Maple Leaf Country is so eager to present what they perceive as the Godly Blessing may one day cause a 'backtalk' type scenario where the leader of “Maple Leaf Country” would indicate negatively what QuetzalCorp calculated as the manifestation of policy, indicators the importance of tracking religious compelling and institutional reduction and chastisement; in favor of presenting product acquired through the centralized “Maple Leaf County's” professionals like the previous Mufti blessed.

That is, the Middle East will have to challenge the assumption and opinion of the internationally centralized ignorance of the culmination of knowledge representative, and there will be several who would defend the centralized empowerment of themselves by repeating Odell's and “She From Beersheba's” actions against opposition.

Every time there was another professional presenting his work somewhere on the planet, he wondered why they simply did not utilize the email function of his website, it was on every page of the .com and on each of the sub-domains.

There was a lot of professionals, a lot of people who could do a better job, though none of them had any inclination to any of the precautions, cautions, in fact most were restricted to the understanding of their specific discipline, it was the most annoying thing, taking the end product of a highly sophisticated calculation and running away with it from the QuetzalCorp office calling it a “Mufti Blessing”, they glorified the Mufti, it was God's people's knowledge, it belonged to their religion, their culture, their discipline, even after a while... it is science.

Most did not know what a Mufti was, nor did they care, it seemed that they got a piece of information and went running off in any direction without consultation despite every warning, there is fine print not included, there are precautions for any calculation of family, religion or institution.

Knowledge was like that, it had a magnetic quality, both a repulsion and an attraction, combining knowledge at QuetzalCorp was not just a series of jot notes that got written and typed, there were multiple calculations, an alchemy or recipe type process that most were more than willing to disregard due to their own body of work, the degree seemed to make them oblivious to any interdependent consequence because there was a benefit, to them it made it theirs.

Lately though the recent series of contamination of the knowledge bases, people eager to turn QuetzalCorp's databases to sin because of their inability to have expectation and intention upon themselves made it seem as though they would have to be restrained before entering a lab, muzzled before entering a radio station, put on a leash before being let out doors nevermind being smack in the middle of a “time of renewal” with no real concept of what that meant.

International re-circulation of prayer through the Saudi Arabian Mufti's was called a blessing, in the past it had been integral to the Renaissance, the driving force of the Enlightenment, though too it was the backbone of the Inquisition, the Witch Trials, the Holocaust, every World War and more specifically in “Maple Leaf Country” the reason and rationale of the 'stoney mountain penitentiary', a chief process of boasting trespassing to utilize the 'form of pulling into ones sight known' as 'shaking tent', and while there were three distinct histories of such, it was primarily utilized to locate food sources in the case that a hunter went missing or died in the field. The second, that which was known to Hiawatha, it was a spirit who utilized this understanding and added additional elements to it known as comfort, security and privacy depriving among the Iroquois, elements that QuetzalCorp had suggested had descended from the understanding of Odell, mother of Muhammad, after her death in Romania after being sent out of the desert, “...her son was powerful, but they made him religious.”

What exactly had occurred in the Middle East, according to QuetzalCorp, was the International Re-circulation of Prayer and subsequently Stress and Pressure and its Transference, pre-institutionally, that is religiously, was YHWH built the Babel Tower, that is where 'Modern Institutional History Begins', this was the culmination of International Prayer through “Forms of Pulling Into One's Sight”, this was taught to him by Baal. This did not end well and ended with YHWH being castrated and cast off the Babel Tower, his throat also cut before the Tower, in its entirety collapsed, many Bedouins and Sheiks still to this day still carry parts of their investment with them.

5000 years past, and Moses Almighty was born to a woman from Beersheba. She was told of her son who was to be great and terrible, as a decapitator, all that knew him would call him God or die. After this she began walking to and fro, boasting from anywhere and everywhere: “I have poked the anus of the Pharaoh.” Her expression of every emotion in the form of chastisement while Moses Almighty was in the womb, did anything and everything to externally bear the recoil.

When the Pharaoh had restricted his entry into the Egyptian Inner Sanctum based on his lot in this world to oversee his kind and those in the likeness of them in the world known as the Tribes of Israel, in other words, those who bore the knowledge of YHWH's 'forms of pulling into ones sight'.

