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The Life of a Black Hole


By Turnos, Jyran Pat Sundy P.Published 8 months ago 5 min read

The Life of a Black Hole

Black holes possess a captivating allure, both in a literal sense and as a subject of discussion. Every aspect surrounding them is peculiar and extreme, constantly revealing new revelations. However, even the most fundamental aspects of black holes are remarkably astounding. It is plausible that you may have never received an introduction to them. Hence, today, we shall return to the basics and delve into what black holes truly are, how they come into existence, and how they meet their demise. Let us commence at the very beginning and precisely define the nature of a black hole. A black hole refers to a region within space where the gravitational force is so immensely powerful that anything entering it becomes trapped, unable to escape. This includes even the swiftest entity in the universe, light. Once light crosses the point of no return, known as the event horizon, it is unable to reemerge. Consequently, black holes remain entirely imperceptible to external observers like us. You may be curious as to how we ascertain their existence, especially considering that we have even captured images of them, which garnered significant attention in the media.

The black hole itself may not be visible to the naked eye, but its presence can still be detected through its impact on nearby matter and light passing by. Scientists have observed the radiation emitted by superheated matter swirling around the black hole, forming an accretion disc that resembles the eye of Sauron in space. Thanks to the warping of space and time caused by the black hole's immense mass, we can even see the backside of the accretion disc that would normally be hidden behind the black hole's shadow. The amount of mass contained within the black hole determines the distance of the event horizon from the center, known as the Schwarzschild radius, which can expand as more matter falls into the black hole.

The Schwarzschild radius holds significance in another aspect; it represents the minimum size an object must be compressed to for gravity to exert its influence and transform it into a black hole. Every object, including ourselves, the Earth, and the Sun, possesses a Schwarzschild radius. To convert a star with the mass of the Sun into a black hole, it would need to be compressed into a sphere with a radius smaller than three kilometers. If such an event were to occur suddenly, perhaps through the intervention of an extraterrestrial superweapon, the Earth and all the planets would not be drawn in and crushed into oblivion. Remember, objects must be within the Schwarzschild radius for a black hole to consume them. If we remained more than three kilometers away from our black hole Sun, our fate would not be sealed.

In fact, if the Sun were abruptly replaced by a black hole of equal mass, the orbits of the planets in our solar system would remain unaffected. However, the abrupt onset of perpetual darkness would be catastrophic, ensuring our doom in a different manner than initially presumed. The formation of black holes varies depending on the type. Stellar mass black holes, which have masses ranging from three to dozens of times that of our sun, are commonly formed when a star with a minimum mass of 20 solar masses goes supernova. This results in a collapsed core that falls below its Schwarzschild radius due to its own gravitational pull. On the other hand, supermassive black holes, with masses ranging from hundreds of thousands to billions of solar masses, are believed to exist at the center of most, if not all, large galaxies. The formation of these supermassive black holes remains a mystery, but it is speculated that they originate during the early stages of their respective galaxies. However, there is still a significant size gap between stellar mass and supermassive black holes, leading scientists to predict the existence of intermediate black holes. Recently, we have begun to identify potential candidates for these intermediate black holes. There is also the potential that black holes smaller than stellar masses were formed during the early stages of the universe. Some speculative theories even propose that black holes could be as minuscule as the subatomic scale and could be generated through collisions within particle accelerators. Although we have not yet observed any evidence of these phenomena, if we were to discover them, there is no need to worry. It is important to remember that just because something is a black hole, it does not automatically transform into an unstoppable force capable of obliterating planets. For it to pose a threat, it would have to come close enough to you. Additionally, due to the way black holes decay, microscopic black holes could never expand to a hazardous size. We believe that black hole’s decay by emitting something known as Hawking radiation.

In simplified terms, virtual particles constantly emerge in the vacuum of space, and typically, they combine and nullify each other. However, if a pair is formed straddling an event horizon, one will manage to escape while the other will inevitably fall in. This process causes the black hole to gradually shrink until it ceases to exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking not only predicted the existence of this radiation, but also demonstrated that the smaller a black hole is, the faster it decays. This implies that a microscopic black hole created from particle collisions would have an incredibly short lifespan of approximately 10 to the power of minus 27 seconds. This duration is far too brief for it to grow into a dangerous size, which is somewhat reassuring. On the other hand, this also means that supermassive black holes will persist for an exceptionally long time, surpassing the current age of the universe by many orders of magnitude. Nevertheless, it is highly unlikely that we will come dangerously close to encountering one of these colossal entities within our lifetimes. Therefore, the only aspect of black holes that we cannot escape is discussing them, as we have just done in this story. Now that you have finished reading, you are well-informed on the topic and ready to delve deeper into the subject. If you are eager to learn more, we have a plethora of stories available for you to explore. Feel free to immerse yourself in those and let us know if this particular story has provided you with new insights into black holes, or if your mind was already brimming with knowledge. We are keen to produce more content that caters to all levels of understanding.


About the Creator

Turnos, Jyran Pat Sundy P.

I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.

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    Turnos, Jyran Pat Sundy P.Written by Turnos, Jyran Pat Sundy P.

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