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Sir Keir Faces Rishi.

Fishy Rishi: A Dangerous Opponent?

By Nicholas BishopPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Labour leader: Sir Keir Starmer.

At the moment the Labour party is riding high in the polls. If there was a general election the Conservatives would be all but obliterated. Labour has enjoyed a lead in the polls for some time now. When Liz Truss and Chancellor Kwarteng delivered the mini-budget many saw how unfair it was. It was scrapped apart from the odd detail by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt. Hunt was brought in by Truss to stabilize the financial markets after Kwarteng was sacked by Truss. When Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister he retained Mr. Hunt as Chancellor. It is thought that Sunak and Hunt will delay any budget statement for now as the two of them discuss it.

Sir Keir will be facing his third Conservative Prime Minister this year. Each time no doubt, Sir Keir has to prepare his attack based on the character of his opponent. Also, find a chink in the armour of the government's policies.

It seems with Hunt and Sunak at the helm according to Sky News the markets have settled down a bit. The panic that was there when Truss and Kwarteng were there has evaporated. However, stories of inflation and recession are swirling around but we will have to see what happens.

Sir Keir has warned his party, however, not to take the Labour lead for granted. Sir Keir warned his party that Sunak is not Truss. Sir Keir said the appointment of Sunak as Prime Minister may give the Tories a bounce in the polls. Allowing them to decrease the Labour lead somewhat. Whether this will happen will unfold or not in the time ahead.

Sir Keir spoke at length about his new political opponent. Sir Keir said that Sunak knifed Johnson in the back because he thought he could do better. Labour's plan of attack will be to attack Sunak personally. Highlighting his lack of understanding of the working class and his status as the richest man in parliament. Personal attacks can be nasty and Labour could be excused on this occasion as they ultimately want to oust Sunak. They will use everything at their disposal including the kitchen sink to attack Sunak. Politics is a dirty business but it is what it is.

Sir Keir warned his shadow cabinet not to be taken in by Sunak. In the fact that Sunak will try and distance himself from the time of Boris. However, whichever way Sunak tries to paint it and twist and turn he was part of it. Sunak has essentially brought back those ministers who sat with him around Johnson's cabinet table. For example, Dominic Raab has been re-appointed as Deputy Prime Minister. However, Business Secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg has gone departed before he was pushed no doubt. Sunak has culled many ministers who served under Truss and that's not surprising. Suella Braverman Home Secretary under Truss who resigned from her post has been reinstated. This has caused consternation among some in the Tory party and outside.

This morning Mr. Sunak will have had his first cabinet meaning. After that the new Prime Minister will be driven to the House of Commons. Whereupon Rishi Sunak will face Sir Keir Starmer at his first Prime Minister's Questions. It is thought Michael Gove who has also been brought back will be coaching Sunak over this.

Sir Keir has told his cabinet to be unrelenting in their attacks on Sunak. Sir Keir said, "he is the chancellor who left the UK with the lowest growth and the highest inflation. Sunak left millions worried about their bill".

Finally, Sir Keir rounded up his statement to his shadow cabinet. Saying that Labour must not be "complacent, no caution, no letting up" in their war on this government.


About the Creator

Nicholas Bishop

I am a freelance writer currently writing for Blasting News and HubPages. I mainly write about politics. But have and will cover all subjects when the need arises.

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