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Weird Animal Facts

Fascinating and Unusual Animal Trivia

By Karthiga Elangovan Published 10 months ago 6 min read

There are sharks that glow in the dark for example swell sharks they live in the dark ocean depths almost 1700 feet under the surface no one knows why exactly but they admit a fluorescent glow only other swell sharks can see scientists detected the globe because they used filters that blocked out yellow light they think that could be the way for these big fish to communicate with their buddies this glow helps sharks fight infections on a microbial level.

Cowbirds have secret passwords they use to recognize each other their specific type of parasite bird since they lay their eggs in other bird species nests the young cowbirds have an inner mechanism where they recognize their species singing like some sort of secret password only they know that's how they manage to find others of their kind.

A grizzly bear has an incredibly strong bite it may look cute but if you're close to this big guy you better stay out of reach of its sharp claws and especially its mouth its bite force is more than 8 million pascals which means it can crush a bowling ball.

Some animals have skin deep stripes and others have more superficial ones tigers are in the first group not only is their first Stripes but their skin is as well it's the same with some other furry big cats like snow leopards giraffes and zebras are in the second group since they have patterns only on their coats speaking of zebras do you think they're black with white stripes or white with black stripes at first it really looks like the second option is correct their black stripes mostly end towards the inside of their legs and on their bellies and the rest of it is white but that's not true surprisingly they're black with white stripes all of their fur both white and black grows from follicles that have something called melanocyte cells all animals have these cells they produce a pigment called melanin and it gives color to their hair and skin when it comes to zebras chemical Messengers tell which melanocytes send pigment to which area of fur that's why zebras have a black and white pattern but white is not actually its own pigment it's an absence of melanin so black is their default color.

Koalas have fingerprints that are so close to ours that they could even taint crime scenes it doesn't seem like they have a lot in common with humans but take a closer look at their hands they have distinctive loops and arches so if any koalas want to do something illegal it would be a good idea for them to wear gloves.

Ghost crabs growl when they're around creatures they don't like or find threatening they do it using teeth in their stomachs first they'll let you know they'll defend themselves if you try anything by showing you their claws if that doesn't work they'll go for fearsome growling noises like dogs but the noise is coming from rubbing their three elongated hard teeth inside their stomach ghost crabs produce the same noise when they're grinding up food speaking of teeth.

Narwhal tusks are actually some sort of an inside out tooth unlike the majority of other whales narwhals are the ones that come with a large Tusk or tooth that grows from the inside of their jaw it has up to 10 million nerve endings and they're unprotected which means its Tusk is very sensitive to any type of contact it's almost like a piece of skin because tusks usually don't have many nerve endings up to 95 percent of humans are right-handed and it's the same with bottlenose dolphins there are even more right-handed ones among them than among humans during one study scientists found that bottlenose dolphins turn to their left side over 99 of the time which means they're right-handed they Place their right side and right eye closer to the ocean floor as they go for prey such as squids shrimps or smaller fish more cool facts from the ocean.

Did you know humpback whales use bubbles when they go after their prey you might think they don't need any special method considering how large they are but when they're lurking for prey in the open Waters these whales team up and use something called a bubble net technique while swimming in an upward spiral they blow bubbles underwater these bubbles make it difficult for fish to escape.

The oldest evidence we have of domesticated cats dates up to 12 000 years ago researchers discovered this almost 20 years ago when they were digging through an ancient Village in Cyprus they found cat phones right next to human ones which suggested they were close even when their lives came to an end humans were Hunters so they domesticated dogs first somewhere up to 29 000 years ago dogs help them catch other animals but they didn't think they needed cats until they started to settle down and store Surplus crops mice became frequent guests in Grain Stores so cats came in handy in those times fins are quite Innovative when they want to scratch their bodies they can surely be proud of their stunning beaks but they obviously think it's not enough for scratching researchers noticed they tend to spontaneously take a small wooden stick to scratch an itchy spot.

There's a special type of ant that only lives in a small part of Manhattan the Broadway medians at the 63rd and 76th Street is the area these crawling Critters decided was the best spot for them the Manhattan looks like it's from Europe but no European species can actually match it.

Can you believe there's a thing like chocolate frog well not quite but it looks like it New Guinea and Australia weren't always separated they spent millions of years together until about 12 000 years ago rising sea levels divided them since they were together for so long some animals and plants still inhabit both areas including green tree frogs these frogs have spread really far and wide and some of them who live in hot swampy regions surrounded by plenty of crocodiles actually look like they're made of chocolate.

we all know flamingos for their specific color but they're not actually pink they're born gray and that's how they would stay if it weren't for their diet of blue-green algae and shrimp these foods have a specific natural dye which is why Flamingo feathers turn pink over time.

Little Tasmanian devils grow up and leave their moms they socialize together forming bonds that last for the rest of their lives not only them cows also have stronger social ties than we think they like to socialize and they make long-lasting friendships one research even discovered their heart rates significantly increased as a sign of stress when they're separated from their BFFs.

Imagine you could simply freeze yourself solid during the cold winter days instead of listening to your teeth chatter and trying to tighten your jacket that's what frogs can do aquatic frogs mostly hibernate underwater and spend most of the winter at the bottom of a pond lake or some other body of water toads and frogs are generally cold-blooded which means the temperature of their body takes on the temperature of their surroundings so frogs can freeze during the winter because of a high concentration of sugar or glucose in their vital organs once they unfreeze they continue as if nothing happened.

Octopuses have three hearts and blue blood they can move at speeds of 25 miles per hour and they spray ink that not only blurs the Predator's visual field but actually harms them also they have nine brains the central one and eight smaller brains located in their arms that's why their arms can open a shellfish while the central brain is busy doing something else an octopus even tastes with its arms they have cells in their suckers that enable the arms to touch and taste in a way that they detect chemicals Marine creatures produce that way an octopus can distinguish prey from rocks. That's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the story a like and share it with your friends.


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