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What Is Trauma?, and some examples of a trauma response.

Trauma is defined as a psychological injury caused by events that overwhelm a person’s normal coping mechanisms.

By PhilipM - IPublished 11 months ago 12 min read
What Is Trauma?, and some examples of a trauma response.
Photo by Julia Taubitz on Unsplash

Traumatic events can happen in anyone's life, but some people suffer more than others. People who suffer from trauma usually find themselves struggling with a lot of emotional problems. For example, they might be angry and upset a lot of the time. They might also feel sad and depressed. These emotions are called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

It is important that you seek help if you notice any signs of PTSD in yourself. A therapist can work with you to treat the condition. Sometimes, a person suffering from PTSD needs therapy. However, sometimes, medication can be enough to deal with this problem.

This disorder occurs because you were exposed to something awful. The experience makes you remember what happened over and over again. It is possible that your brain will begin to reexperience what you went through.

Trauma, also known as traumatic injury is a serious condition where you experience severe physical or emotional pain. The symptoms usually include loss of consciousness, memory lapses, amnesia, anxiety, depression, nightmares and flashbacks. You may develop psychological disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Traumatic injuries are very common among people and most of the time these accidents happen because of negligence and carelessness.

Common Reactions to Trauma

If you have experienced a traumatic event, you might be wondering how your life will change. For example, did the death of a family member affect you? Or was the loss of a job really stressful?

It's important to understand that everyone reacts differently to trauma. Some people become depressed while others may feel angry. Still, there are some common reactions to trauma.

One reaction to trauma is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD can make it difficult for you to trust other people. You may also struggle with sleeping and eating problems.

Another common response to trauma is depression. If you're suffering from depression, you could find yourself feeling sad all of the time. This is why you should talk to someone who understands what you are going through.

Still another possible reaction to trauma is substance abuse. People who suffer from addiction tend to use drugs or alcohol to cope with their pain.

We all go through different types of life situations but what about trauma? The word itself is very scary and it affects a person’s mental health. Here, I am going to share some interesting facts and information regarding this.

Trauma is defined as a traumatic event that happens at any point in time and its effects vary according to people. If you think there are no such things in your life, then you are wrong. There is a high probability of experiencing certain kinds of traumas throughout your lifetime.

People who have been exposed to natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, floods etc., experience the most severe type of trauma. However, they don’t show their reaction because they are used to facing such extreme conditions on daily basis. On the other hand, if you are involved with something so dramatic that it makes you feel helpless or hopeless then you can say that you have experienced trauma.

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Here are some common reactions to trauma:


You might be feeling low and depressed when faced with something like death, serious injury, loss, financial disaster, separation, divorce etc. You may also suffer from major depression which is characterized by feelings of sadness, guilt, fear, and anger.

A lot of people tend to blame themselves for everything that happens around them. This negative attitude will lead to more trouble and it will not help anyone. It is important to remember that these kinds of events do happen; the only thing that matters here is how we react to those situations.

Suicidal tendencies

If you find yourself thinking about committing suicide then please seek medical assistance. Suicide is an extremely dangerous activity and there are chances that you might harm someone else. If you want to commit suicide, then you should make sure that your thoughts are clear before taking any final decision.

Trouble sleeping at night

It doesn’t matter whether your trauma happened many years ago or it has just taken place, trauma always leaves its impact on our mind. You can face some sleep issues as a result of stress. If you are facing insomnia problems then try to keep calm and avoid talking to people who cause further tension in you.

Avoiding Things Related to the Trauma

When someone experiences a traumatic event, they can end up having flashbacks, nightmares, and other symptoms. Some people who have experienced this type of thing may be able to cope with the situation, but others will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

There are many different reasons why someone could experience a traumatic event. For example, it can happen when you witness violence, get hurt yourself, or lose someone close to you.

If you’ve been through any of these situations, you may find it difficult to deal with. If you’re suffering from PTSD, then you should seek help. There are lots of ways to treat PTSD, including counselling and medication.

However, there is one way that you can try to prevent yourself from getting PTSD in the first place. That is by avoiding things that remind you of the event.

For instance, if you were involved in a car accident, then you need to stay away from driving cars for a while.

Most of us get trauma due to various reasons like an accident, death, relationship break-up etc. We all know how important it is to avoid those things which may lead to mental problems but most of the people fail to do so. The problem lies in the fact that they feel guilty for thinking about these events and this feeling leads them into depression.

Here are some simple tips to help you deal with traumatic situations in a better way,

Try not to think too much

Most of us get stressed when we try to analyze everything. But sometimes it is very necessary to think, especially if there is no other option left for you. Analysing your situation will make you able to understand what exactly happened and why did it happen? If you have the time then you can seek professional assistance. It might be helpful for you to talk to someone who has been through such kind of situation.

Give yourself time

This tip can really save your life, because if you give yourself enough time to recover then you will definitely come out from the crisis. Give yourself at least one month or two months to process the situation and don’t even think about going back to the past event.

Focus on the positive sides

The best way to overcome any trauma is to focus on the positive side of it. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of that particular incident, keep thinking about the good points of that moment. You have lost a loved person but instead of grieving over him/her, make sure to remember the times spent together, their jokes and funny stories.

