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The Untold Truth of Our Educational System

What influenced its development?

By Bobby BushnellPublished 3 years ago 25 min read

"We shall not try to make these people, or any of their children, into philosophers, or men of learning or science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply." -Rev. Frederick T. Gates, Business Advisor to John D. Rockefeller Sr., 1913

What is the history of the educational system? In 1852, the first educational laws went into effect in the state of Massachusetts. This was the first law that attempted to control the conditions of children. It made attendance mandatory for children between the ages of eight and fourteen. According to Davis and Botkin, authors of the book ‘The Monster under the Bed,' several people didn't agree with these laws. Still, the militia persuaded the parents of Barnstaple to give up their kids to the system. In 1902, John D. Rockefeller created a new reform. He created the General Education Board at the cost of $129 million. Mr. Rockefeller had the most significant influence on the educational systems. He emphasized that he wanted obedient workers that think the same, talk the same, and walk the same. In 1914, the National Education Association was outraged by the intentions of the Rockefeller Foundation. A member of the NEA stated…

"The Rockefeller Foundation is not in any way responsible to the people- in their efforts to control the policies of our state educational institutions, to fashion after their conception and to standardize our courses of study, and to surround the institutions with conditions which menace true academic freedom and defeat the primary purpose of democracy as here to force preserved inviolate in our common schools, normal schools, and universities.”

Moving along, in 1946, the Rockefeller foundation grants the General Education Board $7.5 billion. Mr. Rockefeller was the most significant contributor to the educational system and now basically has an ultimate say on how it's going to be run. In 1968, Edith Roosevelt (first lady of Theodore Roosevelt) wrote an article called "The Foundation Machine." In the article, she states

"These young children are being indoctrinated with a pattern of anti-social ideas that will completely and violently alienate them from the mainstream of American middle-class values." During this time, the Carnegie Foundation, which was basically teamed with the Rockefeller Foundation, funded textbooks. Teddy Roosevelt was against the plan of having kids discover the world through a textbook. He believed in creativity, critical thinking, and exposure. In 1986, the Carnegie foundation provided close to one million dollars in grants for a new teacher reform/framework.

To conclude on the history of our educational systems, in 2003, the NAAL administered tests revealed that 30 million American Adults had Below Basic prose literacy, 25 million had below basic document literacy, and 47 million had below basic quantitative literacy (American Library Association).

The school systems have proven to dramatically decrease self-esteem and force kids to get excited to live a robotic life working 8 hours a day in a cubicle, office, or single room. Now, was the educational system put in place to dumb down the population, or is it truly the place where kids are raised to their full potential?

Education originated from the word Educare, which means to bring up or to bring forth. However, according to Ruth Eppele, who authored a paper on Left Brain/Right Brain: Research and Learning, the educational system curriculums focus on the left side of the brain that deals with facts, equations, and memorization ultimately suppressing the right side of the brain that deals with energy, creative thinking, and self-expression. The right side of the brain is responsible for independence and gives us the ability to take action. When the right side of the brain is suppressed while the left side is overworked, it forms a population of followers that listen, obey, and wait to be told what to do and how to do it.

“They (politicians) don’t care about education.” - Donald Trump (President of the United States)

The curriculums are written by policymakers who haven't taught a day in their life. They don't understand kids, nor do they care to understand kids. The policymakers design the system of education to keep society just smart enough to do the jobs that empower a select group of people. Specific jobs in the economy wouldn't exist if the right side of the brain were fully developed and stimulated like the left side of the brain. It's a system that teaches people what to think instead of how to think.

This creates jobs that obey orders and truths formed by a select group of people.

Go back to when you were a kid and how much energy you had. You were so eager to learn about the world, and you questioned everything. You were full of life, creativity, and ambition. Now, most likely, you're stressed, run-down, anxious, and surviving. You have very little energy and creativity, and you feel like a prisoner barely making payments each month.

This is the life of survival that keeps one running in circles looking and waiting for relief. This life was predestined and planned by the system to have order and control over its people.

It has capped off the amount of knowledge one could absorb and has depleted one's energy to seek more knowledge by putting in place curriculums that shut down and blind oneself to their brain's full thinking capacity and real potential.

“College is basically for fun and to prove that you can do your chores, but they’re not for learning.” -Elon Musk

The educational system prepares one to be a robot and to start their adult life in chains. One comes out of college with $50,000 in debt or more. Now, they want to get married. That's another $10,000-$20,000 depending on the wedding rings, preparation, and ceremonies. They also want to buy a house, which averages around $320,000 or more.

