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Did you know?

By Frankie BrianPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

Most people are certain that people just have five senses however that is not completely obvious. Taste, contact(touch), smell ,sight and hearing aren't the only ones we have. Researchers guarantee that individuals have somewhere in the range of 9 and 20 senses altogether. These include: Thermoception - the feeling of warmth, equilibrioception-the feeling of balance, there's additionally the feeling of time albeit not everyone seems to have the last one.

We used to think that they were just eight different blood types but in reality there are over 30 known blood group systems.

For every pound of fat you gain you generate one mile of new blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to your body.

Your stomach produces a new lining every 6 days to avoid digesting itself.

Nerve cells transmit 1,000 nerve impulses a second, they travel between 1 and 268 m per hour.

Our DNA contains 100,000 viruses scientists have discovered, one that goes back 100 million years.

Your body emits visible light.

You're the brightest at 4:00 p.m. and your glow is the least visible at 10:00 a.m. Unfortunately this glowing is 1,000 times less intense than what your eyes can see.

Sweat is mostly water mixed with proteins, sugars, ammonia and a lot of other stuff it even contains tiny amounts of trace metals like copper, zinc ,nickel, iron and so on. What makes sweat taste salty is the sodium it contains plus the more salt you eat the saltier. Your sweat is your body's trying to get rid of the excess and the fastest way is to sweat it out.

If you walked 2 mph, you'd have to walk for 20 hours straight to lose one lb.

It would take you 518 days and 8 hours to circle the equator.

Ear wax isn't actually wax, it contains fat skin cells sweat and dirt.

Your brain gets three times bigger over the first year of life and reaches its full maturity when you're 25. 60% of it is fat.

Your brain generates around 23 watts of electrical power which is enough to run a small light bulb.

Humans can't really multitask, your brain can't perform more than one action at the same time. It switches between them which doesn't save time as you might think but increases the possibility you'll do something wrong and makes the process longer.

When you have an exam to take or you're at work trying to focus on an important task try chewing gum research showed it can help you stay concentrated for longer on tasks that require your full attention. Studies even say that it's a better test aid than caffeine. There's nothing special in the gum but the AC of chewing wakes your brain up the effect doesn't last long though just for 20 minutes minutes.

Embryos develop fingerprints at 3 months.

Your bones are four times harder than concrete. The strongest bone in your body is the femur, it can support up to 30 times the weight of a grown-up person ,even crazier is that our bones are made up of composite material, meaning they're both hard and elastic at the same time.

Sunburn is the result of radiation exposure when your body's natural defense mechanism gets overwhelmed trying to fight UV rays a toxic reaction occurs that results in sunburn.

Do you know there's a type of rose that can grow taller than people, according to the Guinness Book of World Records the tallest rose bush ever found grew in Vienna, Austria it was a staggering 28 1/2 ft tall.


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    FBWritten by Frankie Brian

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