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Successfully decoding the hundred-year-old mystery of Mona Lisa

Does the Mona Lisa painting have any mystery or is it simply a painting?

By Culture DiscoveryPublished 12 days ago 3 min read
Masterpiece "Mona Lisa" by the great artist Leonardo da Vinci (painted from 1503–1506)

Mona Lisa painting

Mona Lisa (La Gioconda by La Joconde, Chân dung Lisa Gherardini, see Francesco del Giocondo) is a 16th-century portrait painted in oil on a poplar panel in Florence by Leonardo da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. The work is owned by the French Government and is currently displayed at the Louvre museum in Paris, France as Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo.

The painting is a half-portrait and shows a woman whose facial expressions are often described as mysterious. The ambiguity of the model's expression, the strangeness of the half-face composition, and the mystery of the formal patterns and the air of fantasy are novel qualities that contribute to the painting's fascination. painting. It is perhaps the most famous painting ever stolen and returned to the Louvre. Few other works of art have been the subject of so much scrutiny, study, mythologization and imitation.

Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" has had an indescribable appeal to the scientific and artistic world for hundreds of years.

It has been more than 500 years since the day excellent product"Mona Lisa" of the great almighty artist Leonardo da Vinci was born, the scientific and artistic world around the world continues to decode the mysteries contained in her eyes, eyebrowless eyes and smile.

Golden ratio on Mona Lisa's face: The face fits within a golden rectangle and the structure of the rest of the painting is also structured in a golden spiral.

Her unpredictable ambiguity and Da Vinci's skillful drawing are always attractive topics in the research works of scholars as well as in the works of the art world. half a millennium past.

Among the mysteries hidden in Da Vinci's paintings are: "Mona Lisa's Mood" is a challenge for both art lovers and experts in medicine, psychology and physics "dissect" Most.

Successfully decoding the hundred-year-old mystery of Mona Lisa

Recently, German neuroscientist Jurgen Kornmeier, PhD, from the University of Freiburg (Germany) has made the latest discovery about emotional expression on Mona Lisa's face.

Speaking to AFP (France) news agency, Dr. Juergen Kornmeier and his colleagues said that after conducting the experiment, the team concluded thatMona Lisa is completely happy

To understand how this discovery surprised German experts, we must compare it with research published by scientists from the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and the University of Illinois (USA). 2005:

Mona Lisa's face is full of emotions "happy-sad-love-hate", Specifically, her face shows 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% scared, 2% angry, less than 1% neutral and 0% surprised.

Mysterious smile for hundreds of years.

For many years now, scholars have commented, at first glance"Mona Lisa", you will see her smiling sweetly, but the emotion on her face will gradually turn sad or a bit arrogant if we look at her for a long time.

Returning to Dr. Juergen Kornmeier's research team, using the method of analyzing all facial elements (eyes, smiles) to evaluate emotions on people's faces as well as studying the drawing of Mona. Lisa, the research team moved Mona Lisa's mouth from many different angles to create 8 changing images of the corners of Mona Lisa's mouth.

The research team moved Mona Lisa's mouth from many different angles to create eight changing images of the corners of Mona Lisa's mouth.

Eight different images showing the movement of the corners of her mouth were evaluated about 30 times by a volunteer team of 12 experts.

"Nearly 100% of the experts participating in the evaluation believe that Mona Lisa IS smiling. She really IS happy. Although there is a hint of sadness, that is what makes Da Vinci's work even more attractive to us. us more than ever", concluded Dr. Juergen Kornmeier, head of the study.

Explaining from a psychological perspective, Dr. Juergen Kornmeier said, our brain does not have a 100% accurate distinction between happy or sad emotions when observing the other person's face to understand. Whether that person is sad or happy depends on the context.

The research team at the University of Freiburg (Germany) is pleased to announce:

"With his outstanding talent, Da Vinci created a masterpiece of painting. Although the painting still contains many mysteries, we have decoded one of the hundred-year-old mysteries of Mona Lisa and concluded:Her face expressed happiness."

"You have to meet her in person before you can understand why she is so mysterious and extremely attractive!", Pascal Cotte - a French art expert commented.


About the Creator

Culture Discovery

Mysterious things are always an attractive topic and stimulate people's curiosity. From unexplained supernatural phenomena, mysterious ancient relics, to mysterious and dark stories the world is full of mysteries waiting to be discovered.

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