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Benefits of video games

All the answers

By Ionut IordăchiușPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Regardless of the platform on which they are accessed, be it PC, smartphone or console, their type and duration, video games have been one of the most accessible leisure activities since the 1950s. The influence that video games have on the people who play them varies depending on many factors.

They depend both on the environment from which the respective person comes, on the family environment, on the existence of various ailments, as well as on the game itself, its genre and characteristics. Taking all these variables into account there is no way to reach any of the conclusions: "video games are bad!" or "video games are good!".

The benefits of video games

A study published in Royal Society Open Science in early 2019 looked at the impact that video games have on the behavior of teenagers, determining the degree of aggression generated. Surprisingly, the results did not identify any correlation between these games and the participants' level of aggression.

Also, an older study from 2012 confirms the same result – no relationship can be determined between violent video games and violence expressed by young people in real life.

Video games and education

While perhaps not all educational games on the market deliver the desired results, according to this study, there are certainly apps that help improve and develop players' cognitive and executive skills.

A recent review, published in the journal Cognitive Development, looks at how video games can be used for learning in education, determining whether or not they can provide sustainable results.

Video games and various pathologies

1. Autism

In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that approximately 1 in 59 children are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, of which 31% have an intellectual disability, 44% have an above-average IQ, and 25% are between two limits.

One approach to this condition is to give children the opportunity to play various video games that stimulate their attention, social skills, flexibility, and adaptability.

In the mid-2000s, James Tanaka, a psychologist at the University of Victoria in Canada, developed a series of 7 games (Let's face it!) for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder to help them identify and interpret facial expressions.

A study on the effects of these games concluded that such an approach can lead to significant improvements in the ability to recognize facial features in children with autism.

Other games, such as Bob's Fish Shop, have been shown to be able to stimulate the communication and social interaction skills of these children, according to a study published this year in the journal Multimodal Technologies and Interaction.

2. Amblyopia

Amblyopia, also known as the "lazy eye" is a condition developed since childhood, characterized by the weakening of the vision of either only one eye or both. Two studies (3, 4) looked at the effect that video games might have on this medical condition, with results showing that they can be of real benefit to patients.

Not only the quality of vision was improved, but also visual attention and stereoscopic vision. The latter refers to the person's ability to coordinate the information received by both eyes in order to see in depth.

3. Depression

Numerous studies demonstrate that action video games can lead to improvements in cognitive ability, specifically executive function, in healthy individuals. For this reason, scientists have wondered if the same can be applied to individuals affected by depression.

A recent study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, which followed this premise, concluded that such fast-paced, engaging and action-packed video games can substantially improve players' cognitive ability, while also reducing rumination.

4. Diabetes and obesity

At present, obesity is a significant problem among the population, it is even a risk factor for cancer, according to the statistics detailed in this article.

Although the general opinion consists in the fact that most games induce sedentarism in the lives of young people, and as a result they can develop various pathologies, there are also games that promote movement, sports and physical activity.

A study published in the journal Pediatrics demonstrates the positive influence that the game Dance Dance Revolution can have on children. This video game allows users to approach the optimal level of physical activity recommended for a healthy lifestyle.

Moreover, the results of another study conducted in 2014 confirm that video games can lead to an increase in the level of physical activity of users, as well as motivating them to eat healthy foods.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Ionut Iordăchiuș

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