Then they want kids, and the average cost of raising a child from birth to 18 years of age is around $250,000. Also, they want to be able to go out and have fun, but they're still paying off debt from school, and the job they're working now is not nearly paying them what they thought. Does this all sound familiar? How does taking this route make any sense in living a life of independence and freedom? Why would anyone choose this life that is based on survival and continued chasing?

“An education obtained with money is worse than no education at all.” -Socrates

The reason many chose this route was because the right side of their brain was suppressed, so they lost the ability to think higher than the system. Most people don't know any other route to follow due to the amount of knowledge, energy, and creativity capped and contained, so they take this one even though it doesn't make sense. They lie to themselves and don't want to believe that it's a trap. When one follows orders all their life, their true self that sees beyond the system's intelligence is covered, and the reticular activating system in their brains is carved out and accustomed to this programmed thinking. The national training laboratory says that most students only remember 10% of what they learn in school.

“There is no learning without remembering.” - Socrates

Again, the reason for this is that kids are bombarded with loads of pointless information throughout the years to the point where they forget how to do basic stuff. The left side of the brain has been overworked, draining them of energy, creativity, and common sense. Common sense would tell people that if statistics show kids only remember 10% of the information being taught, then the curriculums need to be changed so kids can absorb and retain more than just 10%. Again, people are just doing what they've been programmed to do their whole lives instead of taking a step back and seeing how the school systems affect the thought process and intelligence of people.

“You don’t even need a college degree or even high school.” - Elon Musk (CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors)

Carrying on, Elon Musk stated in an interview that he doesn't put his kids in public schooling because he doesn't like the way the schools teach. For example, if one wants to take apart a car or machine, don't bombard kids with in-depth information about the tools to take apart the vehicle or engine. Instead, start taking apart the vehicle or device, and when one needs specific tools to take it apart, then teach the basics of those tools.

This will make kids excited and eager to learn about the tools to take apart the car or machine. Also, it stimulates myelin in the brain. According to, the myelin that is stimulated is going to increase the electrical communication between neurons in the brain, thus increasing their ability to learn the parts as well as picturing and solving in their heads where the components on the car will connect.

“There’s not a school in sight that’s able to equip you in the world we live in today.” - Gary Vaynerchuk, Belarusian-American Entrepreneur, and CEO of Vaynermedia

Furthermore, public schooling doesn’t teach people how to live. That’s why, according to the data from real estate Analytics Company, Trulia, we are currently at an all-time high of kids still living at home even with a degree. 33% of young adults still live with their parents, step-parents, or grandparents because they were never taught how to live or think independently. Instead, they were taught what to believe and to obey everything they've been told. The school systems do not teach you how to buy or maintain a house. Not many people know how to paint correctly, cook, take care of their landscaping, or even change a tire or check the oil in a car. It doesn't teach kids how to navigate the streets in the neighborhood or their city. The system never enforces the importance of money management, taxes, loans, investing, insurance, and the different accounts that banks and other companies have to offer. That's because the system is designed to keep one poor, in debt, and to live to pay off bills. The U.S. Census Bureau Data puts almost 62.4 percent of Americans with a credit card debt. An additional 17.5 percent have student debts. This means that close to 80% of Americans are in serious debt, including our very own government. This debt, for most, generally starts with spending money on a degree at a four-year university, which the educational system promotes to all high schoolers.

Also, nowhere in school do they teach you the cost of having and raising a child. People have kids, and they're struggling because they didn’t realize the cost or difficulty of raising a kid.

The divorce rate is over 50%, according to the American Psychological Association. Families are falling apart, and kids are no longer getting proper guidance. Instead, the system has someone come in to talk to teenage kids about purity rings and no sex before marriage. This just makes kids laugh and make fun of the person any chance they get. They're too into themselves and believe that nothing wrong could happen to them. If you enforce classes about caregiving, the cost to raise a child, and how it can drastically impact one's life, kids would think twice about premarital sex. Furthermore, the system doesn't teach students the importance of nutrition and exercise. According to the American Diabetic Association, around 30 million people, or 10.5% of the U.S. population, have diabetes, and 42.4% of America is Obese.

The system thinks it's better to have a gym and conditioning class as a blow-off participation grade. If gym teachers graded kids on their physical health, most likely, they're going to go home and practice their mile time to get a decent grade to please their parents and get into a good university. The system doesn't want kids to know about the importance of their health.

This way, they fall into another trap that steals their freedom by becoming dependent on the pharmaceutical systems, which depletes them of their money, health, and happiness. Instead of emphasizing and teaching the importance of daily living, which releases more myelin in the brain, develops the right side of the brain, and gives people the ability to be independent; the school system wants to intellectually abuse kids with information that's not even practical. Some of the skills I named above are taught in some elective classes, but those classes are not all required, and they're looked at as secondary classes, whereas they should be considered primary courses. The system thinks it's more important to memorize what some British guy said 100 years ago in a war or to remember the name of a rock or plant.

