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Rest is essential for a healthy long life

Prioritizing time to rejuvenate may be more important than you realize.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Rest is essential for a healthy long life
Photo by Haley Phelps on Unsplash

There will always be exercise equipment, nutritional supplements, and miracle cures offered that cost money that promises to improve our health, There is one thing, however, that we can do that will not cost us anything but ay add years to our lives and life to those years. As we head into a New Year there is one thing that will make such a huge difference and that is prioritizing time to allow our bodies to heal naturally.

A am a witness to the power of rest but I do not always make time for it. Sometimes work schedules, grandchildren, appointments etc. can rob me of the precious downtime that is needed. There is nothing wrong with exercising with equipment, utilizing nutritional supplements, or trying a promising new cure but you may not need them if you only take the time to allow your body to relax and do what it was created to do.

If your daily schedule has you falling into bed at night without winding down and waking up to another full day your body cannot rest. I am a witness that taking at least 10 minutes out of the day to just close my eyes and do nothing is beneficial. Not everyone can afford a SPA day or a trip to the mountains, or a cruise. Rest is something that everyone can take charge of in the New Year and allot specific time for it.

I can recall times I was sitting still watching a good movie or television show and the phone would ring or someone in the house would need me. When I got up it was as if a spell had been broken and when I sat back down I could not get into that zone again. Without realizing it I was in a place of total relaxation and my rest was broken when I stood up and began an activity.

Studies and news reports continue to tell us that COVID has increased the amount of stress that Americans are dealing with. It does not help that many business establishments have reduced their hours or are short-staffed. I have witnessed employees and managers walking off of jobs while I waited for a fast-food order at local restaurants. Sometimes the inside will be closed and drive-through lines are backed up with about 15-20 cars in them. An excursion that used to take me 15 minutes may now take up to an hour.

By Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

I have noticed that when I read a good book or watch a fun movie that I feel so much better than I did prior to sitting down. My body has been telling me the importance of relaxation but I have been to busy to notice.

According to Integreshealtha, long-term untreated stress can lead to anxiety, digestive issues, headaches, chest pains, depression, the inability to focus, and changes in sexual desire. The website also lists 6 specific benefits to obtaining rest on a daily basis and they are:

1. A decrease in anxiety and stress

2, Relief from chronic pain

3. A strong cardiovascular system,

4. Improvement in mood

5. Lower blood pressure

6. An improvement in immune health

I am a witness that all the above is true. I find that when I take a nap, get a good night's sleep, take a few moments to sit still or simply deep breath that I am not as short tempered as I was before. My mood improves as well as my mental clarity. When I am on the go all the time I become forgetful, make mistakes, and drop things. Thus far by the grace of God, I have not been diagnosed with any cardiovascular issues and I can walk up to 4 miles without any issues.

I went through a period in the 1990s where whenever I was not able to rest I had chronic pain in all four corners of my mouth in my gums along with extreme pressure in my left eye. I initially was prescribed medication but over time I realized that this was associated with lack of sleep and rest.I have found that my blood pressure drops significantly after I sit still for about 10 minutes and breathe deeply. When I can I close my eyes which assists in relaxation.

In recent years I have dealt with acid indigestion, and acid reflux which at times would cause me to vomit, cough of mucus and my eyes would water and my nose would run. The doctor put me on allergy meds but eventually, I figured out that it was stress-related. Instead of panic attacks, whenever my body became overwhelmed all the above would happen at one time. My eyes would water and it would sting and burn as I was blowing my nose and hawking up phlegm that appeared out of nowhere.

By Lux Graves on Unsplash

Th acid would rise up to my mouth, I would cough violently, have dry heaves and eventually actually throw up. At night when I law down the indigestion was so bad, I could not sleep and was miserable. My son recently purchased new living room furniture for me and just sitting on the comfortable new chair or cough relaxed my body. After a few days all the above symptoms began to subside. I was amazed because I was on my way to spending a fortune on the doctor, antacids, motion sickness medication, and allergy pills.

If the symptoms I have described had remained unchecked they each could have led to serious illnesses because they were wreaking havoc on my body, especially my throat. My goal is to simply sit in my new chair or curl up on the couch and do nothing at least 10 minutes each day. I will do my best to unwind at night, turn off the lights and allow my body to rest prior to falling asleep. I had to learn the hard way that my body will betray me when I don't get proper rest.

By Sid Leigh on Unsplash

I am also finding that at 63 I do not sleep at night as long as I used to and many other older women have told me the same. To combat this I am going to practice walking slowly and doing things during the day without rushing so that I am not exerting unnecessary energy. When I find myself in a long line in a store I will take deep breaths and count backward from 10. When in the drive-through I will close my eyes and relax by listening to comforting music. If I cannot enjoy the sunset in an exotic location I can bathe in the sunshine at a local park while seated on a bench and obtain Vitamin D which improves mood.

In time all of these coping mechanisms will become natural and I will do them without even thinking about it and my body will thank me by rewarding me with better health and mental clarity. I may not be able to get to the beach or lounge in a pool but I can close my eyes and see myself there. Longing for a cruise or trip to Hawaii when I cannot afford it will only add stress so I will live in the moment and do what I can because my mental and physical health is worth it. I will begin the New Year with the simple things that make the most difference and reap the benefits.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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