This then, Internationally Recirculated Prayer through Moses Almighty though primarily through his brother Aaron in times of peace, when things on the planet came to obstinance and disobedience by powers and principalities, chastisers and falsifiers, the world would fall to the level of correction. This correction follows through the Madrashes. A world of Ten Commandments, who disobeyed was corrected with the Madrash and Sharia Law that came after the Ten Commandments.

Next was Jesus Christ, Yeshua, son of Joseph and Mary; though his spirit was and is one of the most complex in Earthly history. In short, Lucifer sat on the right of YHWH, YHWH sat before the light and Jesus Christ sat on the left. Though to human interpretation, it would be Lucifer on the left with the Chorals of Heaven, one of each CPCS, Coatilian Placard Coding System designation, representing the knowledge of the World; YHWH the Judgement, and Jesus as the Independent Arbiter and truth-sayer.

With the Ascension of Moses Almighty, YHWH left to Cassiopeia and Moses Almighty challenged Lucifer's righteousness and descended to earth, leaving the Chorals to decide what their allegiance was.

Chastisement overtook Knowledge of the World, what remained of the Chorals in Heaven are known as Reapers.

The day came when challenges of Moses Almighty from Jesus that he was to be born to the world, with him, every Choral knowledge engrained, every light and good thing of Earth known, and it was so. What occurred very shortly thereafter was the culmination of John the Baptist, James the Older and James the Lesser. The four brothers. The international recirculation of prayer thusly was that the world was to know that with Jesus Christ, ones expectations and intentions would be upon oneself, whereas Godliness would be to oversee and expectations and intentions upon others.

This in essence reset God's breath of the Earth in Moses Almighty's favor over YHWH and Jesus, and John the Baptist, which seems to indicate that perhaps it was Moses' brother Aaron. The Lucifinian International perception of the planet was cast to the four directions and the four corners with the scapegoated as an innocent murderer, James the Older, though the criminal liability fell on Barabbas, Jesus Christ scapegoated as the innocent representative of many things, and John the Baptist as the observant, and James the Younger, scapegoated as the thief for his proximity to the Children Thieves left behind by their Crucified Fathers, while on retrieval of the Correspondence of his Sister in Damascus to James the Older.

The next re-circulation of Prayer by Odell and her boasts of trespassing against the Saudi Kings in chastisement fashion through the utilization of her son Muhammad, much as She from Beersheba before her, the judgements were thorough and just. Muhammad was told his mother had been executed, though she was actually sent to the 'ends of the earth', now believes to have been modern day Romania, due to the close resemblance of gypsy lenats to muslim lenats, while Muhammad had his hands broken by the Black Rock of Mecca and Medina, and made to learn under four religious people and later to dictate the Quran. He married, though when his wife died and not having an understanding of what had occurred during his time with his mother and him being told over and over that he would be the empowerment of those left behind, on his deathbed did declare that most of them would hunger for her, being Odell.

As for the Golden Eagle Ark, the Ark of the Covenant which housed Kali/Kali-Ma, Machu Pichu and Venus-Aphrodite suchly: “The Swastika, The Whirling Wind, and the Fire of Heaven.”

Years later, another attempt was made to Internationally Recirculate Prayer, a Mufti Blessing came to Hitler. What occurred thereafter became an institutional nightmare with requirements to 'reduce the public', this, independently reviewed by QuetzalCorp became the non-moderation of 'forms of pulling into ones sight', religious, cultural, policy and policy exploit; nextly reinforcement of property right and property laws to use Mufti Blessing as Stress and Pressure Transference as a torture agent for acquisition and gratuity. Barristers documents to acquire understanding, and the blame of behavior upon 'heightened gratuity through the 'jury of ones peers' the barristers document holders.

When chatisement and judgment died, the hatred of the Holocaust abated, though the recoil was just... In that time afterward, many separated from "that which found such acceptable", that those who remained would denounce men as demon-possessed and women to be exorcised.