This is all information that's easily forgotten, and more importantly, it is information that doesn't teach a person how to think or how to live. By overworking the left side of the brain and not enforcing and teaching the skills that develop the right side of the brain, people lose their common sense and forget how to do basic stuff. This is why kids struggle with their ACT/SATs.

The ACT/SATs test their ability to understand all the basic things they've been taught all their life. Kids remember the material on these tests but forget how to do it because the left side of their brain has been overworked. The format of the educational system doesn't correctly measure a kid's intelligence or ability to learn. For most of the tests, quizzes, and homework, there is only one answer.

The answer is either true or false, or the solution is to fill in a bubble or circle a word. Also, the answers that are given are not measured correctly. For example, take three 2nd grade students who are taking a spelling test. One student spells the word cat correctly, another student spells it kat, and the other student spells it jel. The two students that misspelled the word are deemed to be the same intellectually. However, the student who spelled the word beginning with K is most likely more intelligent than the student who spelled it jel. The format is one answer which suppresses the ability to reach higher levels of knowledge and intelligence. It programs people to wait and be told what to do and how to do something.

“Everyone is a genius. But If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”-Albert Einstein

Schools have only one way of learning when every kid learns things differently. It prescribes one medicine to all the students and expects that it will give everyone an equal chance to learn. This is why so many students have numerous side effects from the one-way learning style. These side effects include school shootings, medication dependency, suicides, and the life of survival. There's only one teacher that teaches the whole year or an entire semester for a class. It's the teacher's style and only his or her style. They may try to adjust here and there to get through to the student, but in reality, it's their way of teaching. That's why teachers have students that love them and students that despise them. Some students can comprehend and understand the teacher's style while other students see the teachers’ style of learning as hieroglyphics.

The student has two options. He or she can do the best they can to try to adapt to the teacher's style or, most likely, they'll give up and just sit in the class using their phones. This then makes the teacher upset, and he or she will condemn the student for not trying. Then the student will act out and probably make the teacher's life a living nightmare for the rest of the semester.

The style that the student can’t adapt to or comprehend brings his or her confidence down. Going back to what Einstein said, the student thinks they’re stupid when in reality, they’re not. They just need to be taught the lesson in a different way where more myelin is released in the brain so they could comprehend and absorb the information. By feeling stupid, they don’t do anything all class to protect their ego and to protect themselves from getting embarrassed in trying to adapt to a style that’s not going to allow them to absorb and comprehend the information to its highest nature. When a child has low self-esteem and is struggling in school, parents start to believe that their kid has attention deficit disorder when, in reality, it's how the school system is structured. Kids are full of energy, joy, and creativity. They're not meant to be inside a building for 7 hours a day, staring at a book or a board. Common sense tells you that any human being, especially a kid, would get antsy and distracted if they're in the same place all day where no myelin is being stimulated. Like the people who created the system said, they want obedient workers that think the same, talk the same, and act the same to do the jobs that were designed for people to work and become exhausted.

After college, they're so depleted and hooked on caffeinated beverages to make up for the energy the schools deplete. If a child feels stupid and has low self-esteem from their environment, this can lead to social withdrawal, and social withdrawal leads to addiction. We are social creatures, and when we lose the ability to interact or bond with our environment, it can lead us to abuse substances. These substances release those bonding chemicals that we’re not getting from being in environments that don’t suit our talents, likes, and personality. Most turn to these substances to change their character in order to fit into environments where they either feel low self-esteem or don’t belong. People today get hooked on substances to put up with environments that they hate. A study was conducted by Dr. Marco Venniro led by NIDA with rats that were isolated with various forms of drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, LSD, and alcohol. After ingesting all these different forms of drugs for some time, the rats were then placed in another environment, but this time with various types of cheese, wheels, water, and other rats. In this environment, they were also exposed to the same drugs, but not one of the rats even glanced at any of the drugs.

