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Night train

1. Seventeen hours. In the dormitory room of Song Phan road workers, a man in his thirties was checking the tools in his bag for the last time. When he was sure that the wrenches, hammers, flags, flares, and flashlights were complete, he quickly walked up to the palace chief's room to receive orders, sign them, and begin the night shift patrol that lasted until three in the morning. People in Song Phan often call him by his familiar name: Do the rails - associated with work, or Do walking, if they call him jokingly to tease him. No matter what nickname you call him, he always smiles kindly. His skin is soaked, his face is dark from exposure to rain and sun, and the way he smiles reveals bright white teeth that look like a sunny smile. But Do often smiles, perhaps patrolling the road is lonely and silent, so he always cherishes the moments when he gets close to people.

By HK DecorPublished 4 days ago 20 min read

It started to get dark when Do walked about two kilometers. Holding a flashlight in his left hand, a bamboo stick in his right hand, a tool bag on his shoulder, his steps were brisk on the rails. Around him everything fell into darkness. Rubber trees covered with dark shadows, stretching far and wide; The undulating cashew gardens as high as two human bodies hiss loudly every time they catch a strong wind. Night road. The low slope led up to the high slope, both sides of the road were dark, the light from Do's flashlight was only enough to illuminate an empty space in front of him. The surrounding night seems like there is something deep and suspicious that the naked eye cannot clearly see. But that's not all, the dark night also has nature's friends that coordinate with each other rhythmically, creating a variety of sounds: the sound of the wind whistling through the trees, the sound of branches rustling and hitting, and especially the sound of the trees. Animals are active at night, growling and fighting for food, mates or personal territory that only they can understand. But the scariest thing is the echoing sound of owls calling at night, a sound that spreads death and sounds heartbreakingly sad. Twelve years ago, when he first started working as a railway patrolman, Do thought this job was very good, and compared it to the job of a doctor inspecting railway tracks: when detecting small damages such as loose bolts or screws. then tighten it; If you see trash lying on the rails, clean it up. If you encounter major incidents that could endanger the train, report it to the management for guidance... But then Do quickly realized the difficulty of road patrol work: loneliness and confusion. Alone, facing harsh nature. The Song Phan railway track is located deep in the Leaf Forest. In the dry season, the sun is so bright that it burns the skin, and in the rainy season, it is bone-chillingly cold, but whenever it's time to go, Do has to go, regardless of the weather. Just keep walking, face glued to the ground, checking the tracks. I walked so much that I felt like I knew my steps by heart. At first, Do kept counting his steps and was so frustrated that he wanted to quit his job, but after a few weeks of getting used to the routine, he couldn't quit. He kept thinking about his silent steps that contributed a little to keeping safe. for each train, for the thousands of passengers that warmed his heart.

After walking the fifth kilometer (on the journey of fourteen kilometers both there and back), he noticed the moon rising. The moon penetrated the silvery clouds, casting a shiny layer on the two rails, making him feel like each step he took was on a long ladder, moving towards the moon. At night, the moon is always a close friend of the patrolman. I know I'm not alone every time I see the moon. The moon follows every step he takes. The moon peeks out from behind the canopy of ancient trees. The moon also visits the ground when he looks down at the lake bed reflecting the moon's shadow, or at a stagnant puddle of water on the side of the road. The moon drifted endlessly and then settled down, stopping when the wind calmed down, and now the light helped him see the cemetery before him clearly. This is the Angel Cemetery, where the dead of the villagers living along both sides of the railway line are buried. Even though it was a familiar place that he passed by every day, he always had random thoughts every time he looked at the cemetery. He thought about life and death. That is a habit formed from external circumstances. What more appropriate place than the cemetery when we think about life and death? And every time he comes here, he gradually slows down and chooses an empty mound of land next to the railway track to sit and rest, looking at the clearly planned and divided graves. Every underground tomb is the same size. Do looked and suddenly he grinned. I remember reading in a book when I was in school that if you want to find an example of human equality, go to the cemetery and look for it. Before death, everyone is the same. He thought about it and continued to look at the vacant land, which had been divided into 1.5m x 4m plots, probably reserved for sale to the living who would die. When living, people are often greedy, trying to accumulate as much wealth as possible for themselves, but when they die, all they need is a small plot of land.

