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Yay! It's Almost Groundhog Day So Let's Hope For Some Shade For The Furry Little Guy

A Little History Behind Punxsutawney Phil

By Jason Ray Morton Published 2 years ago 4 min read
Yay! It's Almost Groundhog Day So Let's Hope For Some Shade For The Furry Little Guy
Photo by Ralph Katieb on Unsplash

It’s been a long, and recently rough winter, so it’s with anxious anticipation that we await the prediction of how the rest of the winter will be, next week on February 2nd. That’s right folks, it’s Groundhog Day!

Groundhog Day

Every year we count down until Groundhog Day as part of an annual tradition observed across the United States and Canada. It’s the day that we watch for a groundhog emerging from its burrow and if it sees its own shadow it returns to its den, foretelling another six more weeks of winter. However, if the weather is cloudy and our furry little friend doesn’t get scared off, spring will arrive early.

Even in the 21st century, the tradition remains popular but unfortunately studies, and there have been studies, believe it or not, show there’s no correlation between a groundhog seeing its shadow and the early arrival of spring-like weather.

The legend of the groundhog's power over the weather comes from Germanic areas where the badger is the forecasting animal.

Groundhog day appears to be an enhanced version of the legend that clear weather during a Christian festival called Candlemas means there’s going to be a long winter. Even the legend of the groundhog telling of an early spring or longer winter comes from hokie religions beliefs.

Anthony Quintano, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Punxsutawney Phil-Groundhog

The earliest reported observance of Groundhog Day may have come from the Punxsutawney Spirit, a newspaper out of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Up to the time of the story being reported the groundhog hadn’t seen its shadow. But, in 1887 the town saw its’ first official commemoration of Groundhog day with a group of people making a trip to observe the groundhog's appearance.

Ever since there’s been an annual groundhog day celebration, and in Punxsutawney at the original site of the first-ever commemoration, the Gobbler’s Knob part of town.

While the lore behind Groundhog day has had variants over the years, and different areas have adopted their own Groundhogs, the old tradition will carry on this year. Next Wednesday people everywhere will wait for news of Punxsutawney Phil’s appearance and whether or not they need to bundle up for six more weeks of winter or can look forward to an early spring season and some warmth. As the Northeast is preparing for a possible noreaster and a possible cyclone-bomb of winter weather this coming weekend before his appearance, everyone is likely hoping the little furry fellow decides to stick around and not scurry back off into his hole.

So Who's More Famous? Phil Or Bill?

This was one of the scariest comedies that I ever sat through because Bill Murray is arguably one of the greats of comedy. The idea of being stuck on one single day, having to live it over and over until you get it right, sounds mind-shatteringly trying. Crossing one of the most famed comedians of all time with Punxsutawney Phil was a great idea.

I hate to break it to Bill Murray, but even with his Ghost Busters fame to his credit, Punxsutawney Phil is still after all these years going strong at least one day out of the year. While Bill may have his movies being played on HBO, Digital Streaming, and Blue Ray, every year people flock to see what the groundhog is going to say and keep their fingers crossed they get to see him have a scare-free day.

My vote, Punxsutawney Phil by a narrow margin with our favorite Ghostbuster coming in second place.

My Groundhog Day Prediction

Of course, I’m predicting that we’ll see an early spring. With the current weather trends, there is a better than average chance of cloudy or overcast conditions in the northeastern part of the country. So, there should be no shadows for little Punxsutawney Phil to see. If any actual studies were showing that this correlated to early springs, I’d set up cover around the groundhog's hole to keep the sun as far away as possible. Maybe someone could get Phil into a pair of Raybans?

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About the Creator

Jason Ray Morton

I have always enjoyed writing and exploring new ideas, new beliefs, and the dreams that rattle around inside my head. I have enjoyed the current state of science, human progress, fantasy and existence and write about them when I can.

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