They were interacting with one another, playing on the wheels, drinking water, and eating cheese. This is how essential environments are for the physical, mental, and emotional health of people. The environment that a majority of people are in for a good portion of their lives, is the environment of the school. According to the American Addiction Center, 21.5 million Americans aged 12 and above are addicted to drugs. The schools have assemblies where speakers tell kids that drugs and alcohol are harmful and that they should never take part in it instead of teaching kids about the make-up and science behind drugs and why people get addicted to them. Kids are born curious and are always out to make themselves look good. If you're just going to tell them not to do something, they're going to be curious as to why they shouldn't do it, and then they're going to go out and probably do it. The brain doesn’t register the negative aspect of a command. For example, take a yoga instructor who’s teaching a class. If the instructor says, “don’t lock out your knees,” most people will begin to hyperextend their knees. If the instructor says, “keep legs slightly bent to protect your knees,” this statement doesn’t contain the negative aspect of a command making people more prone to following the correct instruction.

"I fear the day technology surpasses human interaction; we will have a generation of idiots." -Albert Einstein

Furthermore, students are glued to their technical devices, which is doing the thinking for them, ultimately making them less intelligent. Very little dopamine is released during school, and students are hooked on the bright artificial lighting and radiation of their phones, laptops, and other technological devices.

This overstimulates dopamine receptors, ultimately wearing them down to the point where they no longer can focus on reading long passages or writing long papers. This causes them to turn to stimulant medications or caffeine to boost dopamine to concentrate longer. When students are typing on laptops rather than writing, they are utilizing less of their brains. Writing stimulates more of the brain, specifically the motor cortex, which improves memory. Also, writing activates both hemispheres of the brain. People used to turn to reading, writing, and specific activities to experience a healthy dopamine release, but now, due to all the high amount of dopamine spikes from the bright lighting and radiation of our technical devices as well as stimulant medication and high amounts of caffeine, people no longer get any dopamine release from the activities engaged in before the heavy use of technology, stimulant medication and high amounts of caffeine.

All of which can lead to more drugs and activities like sex that overstimulate dopamine. When people turn to do things that always involve technical devices instead of the real nature of things, they deplete the love hormone known as oxytocin. Oxytocin is released when we shake hands, hug, and have a pleasant face to face interaction. When we greet people with a text message or have a conversation over email or through artificial screens, oxytocin levels begin to deplete, causing social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Many fall for the deception that these devices are increasing our connection and bond with people, but it's only growing our relationship to the words and pictures found on the screens that people artificially type or download. Most are connected to putting a fake artificial picture of themselves on social media platforms and then typing words that describe the environment in the background that most likely was photoshopped or created from an app.

They then express how great they felt in the photoshopped background environment. All of which are fake and artificial, thus making them obsessive and impulsive. They are obsessed with creating fake pictures and communicating artificially instead of meeting with a friend with real clothes on in a real environment that Mother Nature has created for us. Instead of taking in the oxygen from the plants and trees of a real environment and raising their oxytocin levels from an actual face to face interaction, they are depleting their oxytocin levels from always connecting and living virtually.

The social anxiety and obsessive compulsions caused by the depleted dopamine and oxytocin levels impair their ability to learn, interact, and understand real people and how they truly feel. They are saving, capturing, and adding intelligence and knowledge to their technical devices instead of learning and building their intelligence and understanding into their brains. There are 10 billion cells in the storage part of the human brain known as the cortex, and within those cells, there are more connections than all the stars in the Milky Way galaxy. The cortex of the human brain can hold more memory than the most complex computers or smartphones, but many are more focused and ambitious to create more ways to store artificial intelligence into more artificial devices instead of learning and storing real information into the cortex of their real brains. Schools are now allowing kids to have their phones on and near them all class.

They are promoting textbooks and readings off of iPads as well as the continued heavy use of typing instead of writing. Again, writing rather than typing develops more of the brain and aids their critical thinking, problem-solving, memory, and creativity.

“The essence of knowledge is having it to use it.” –Confucius

Teachers work in a system where their natural talent is not being utilized to its highest nature. They're given topics that they have to cover, and most teachers deep down ask themselves why they have to teach information that kids will never use. They know that the information is not practical, and sometimes they have to go back to the drawing board and research a topic they don't know anything about.

These teachers are not given many options or rights to teach what they've learned and what they love. They're forced to teach a curriculum made by policymakers who don't have a passion for the subject. This can drain the teachers' passion for teaching because their knowledge and what they love is not being fully expressed.

The teachers studied the subject in college and have more knowledge on the topic than governmental policymakers. The teachers should be developing the textbooks and the curriculums so that more myelin is released in their brains as well. Here, they will be able to teach their classes with more energy, enthusiasm, and excitement, which can initiate the same power in their students. Instead, they are just following orders and teaching information that they're told to teach, not even questioning if it's true.