Do was just sitting there, tired and contemplating life, when suddenly he was startled when he saw a dark shadow walking from the cemetery toward the railroad tracks. It was almost twelve o'clock at night, it was extremely strange for someone to appear in the cemetery.


Mr. Uoc came to Ho Chi Minh City to attend the Railway Industry Union conference as former Chairman and guest of honor. Although he has been retired for more than a decade, at the age of seventy, he is still very agile and has a clear and generous voice that is true of a union leader during one of the golden ages of the railway industry. Being able to meet his colleagues in the industry to chat and review past memories is what makes him excited, but the happiest thing for him is going to Leaf Forest. When he was a leader, every time he went to work in the southern region, he went to the Leaf Forest, so often that people often joked that Mr. Uoc was addicted to the Leaf Forest. But after leaving his post, he had not had a chance to return to visit the old railway for ten years, so he took advantage of the opportunity to go to the South this time.

During Mr. Uoc's time, in the early eighties, getting to the Leaf Forest area from Ho Chi Minh City to Thap Cham was very difficult and arduous. If you want to go to Leaf Forest, you have to go by wagon, trains don't park and cars can't get in. Now traveling is easy, only four hours by train or by car. Close friends knew of his intentions and offered to arrange a car with a private driver to take him there for convenience, but he was afraid to ask for help and refused. In a loud voice, he said, "I've been eating on the railway for decades, why do I have to take my own car?" Besides, after ten years of separation, he wanted to sit on the train to observe the route he once shared in his youth, and especially to relive past memories. Older people often like to be nostalgic, so his friends were not surprised when Mr. Uoc chose the train, they were just surprised at the seat location. Ship cockpit. He sat right behind the main driver and co-pilot of the train.

The train's main driver is about forty years old, his hand never leaves the horn button or brake lever, his face is calm and always attentive and highly focused. The main driver has more than a decade of experience in the industry, and through the train captain's words, he more or less understood Mr. Uoc's excitement when choosing to sit in the cockpit. But the co-driver was different, he was young, new to the profession, on a relatively safe road because there were no civil crossings, the young man curiously started talking:

“Why don't you get in the sleeper car, take a good nap, and arrive at Song Phan station in about four hours. At the locomotive I only see noise, the train shakes and the pungent smell of oil, how can you feel comfortable?

Mr. Uoc smiled and looked at the young man, understanding his concern and questions. He slowly said:

“Since I retired, I've been doing nothing, and I've become crazy. In the past, when I worked for the trade union, I walked on my feet, going to Rung Leaf, Khe Net Pass, Hai Van Pass, then up to Ban Thi... What's the point in going such a short distance like this! Sitting here has the beauty of looking straight ahead. The train only has a panoramic view of this area, and I want to see it."

"Unfortunately, this time I took the night train." The main driver contributed to the story. “Maybe the conference lasts all day and you can't arrange it?”

“Traveling during the day is more interesting, but it's okay, the light of the train is enough for me. You also have to let your mind imagine a little."

