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Eight Bit Crown: The story of an oppressive regime

By Arsen Taine

By Epitome PublishingPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Eight Bit Crown: The story of an oppressive regime
Photo by Carl Raw on Unsplash

Games- we all play them in some way shape form or another. Some people would like to claim that they are one of the few who do not enjoy spending time playing a good game or too when the time comes, and the company is good with nothing but momentary friendly competition in mind. Others will admit to being to a part of a "Casual" Community that only indulges in the act of gaming with only average play perimeters in mind. Those you seem gaming as no more than a movie that you are allowed to play through and little to nothing else. Still however at the odd end of a black spectrum of the gamer outlook are the hardcore "Pro-Gamer's" who make a living pulling of insane gaming stuns and make it look easy at the same time. A group of ever growing gaming geniuses and entrepreneurs who do not lack in certain endowments or any sort of lack luster personality when they put on a show for millions of followers, followers who build their names on high as gaming gods and goddesses, untouchable to the outside world of "Plebs" as they are called in some communities as they rake in the hundreds of thousands of dollars made on youtube and through Game streaming channels that focus solely around a community of followers who all come together to support men and women they think to just be attractive more than actual good game players. Then- their are the legends. the secret gamer who play by knight and struggle by day, fighting tooth and nail to hold on to what shred of self respect that they have in a community to geared towards hating them for being lost diamonds of hope. The "Legendary Gamers" somehow slips through the cracks of gaming community like ghost, or shadows as they show up, make their mark on the gaming community with brutal tactics and unpaid for accounts, and leave most awe inspired as they struggle to figure out what they just watched, and witnessed. They are the robin hoods of gaming, hated by gamer and gaming companies alike as they break the "Pay to win Guidelines" and break down the intrepid stigma of the idea that the only way to be a good gamer is to be rich.

So many have tried and failed to get their online gaming careers off the ground, many coming and going in a blaze of glory; while others still have yet to be given a chance to shine past the darkness that surrounds their lives. As many would know the current state of society is rot with a number of social and economic short comings that have lead to a sigma of ideas withing both the independent film and gaming industries as well as the major gaming corporations that strive so hard to bring in the estimated billions of dollars that the Video Game market brings in. In 2020 alone we saw a several major buy outs of a few large vidoegame companies as the Microsoft corporation seeks to regain its losses after so much controversy surrounding so many of its gaming policies and a few of its top rated live streamers. These buyouts (however big as they may have been) did not solve the problem facing the american gaming industry in the Post "Black lives Matter" movement that saw a great deal of success against its oppressors. A good number of american companies find themselves at odds with a color positive society as both Bethesda and E.A. Games are stationed in parts of the world or the country that are based out of relatively White Caucasian populated, and white owned corporate structures that do little to value the ever growing ethnic based gaming community that grows from underneath the assumption of race or privilege.

At the height of certain racist policies in the united States, gamer who where just trying to eek out a living like others doing something that they loved to do, where being arrested and imprisoned by the private corporate prisons who sought to corner the market with more "White owned" Youtube channels, that Disney and Microsoft saw as more preferable to their pallet. Many white and privileged youths found that they where the only ones able to get their channels up and running, while those of color and of hard working respects sometimes found themselves arrested and imprisoned or dead under mysterious circumstances. It was then that many gamers started to Meme and makes jokes about the "Video game Illuminati" a group of game companies and Developers who would take part in deciding who could get famous and who could not, while others where either silenced and replaced with less than competent look a-likes and counterparts to their idealistic identities as gamer coming up from nothing to defeat the odds and make past their lives problems.

The reality of this, that the memes and jokes where based in some type of truth, but one that is a bit more frightening than the jokes and jests that made up the gaming community. For the most part, what took place was that a number of criminals, (mostly from the World of Warcraft and Silkroad erah of games.) had found that a great deal of their revenue had been cut short due to the closing of several illegal drug selling websites, and the opening of the free market in to the legal cannabis exchange. Because of this, a new system of crime was born, the gaming account theft groups, who go around attempting to con many out of their highly valuable gaming accounts, and using the money to fund social scene of fluid gender change, but only to make a criminal on the run seem more inconspicuous.

The birth of the Con artist Groups, has created an ever dividing and more complicated fault in our safety and understanding of reality, as some of them seem so relentless in their pursuit of scamming and influencing social and gaming media, as to change to the markets and standards almost completely; and into something more politically correct and difficult to call out criminals for being obvious deep fake and data scamming pirates. Along with this, the civil war that took place in the hacker country known as Sea Land, lead to a major change in policy among the hackers and hacktivists, that most likely lead to a more proficient effort of detriment towards the general public (this however is only speculation.)

All of this has lead to a grand divide in the gaming world, as those who are most likely a part of a rise of willing scam victims or con artists who have forced their own fame and fortune through nefarious means, vs the underground gaming legends, the gaming ninjas fighting against all odds to survive the harsh ruling class of hate mongering influential media personality that are deep faked and engineered to keep a divide between the Eight Bit kings, and the gaming "Ronin" who have no place to call home due to a war over intellectual policies and properties that allow them to live lives of relative ease while other gamer toil in the blood and mud of the every day carnage created by their greed.

The current economic standard is what we see as a result, as the president of the United States of America sends millions to a known anti american group in the middle east (The Taliban), but only to slovenly instill a distraction from the truth, the truth being something that so many of us are already aware of in grim colors. We are being oppressed, and our lives are being traded like sheep in a game of nightmares, where those at the top are only their to keep the real masters of the gaming art at the bottom, and only to uphold an economy that is written in its conception to fail like all other crime economies do.

As it is Most gaming legends want nothing to do with the current standard of things. A standard that employs even the FBI to pry into the lives of gaming legends in order to better oppress them and keep them under the control of the system (I say speaking from only personal experience in dealing with the FBI when it comes to being game Stocked). Gamers sometimes become more famous than movie stars, so of course those who can seek to keep the standard of the market more easily tricked than how most other markets would be, and so; like so many other kingdoms to built on the back of thieves and false witnesses, this community to is determined to end with the knives of victims, who stab the backs of their oppressors, and like the Story of Cesar, only the foolish will be to blame.

The Question now is "Do we Rise up against this?"- "Do we fight against the kings, and policies of our countries in order to establish a market of equality based on prestige and not a follower bot influence, or a criminal consort of fake influence built by a nation of international spies and hackers?" All truths stand apparent in that everyone is destined to suffer if the current state of things continues, as those who would most likely excel in the places of the gaming be Bourgeoisie who hide behind the guise of social media economy while keeping us imprisoned behind their paywalls as slaves and consorts to the economic idiots who have named the current disaster as a monument to their incompetence, living fake lives of bought luxury and selling the souls and minds of everyone below them in order to keep the word spinning on an empty access.

I For one want more substance in follower, and my friends. I do not hope for the community of Gamers to continue in the state that it is in now, fueled by social media trolls and dark web stalkers, rather than the true nature of what it means to create sustainable entertainment and build an industry that does not value piracy over integrity. This is not so much to ask, as some would assume, but as most would guess it might come with its own hard earned victory, of beating a crooked system by its own rules.


About the Creator

Epitome Publishing

No one knows where to the future will lead us; we aim for the stars and yet we end up in shallow graves with only a phrase to describe us.

Epitome Publishing is about pushing the limits of what we know about the modern science of writing.

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