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Nine stars in a row, when disaster strikes, is this statement true?

Nine stars in a row, when disaster strikes

By nally norrisPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

When it comes to peculiar astronomical phenomena, I don’t know what will be the first thing that comes to your mind? For this question, I believe everyone will have a different answer, but "Nine Stars Lianzhu" will most likely appear in everyone's answers.

But in fact, what is Jiuxing Lianzhu? Is Jiuxing Lianzhu related to disasters? Will it affect the earth? As well as issues such as the celestial bodies that really affect the earth, most people are not very clear. Therefore, let's take a look at it together, whether it is true that the rumored day of the Nine Stars Lianzhu, when the disaster on earth comes, is not true.

In many film and television works, we can all hear the word "Nine Stars Lianzhu". But from the perspective of the development of modern astronomy, the so-called Jiuxinglianzhu should actually be an astronomical term in modern times. After all, the Nine Stars Lianzhu refers to the appearance of the nine planets arranged in a straight line on the same side of the sun, and the discovery of the nine planets is an achievement made only by modern astronomical observations.

Pluto, in particular, was not discovered by Clyde Tombaugh until February 18, 1930, and is considered the ninth largest planet in the solar system.

After 2006, the International Astronomical Union redefined the planet, excluding Pluto from the planetary sequence. It can be seen that between 1990 and 2006, there may be a saying that nine stars are in a row, but after 2006, this view is more far-fetched.

Therefore, like the so-called nine-star series in many costume film and television works, there is a high probability that it is wrong. You must know that in that era, humans simply did not have any ability to observe subsequent planets. In the astronomical records of our country, the cognition of the solar system only stays in the sun, the moon and the five planets of the solar system (gold, wood, water, fire and earth).

Under such circumstances, the maximum number of planets that the ancients could infer should actually be "five-stars", that is, the peculiar astronomical phenomenon in which five planets appear on the same side of the sky at the same time.

In the history of our country, the first recorded five-star series appeared in the second year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty. After Si Tianjian observed the five-star series, ancient historians, in order to make future generations think that Emperor Han’s accession to the throne was in accordance with the will of God, they The original second year of Emperor Gaozu was changed to the first year of Emperor Gaozu.

After that, in the first year of Empress Lv's proclaiming system and when Wu Zetian proclaimed emperor, the phenomenon of five stars in a row had appeared. It's just that as far as these two phenomena are concerned, the former is very reluctant even if it actually occurs. After all, the period of Emperor Gaozu and the period of Empress Lu are not far apart, and the probability of "five-star series" recurring is too small.

Although the latter was observed by Si Tianjian, the historian did not record it. The main reason for such a situation is that during the feudal dynasty, the ancients rejected the idea of ​​women calling themselves emperors. If you add the gimmick of "complying with God's will", it will be even more unacceptable.


So after the appearance of Jiuxing Lianzhu, is it related to the disaster on earth? In fact, this is entirely the subjective thinking of people at work. If people think that the nine-star renju indicates that disaster is coming, many people will agree with such a statement; but if, like the "five-star renju", everyone thinks that this is an auspicious omen, then the saying that the disaster is coming in the world is purely nonsense. talk about it.

In fact, not to mention that this situation has any connection with human disasters, the possibility of such a situation occurring can be said to be extremely small.

From the previous article, we learned that the so-called planetary phenomenon refers to the astronomical phenomenon when the planets appear on the same side of the sky and are arranged in a straight line.

But even if we revisit Pluto as one of the planets in the solar system, this phenomenon is simply not possible. Due to the limitation of astronomical development, the ancients just imagined that these planets were all in a straight line. But anyone who understands modern astronomy knows that in the solar system, although the planets revolve periodically around the sun, they are not on the same plane.

In such a case, the planets can never be perfectly aligned, even if they all appear on the same side of the sky. And the reason why we hear the phenomenon of several stars appearing in a certain year is mostly because astronomers have relaxed their requirements and only make judgments based on the fact that several large planets appear on the same side of the sky at the same time.

It can be seen that in the absence of the phenomenon of Jiuxing Lianzhu, the statement related to the disaster is completely nonsense, and there is no place where the two can be linked.

Many people may wonder, is it possible that Jiuxingrenzhu may have an impact on the earth like the "butterfly effect" and eventually lead to disasters on the earth?

Regarding this speculation, the first thing we should know is that the butterfly effect refers to a small change in initial conditions in a dynamic system, which eventually drives a long-term and huge chain reaction of the entire system. In the huge system of the solar system, the appearance of the nine-star series is obviously not a so-called small change.

Impact on Earth?

In fact, even if the situation of Jiuxing Lianzhu really occurs, it will not have much impact on the earth. Perhaps in the opinion of many people, when the nine planets appear in a straight line on the same side of the sky at the same time, the superimposed gravitational force will definitely cause certain pressure on the earth's environment.

But what we need to know is that in terms of the gravitational force received by the earth, the gravitational force of Jupiter felt by a 100 kg person at the equator is about 0.000037N. As far as this value is concerned, the human body will not feel anything at all.

This is true for the most massive planet in the solar system, not to mention the impact of other planets on Earth.

Therefore, even if it is a series of nine stars, superimposed to exert a gravitational force on the earth, it will not have any effect on the earth's environment. The reason why there are nine stars in a row, and the rumors and speculations that disasters on earth are coming, are mostly fictions from the online world. After more and more people were suspicious of the propaganda, people gradually became wary of such claims.

celestial bodies that affect the earth

So in the solar system, what are the celestial bodies that can really affect the earth? In fact, the answer is very simple, that is, the sun and the moon are two different celestial bodies. Compared with the rumored "Nine Stars Lianzhu", the "every move" of these two celestial bodies will affect our human life at any time.

First of all, from the perspective of the sun, if there is no sun to supply heat, then the earth we live in today will definitely be an "ice ball".

In such an environment, not to mention that human civilization can reach its current height, even the simplest form of life would hardly appear on Earth. And the so-called solar system is likely to be a completely dead galaxy.

It is precisely because of the existence of the sun that the earth's surface temperature, atmospheric water movement and biological activities have been basically guaranteed, and human life has a source of energy. More importantly, as the most massive celestial body in the solar system, the gravitational effect of the sun on the earth is definitely far stronger than the gravitational effect of other planets on the earth.

Therefore, instead of paying attention to the so-called "nine stars", we might as well pay attention to the related changes of the sun. After all, no matter how the nine planets change, as long as it remains in its own planetary orbit, it has nothing to do with our earth. But as long as the sun changes accordingly, the earth's environment will inevitably be affected.

Secondly, from the perspective of the moon, many people may think that the moon does not provide light and heat energy for the earth, and it does not have enough mass, so why does it also affect the earth?

In fact, the answer is very simple, that is, the distance between the moon and the earth is too close. Under such circumstances, the influence of the moon on the earth is naturally greater than the influence of other planets on the earth.

To give a simple example, when two magnets with different magnetic forces attract the same iron block, although one of the magnets has a stronger magnetic force, because of the distance, its effect on the iron block is not as good. Magnetite with less magnetic force but closer distance.

From here, it is enough to make a judgment. Instead of focusing on the "Nine Stars Lianzhu", it is better to pay more attention to the changes of the sun and the moon.


About the Creator

nally norris

Science needs fantasy, invention is expensive

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