The train left the inner city, its speed increased to seventy or eighty kilometers, the scenery passed quickly before Mr. Uoc's eyes. His eyes were still sharp, and he noticed that the scene was different, time had changed many things. National Highway 1A is parallel to the train line, the overall structure has not changed, but the difference is the vitality. Mr. Uoc realized that through the endless stream of vehicles lining up along the highway, houses growing close together and emitting a bustling, dynamic light. Leaf Forest is a place named before the liberation days, from Phan Thiet back to Saigon to Ong Don intersection. In fact, it is a vast mountainous area along the national highway, once a revolutionary base of a heroic time. But Rung La is more attached to him from the railway reconstruction movement. At that time, it had just been liberated. Following the call of the State, he and hundreds of young people enthusiastically set out for the Leaf Forest. It's a deserted area, but young people like him don't know what to fear. Everyone started building houses, camps, and railways. During the day, clear land for weeding and clearing bamboo; At night, hand in hand next to the red fire, they had group activities, singing songs and dancing, drowning out the sounds of tigers, leopards, wild animals... Then six months later the railway was opened. Thinking of this, suddenly his body trembled, a cold feeling surrounded his body. He remembered malignant malaria, yes, it was the sad note every time he thought about the past. Within just a few years, many of his fellow railway crew members were forced to leave the road due to illness, and some remained there forever. And he tried to stand firm even though he once suffered from malaria that caused him to lose his hair and become deaf in both ears. Some time after recovering from his illness, he was transferred to work, taking on many positions, and then more than ten years later he returned, this time as a union leader with the age of just over forty. Mr. Uoc helped fellow Rung Leaf railway workers solve a difficult problem that to this day, veterans associated with the railway industry still remember and tell each other during every after-party. ..

The train is passing through Xuan Loc, officially entering the legendary Leaf Forest. The ship's main driver was a quite sensitive man. Perhaps sensing Mr. Uoc's nervous mood, he immediately started a conversation:

"Forest of Leaves is only in memory," the main driver looked around on both sides of the road, speaking in a deep voice. "When I first started my career, when I passed through this area, there were vast forests."

“Yes, yes, I'm also thinking this. The scene lacks loose branches like coconut trees. Trees fall away over time, just like the name Leaf Forest...".

Mr. Uoc spoke clearly, but in his heart he could not help but feel a little sadness and regret for the past. The forests have been replaced by green carpets of sugar cane, cassava, cashew orchards, rich farms... And along the highway are colorful houses of a life with abundant wealth.

Looking at life changing for the better, the main driver suddenly remembered the hardships of the road workers on Rung La road that he heard about when he first started his job. Of course, their story is associated with a person's name. And now that person is sitting next to him. With undisguised admiration, the driver wanted to hear the story from the passenger's own mouth.

“Every time the train stops at Song Phan station, the elders sometimes mention you, about the trade union movement of the eighties. They said proudly: "The West" can't do it, but we can do it."

Hearing the main driver recall a proud memory, Mr. Uoc's face brightened. The crow's feet at the corners of his eyes seemed to dilate, his face turned pink. Mr. Uoc laughed and said in a cheerful voice:

“They're right! Right from the time when France was still in charge, the water problem remained unresolved. Railway workers in Rung Leaf area still have to collect water from streams and collect rainwater, which is very difficult to use after going to work. Even when I go to bed for three or four days without water for bathing, I have to wait until I get to bed to have water."

"What, lacking clean water and having to use spring water for daily activities is not hygienic!" The co-pilot heard this and gave his opinion.

"Thinking about going on patrol and repairing tracks all day, sweating profusely without water, it's really tiring!" The main driver contributed to the story.

"That day on a business trip to the Leaf Forest, I kept thinking, why can't there be water?". Mr. Uoc's voice was slow, as if leisurely recalling the past. “Meanwhile, in other mountainous areas, water can still be found. Letting the workers suffer like that because of the country, how can they do good work? So I decided to find water for my brothers."

But determination is one thing, Mr. Uoc recalled, Rung Leaf has many stations and many roads: after Sinh River, then Phan River, Ta Mon, Suoi Van... the whole area is located deep in the mountains and forests. Mr. Uoc and his brothers had to drill and explore many places to find underground water. Only by finding the water source can we solve the core water problem. But many times Mr. Uoc had to hesitate because the terrain here in the mountains and forests was very difficult to drill wells. Many times he tried to drill deeply but could not find the vein, so he had to give up to explore elsewhere. Just like that, a lot of sweat poured down with each drilling stroke, the survey area also narrowed, and just like that, a year later, the first drilled well found water. The powerful stream of water flowing from the ground has satisfied the thirst of railway workers in Leaf Forest for many years. Needless to say, Mr. Uoc's pride and joy. Leaf Forest is a very meaningful land to Mr. Uoc, once a young man, some workers from the railway reconstruction movement still cling to this place, including those who had to die. Because of malignant malaria, his body has now merged into the ground. Many times Mr. Uoc asked the question, in an idealistic and respectful way: were it his fallen comrades in the past who showed him the way and cherished his every step in finding underground water? The Western guy is very good at geology, but he couldn't help but give up! And he, as President of the union, together with his old comrades, did it. But it took another two years from the success of the first drilled well, and through countless surveys, dozens of stations and Rung La railway lines gradually found a water source from the drilled well. Mr. Uoc remembered and felt pride welling up in his heart.