The exorcism never held though, as any country's history would tell, chastisement and 'berlin-book composite' boasts of trespassing that overtook religious, cultural, policy, and policy exploit; the sentiment returned... “I want it all on a silver platter.”, then so too, 'not of sound mind and body of asylum-based negatives

It was downhill from there that the very stress and pressure that had been exorcised began to torment the living. Years later, having encountered the stress and pressure and its transference and an ever-increasing contamination of the North American Continent, “Maple Leaf Country” re-centralized knowledge of the Country and a copy QuetzalCorp's databases, the Grand Master or Loyal Assistant left to  the Middle East and received a Godly blessing. After that, the Unites States became involved as the "Power Delegation" to the Middle East, what was later calculated was known as the “Maple Leaf Country's Principle Delegation”, though the understanding was nearly incalculable.

With the Godly blessing, stress and pressure and its transference are called God's Breath, the expectations and intentions are to be utilized by those in receipt. These also eventually become more tactile, aka manifestation. Several negative ways this occurs is known as schizophrenia and celiac disease due to its non-stratification of 'the berlin book burning composite', aka, 'justice of what is written', 'falsified public record based on property rights and property laws', or more religiously and long-term most mismanaged 'The Holy Spirit' another very extremely diverse and as misunderstood as many-interpretations once were.

With the Godly-blessed, the chosen academics, professionals, military and others of the barrister's document and the scapegoat contract, an extremely intelligent writing, the last of which is still being analyzed; the 'end of the time of renewal' was when the exploit stopped.

With the “Maple Leaf Country”, it manifested into the 'international officer position', that which is contrary to the charter of rights and freedoms, that which the middle east seeks an answer to, but, that which must first be done internally to the 'Maple Leaf Country', and accounts for any use of the decompiled Emergency Broadcast System, aka, Delayed Audio Frequency Technology, an oberservant technology that was to oversee 'forms of pulling into ones sight' religiously, culturally, policy and policy exploit.

The thing is that 'lest we forget' and 'never again' have occurred. The 'time of renewal' recirculated International Prayer, and will continue with its misunderstood additives of religious compelling, institutional reduction, forms of stress and pressure transference through previously psychological methods of, as Moses Almighty's mother would say: “poking the anus”, thusly Promised Land and it acquisition through 'forms of pulling into ones sight' may yet prove to be a harsh judgment yet again to those who exploit.

What was forgotten was the confrontation scenario of the sweatlodge shaking tent use of 'boasts of trespassing' by 'stoney mountain penitentiary chiefs', backtalk in sweatlodge consequence of 'poking the anus', as well as the interdependence of 'forms of pulling into ones sight' has international equivalents.

Worst case scenario, The remaining “Maple Leaf country” Grand Master or Loyal Assistant overseen by the International Officer; a likeness of the overseeing quality of the Holy See over the Papal Grand Master and Papal Loyal Assistant or the Mufti overseeing the El's and Al's (King's and Prince's), since the current Maple Leaf Country is so eager to present what they perceive as the Mufti Blessing may one day cause a 'backtalk' type scenario where the leader of “Maple Leaf Country” would indicate negatively what QuetzalCorp calculated as the manifestation of policy, indicators the importance of tracking religious compelling and institutional reduction and chastisement; in favor of presenting product acquired through the centralized “Maple Leaf County's” professionals like the previous Mufti blessed.

That is, the Middle East will have to challenge the assumption and opinion of the internationally centralized ignorance of the culmination of knowledge representative, and there will be several who would defend the centralized empowerment of themselves by repeating Odell's and “She From Beersheba's” actions against opposition.  

Ellenoir - 2.4

The 'upper-heirarchical track changes computer system' was now sitting in London waiting for the few day journey to the Prime Minister's office.  Derek and Sarah were so 'expectant of congratulations' of accomplishment duty that they had already planned the unveiling of the extended law enforcement curriculum at the next few functions, while the intelligence agency fine-tuned the politicians breifing reports for the 'international economy'.

'Judicial Fallacy' of QuetzalCorp had been sent by e-mail and unfortunately had been disregarded by most junk-mail filters or the interoffice memos that indicated that the 'QuetzalCorp emails' were mere copies of the offices of Ellenoir, Sarah and Derek; while Minnie and family were overjoyed with comfort and security and had extended themselves in every direction imaginable, the courts and the reinforcement of property right positive and professional were also hypotized, enthralled, placated and overly sure of excellence.


About the Creator

Lawrence Finlayson

I started writing at 11. Finished Highschool at 20, still an undergrad at 40, Major Indigenous Studies, Minor Indian Art History; spent much time in the Mining Trade Sector and Community Recreation Sector.

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