“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” -Aldous Huxley

If you look at a classroom in the United States, it hasn't changed in the last 100 years. The desks are aligned in rows, and the information being taught never really advances. Do you know why this hasn't changed? That's because the system wants obedient workers to work the jobs that empower a select group of people. The classroom is structured like a factory in terms of being in rows because they're preparing people to become prisoners of society. They want people to follow the same boring routine that drains them of energy, money, and life because that's how they can have order and control. Money is not what drives the authoritative leaders; it's power. These leaders have enslaved many with green pieces of paper, and in return, the prisoners of society give them the world. The prisoners fight their wars, light their cities, run their factories, work their machines, and, more importantly, obey and worship their commands. The prisoners have sold their souls to human flesh instead of listening to their divine spirit and trusting the vision that the inner self has shown them.

"It does a fool no good to spend money on education." -Proverbs 17:16

Our society throws out several tricks to control the mind, behavior, and life of the people. It blinds them from becoming philosophers, poets, painters, authors, statesmen, and, most importantly, visions of their true inner self. It's lead by those who want obedient workers that they can control. Obeying orders from the educational system all your life is what leads one to work as a prisoner of society.

Here, they will need to try out for a role after high school in college, and if they pass, they'll get a costume and a mask to act out a fake character, who was blinded to their true talents and gifts in order to help maintain the structure of society. They were too actively programmed to embrace and explore the unknown, and for that, they never created anything new in this life from their own thoughts and ideas. The prisoners of society now become followers who idolize the ones who were smart enough to go around the school system and escape the norm of society where their talents are brought to light. The great entrepreneurs, inventors, poets, philosophers, actors, singers, and comedians that we know today were able to gain command over the right side of their brains. They were able to get their real personalities back and live the life they've always wanted to. Now, I’m not saying that high school and college automatically deems you to the life of survival. What I’m saying is that, as a society, we need review the curriculums, understand the issues we’re battling in our world today, and truly question our motives when thinking about education. Here is a list of people who were able to escape the normal format of education. Below are over 100 college and high school dropouts...

-Malcolm X

-Mother Teresa

-Sean Carter

-Mark Zuckerberg

-Henry Ford



-Richard Branson

-Steven Spielberg

-Michael Dell (founder of the Dell computer)

-Julian Assange (WikiLeaks founder)

-Evan Williams (Twitter founder)

-Travis Kalanick (Uber Founder)

-John Mackey (Whole Foods founder)

-Oprah Winfrey

-Steve Jobs

-Michael Jackson

-Marshall Mathers

-Brad Pitt

-Ashton Kutcher

-Mila Kunis

-Anne Hathaway

-Kanye West

-Ellen DeGeneres

-John Mayer

-Lady Gaga

-Alicia Keys

-Tiger Woods

-Rosie O’Donnell

-Clint Eastwood

-Amanda Seyfried

-Bruce Willis

-Ben Stiller

-Tom Hanks

-Ben Affleck

-Sean Combs (Diddy)

-Bob Dylan

-Ray Romano

-Jeff Foxworthy

-Owen Wilson

-Richard Gere

-Burt Reynolds

-Steve Wozniak

-Channing Tatum

-Jesse Ventura

-Billy Bob Thornton

-Warren Beatty

-Kevin James

-Dustin Hoffman

-Dennis Quaid

-Ralph Lauren

-Joel Osteen

-Kyra Sedgwick

-Russell Simmons

-Bill Murray

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

-Gene Hackman

-Andie MacDowell

-Alex Jones

-J.D. Salinger

-Jillian Michaels

-Matt Damon

-Bobby Bushnell

-Jim Carrey

-Jay Z

-Mark Wahlberg

-Johnny Deep

-Ryan Gosling

-Daniel Radcliffe

-Lil Wayne


-Kurt Cobain

-Harry Styles

-Quentin Tarantino

-Nicole Kidman

-Ewan McGregor

-Matt Dillon

-Al Pacino

-Keanu Reeves

-Marlon Brando

-Patrick Dempsey

-Robert De Niro

-Robert Downey Jr.

-Seth Rogan

-Ben Foster

-Rene Russo

-John Landis

-Jude Law

-Jennifer Jason Leigh

-Nicolas Cage

-Damon Wayans

-Avril Lavigne

-Jonny Lee Miller

-Teri Polo

-James Garner

-Anthony Quinn

-James Spader

-David Karp

-Aretha Franklin

-Joe Lewis

-Philip Emeagwali

-Francois Pinault

-David H. Murdock

-George Foreman

-James H. Clark

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” - Albert Einstein


About the Creator

Bobby Bushnell

My name is Bobby Bushnell. I'm the CEO and owner of Inner Eye Fitness LLC. I'm also the author of, "Inner Eye 3-6-9," and the founder of the, "Inner Heroes For Humanity," Foundation.

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