Take care of your health

Traumatic events are bound to affect our body, but the problem is that most of us ignore it until we get affected by that particular condition. So, the best thing that you can do is to take proper care of your health and stay away from unhealthy habits like smoking or drinking alcohol. In case you need to take some medical advice, then don’t hesitate to go for it.

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Changes in How You View the World and Yourself

Trauma is a word that many of us don't like to use. We prefer to call it a difficult time in life, instead. However, when you have experienced a traumatic event, you're likely to feel as though you've been changed forever.

When someone experiences trauma, their brain changes. This means that they'll start to look at the world differently. For example, they may become more sensitive than usual and notice things that others would miss. Or, they may start to be afraid of certain situations or people.

These are just some of the ways in which a person's perspective on the world can change after they go through a traumatic event. And, it doesn't stop there.

In fact, when a person goes through a traumatic event, they tend to view themselves in a different light.

For instance, a woman who has gone through childbirth might find herself feeling very protective of her baby. She may also become overly concerned with other people's opinions of her. In short, she'll start to see the world in a new way.

What is good about being a mother? I think everyone has a different answer to this question but in my opinion, it means unconditional love. Being the mother gives you an opportunity to understand how important your role is in a child’s life and to accept the fact that they won’t ever be like you. If you want to know what makes a parent great, here are some benefits of having children.

You will be the first person who gave birth to their baby, so it’s quite easy for you to become attached with them emotionally. As the day starts, you start thinking about the child and you get emotional, especially when they cry. When the baby cries you just feel that he or she needs something and you immediately go to them and take care of him/her.

Children are not afraid of anything and you can teach them anything easily because they trust you completely and will never tell anyone.

If you have small kids then you can play with them and enjoy playing hide and seek together. This helps you to spend time with your kid in the most effective way.

I think the best thing that you get from being a mom is the feeling of satisfaction. You may not realize it now but as the years pass by, you will notice yourself becoming more happy and satisfied. Your happiness level will increase and you will find new joys in life. So if you want to experience all these things, don’t hesitate and become a mom today.

Common Reactions After Trauma

Traumatic experiences can be very painful. This is why many people don't want to talk about them. However, talking about your traumatic past will help you heal.

If you've experienced a trauma in the past, it's important that you learn how to deal with these issues. You need to know what kind of reactions you might have after a traumatic incident. Here are some examples.

You may feel numb and detached from everything around you.

You may become angry, depressed, or anxious.

Your body may start to shake uncontrollably.

It's also possible for you to experience flashbacks.

This is where you remember an event in vivid detail. For example, you might suddenly recall the sound of gunshots. Or, you could get a feeling of panic when you realize that you're still at the scene of a crime.

The best way to handle all of this is to take time off. If you can, try to avoid thinking about the event.

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Have you ever been through a trauma?

If yes, then how did it affect your life and what happened to you in the past few months?

Trauma is one thing which can change your whole life. If a person has gone through an accident or something similar to this and it caused him mental stress and he becomes depressed, then there is no way he could lead a normal life. He will lose his interest towards everything in his life and will start thinking about suicide.

If you have ever experienced a trauma, then I am sure that you would never want such things happen again. You might be wondering “What should I do if I have gone through a trauma and my friends don’t understand me? What can they say when I tell them that I have lost all hope and the future seems so bleak? How can someone help me out of this situation and get back to the old self?

There are various ways to deal with such problems. You can talk to your family members and seek their support. But if you have lost your family then it is better to stay away from them because it may not be good for both of you. Also, try to avoid people who will only make it worse.

So, here are some tips that will help you to cope up with the problem and live a happy and healthy life.

Talk to yourself

Try to keep talking to yourself, you will feel like you are still alive and you can handle anything.

Keep your head high

It is important to take care of your appearance as you think others will judge on you. Try to maintain a positive attitude even if the reality doesn’t match your expectations.

Take a break from work

You need to stop doing your work as soon as possible and give time to relax. This will save you from stress and depression which will further damage your health.


Get out there; it is very simple, but effective way. You can do exercises at home or outside, whichever suits you the most. Do yoga, walk in park, go swimming, join any sports club. Exercising does wonders for our body and mind.


Trauma happens when someone experiences a very stressful situation. This can be anything from losing a job to being in a car accident. After this, the person will have flashbacks of that traumatic event.

In the case of PTSD, the victim will suffer from many symptoms. One of these symptoms is nightmares.

There are different reasons why you might dream about your past. For example, you could be reliving the event, you could be trying to make sense of the experience, you could be afraid of the future, you could be worried about what others think of you, or you could be feeling guilty.

You can also use this information to help yourself deal with any problems that you may be having. If you are struggling with nightmares, then try to figure out what is causing them.

If you know what is triggering your dreams, you should avoid doing things that you know will cause you to dream more frequently. You should also seek professional counseling to get the help that you need.

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About the Creator

PhilipM - I

I am Philip M - I, and into spirituality and motivation connect.

I help people who are suffering from spiritual, physical, mental n emotional attack or sickness, to get total healing solution, as an end result.

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