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People around The Globe are Having Dreams about The Return of Christ

The Return of Christ

By Kris ArquillaPublished about a year ago 6 min read
People around The Globe are Having Dreams about The Return of Christ
Photo by Ben Vaughn on Unsplash

People of all ages around the entire globe are having dreams about the return of Christ.

NOTE: In several of these dreams the term “rapture” is used. Many will challenge this term and say, “the word “Rapture” is not in the English translation of the Bible”. It is true that if you were to search all the 783,137 words in the King James Bible, you would not find the word “rapture.” However, you would find the doctrine of the Rapture. The word Rapture comes from the Latin Vulgate (which is the Latin Bible) rendering of “raptus” from which we get the popular term “Rapture.” So if you were reading your Latin Bible and you got down to verse 17 you would see raptus, rapture. That’s where the Bible teaches the Rapture. So there’s a bit of education for those who have never read the Latin Bible.

Below is the dream that Catherine had. She is a 9-year-old girl from Indonesia

1. On the night of September 18th, 2020 Catherine had a very long dream, which was the fourth time she had the same dream. She had a series of dreams. The first was short; a few weeks later, she had a second dream, which was a repetition of the first dream, plus more things shown to her. The third dream was exactly the same as the second dream. Not understanding the dreams, she asked God to give her the same dream again. That’s when on September 18, 2020, God gave her the fourth dream with a lot more shown to her.

I dreamt that I was lying in bed with my sister, while my mother read Bible stories as usually, she did. Suddenly, there was a large, and dark microchip flying into the room through the open window. It flew across our faces and continued through the bedroom door, out into the dining room, making a hollow on the table. The front door was opened and there stood Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci and three guards One of them said, Well, well, well there are people here needed to be vaccinated. First dream ended.

When they tried to vaccinate us, all of a sudden, we were raptured very quickly. I heard them say, We should have vaccinated them earlier. As we were raptured, we could see tall buildings, while we were crossing the cloud’s layers in the sky, I saw God, but not His face, for it was very bright. I saw angels and millions of people. I could see guardian angels. They were handsome and tall. When we got to space, our clothes changed to white overalls (robe). We were no longer in family’s ties. Everyone was called by their real names. Older people looked younger, everyone looked prettier. When we were being raptured, I saw what was happening on earth. I saw many people from various countries being raptured. The shofar continued sounding as people were raptured, until all was raptured. The trumpet sounding was followed by thunder sounding very loud, perhaps 20X louder than the usual. Other countries experienced it first, then Indonesia. The hail caused the flood water level to get higher. I saw large sharks in the water preying on people floating on water. I also saw jelly fish sting people with very painful stings. From the sky, we followed the Lord ascending to heaven. The gates of heaven were white or gold and the roads were of gold. In heaven, we fought Satan with Bible verses. The more Scriptures that he heard, the more that he was pushed down. I saw President Donald Trump being elected as the President of America. Several nuclear bombs exploded in America. I watched Bill Gates go to schools all over the world to vaccinate children. Several children ran away from him. The microchip was given together with the vaccine.

Lynne: United States

I am 60 years old, and I had my rapture dream when I was ten years old. It was so intense and vivid and real that it has remained with me still today as clear as it was then.

I was a young child, and I was standing near a field where we lived. I could see the apple trees in the meadow and the tall golden grasses. Our neighbor’s house was in the distance.

Suddenly, I heard a trumpet faintly at first building into a crescendo. I looked up into the sky and saw a huge cluster of fluffy white clouds.

Jesus himself was in the forefront of the clouds sitting on a brilliantly white horse, and angels who held gleaming golden trumpets surrounded him. I was so fascinated, in my childlike way, and gloriously happy.

Then, the vision started to fade, but I heard these words, “You will not die. You will see my return.” And with that, the dream ended but the overwhelming reality of it has lingered with me all these years, and I think of it more often these days catching myself looking into the sky awaiting his return.

Alyssa: South Africa

Excerpts from Alyssa’s dream:

On the 8th of February 2023, I had a dream about the Rapture.

But in a split second, it moved like a flash of lightning, and suddenly, we were caught up in the rapture; our feet left the earth as we ascended into the clouds. My husband was holding my hand, and I was holding my son’s hand; I looked up at my husband and said, “Babe, this is it; we’re going to heaven”.

A supernatural feeling of power lifted us from the ground into the sky. “Stuff” people had, like material possessions, just fell off them and back to the earth as we moved upward. We saw many people, and then we got to a place with many rooms filled with people from all countries.

Nicola: India

It was the most terrifying dream ever: “I was at the top floor with all of my family members. The sky was grey, and there was no sun or moon to be seen. It looked exactly as though it was about to rain. it was not raining actually, but the sky was dark.

We all knew the rapture was going to happen. I quickly asked the people around me for their forgiveness for all the things I had done wrong.

Then I prayed, asking for forgiveness. After I was done praying, I was quite nervous, for fear I might be the only one left behind.”

Then, to my expectation, the others vanished. I stood there alone. I was left behind. I would rather die than see this in reality.

Zelda: South Africa June 25, 2022

I saw this bright light in the sky and heard trumpets, and when I looked next to me, my daughter and husband began to float upwards next to me, and while floating upwards, there was this big beautiful cloud with gold color around the edges.

We floated up to the cloud, and there were thousands of people on this cloud and many clouds around us. And I remember I felt so much joy and peace, but I also cried.

As I cried, Jesus came to stand next to me and asked why I was sad, and I looked down and said so many were left behind; he hugged me, and I woke up.

But in the morning, my 10-year-old daughter came to me and said mommy, I dreamed Jesus came to take me away on a cloud.

Tashi China

Last night, I dreamed about Jesus coming back to Earth. There were many angels in the cloud; I saw a red hole and a white hole, and the angels were taking the people in the hole. I think the two holes were heaven and hell.

Elizabeth: United States

I was standing on the ground outside looking up at the sky and saw Jesus standing on a cloud. I knew He was coming for his church/bride. I also knew that I was going to be left behind.

I remember calling out to him, but he could not hear me. Or he had turned his face from me as if he never knew me. I had this awareness in the dream that the only ones he could hear were the ones that were being taken up.

All the people that were left, he could not hear them. He did not hear their cries because he had turned his face away from them. It was a very sad and extremely scary feeling. I knew that dream was a warning. It had to be.


Act 2:17 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: “




About the Creator

Kris Arquilla

I enjoy writing articles about business, finances, family and faith.

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    Kris ArquillaWritten by Kris Arquilla

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