*** Nearly twelve o'clock at night, the train was about ten kilometers from Song Phan station, Mr. Uoc's destination. As always, every time he visited the Leaf Forest he chose this station as a place to stop and visit friends. Mr. Uoc's mood right now is very excited, like the joy of a son who has been away from home for a long time being able to visit his hometown. Mr. Uoc was still attentively looking at the straight rows of dangling dragon fruit with light bulbs attached on both sides of the road when suddenly he heard the co-driver's voice screaming: "Pay attention... pay attention... There is someone ahead." ... the person in front”. And immediately, Mr. Uoc heard the sirens pressing loudly and the bells jingling. The co-pilot now leaned through the observation soon as he saw the dark figure standing in the middle of the tracks, he understood what was happening and immediately pulled the emergency brake. But the train was running at a speed of seventy kilometers, he understood that it could not stop immediately, the train just stopped and continued to rumble forward for another two hundred meters and then stopped completely. In the cockpit, the young man co-pilot was still shaking, his legs were shaking as if they were bumping into each other, then as if he had calmed down, he said out loud: "God bless you, the accident is over." !..”.

The main driver glanced at the clock, twelve o'clock and two minutes, just starting a new day. It's truly a miracle and a twist of fate. When he first started his career, the train driver himself experienced a terrible night, which is still imprinted in his memory to this day. That year, on the second day of Tet, he was driving the Thong Nhat train. He and his co-pilot were in quite an excited mood that day because they were about to reunite with their family. But when the train passed through the Central region, around ten o'clock at night, while the train was preparing to cross the residential crossing area, it discovered a woman in front holding a three-year-old child with a strange behavior. He tried to stay calm, performed all warning actions, pulled the horn and flashing lights, but it was ineffective. The woman still ignored her. She picked up her child and climbed onto the tracks, then suddenly sat down and stared in the direction of the train. And although he decided to make an emergency stop, the distance was too close, and the train coldly crashed straight into the mother and her child. For the next three months, the main driver could not sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, the image of a woman holding her child appeared clearly. All the time, his ears could hear the sound of train whistles and the scary sound of train wheels braking so quickly. He tried to calm down to overcome the shock, along with the medicine of time to heal wounds, silently raising his own spirit. But then one day, while driving the train past the site of the accident in the past, he looked through the car window and saw that he was on the old Thong Nhat train, and the woman holding her child in that accident was back. once again died in front of him. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Memories rushed back and he felt like he was watching the accident again on television. It was like a nightmare surrounding the train driver, haunting him endlessly.


When Do saw the figure in black clothes coming out of the cemetery onto the tracks, he felt guilty. It's so late at night in this deserted area, why is he here at this hour? While still stuck with a lot of questions in his head, Do heard the rustling, familiar sound of the train from afar. Like an instant reflex of a patrolman, he stood up, held up a flag in one hand, and held a lamp in the other, preparing to catch the train. But when his eyes looked towards the shadow, where the young man was walking proudly, not paying any attention to the sound and whistle of the train, calmly walking out into the middle of the tracks, his hands still on his hips. as if wanting to challenge death. Do immediately understood what was going on, he quickly threw the street lights, flags, and bags to the side of the tracks, and immediately rushed towards the guy. His reaction was so quick that he didn't have time to consider the pros and cons, because he understood that if he hesitated even a little, the price he would have to pay would be the life of that strange young man. Do ran quickly and then leaned forward, his eyes following the light emanating from the train. With a launch and a push from his hands, he exerted his strength, causing both bodies to fall to one side. .

What he knew next was that the train, with iron wheels screeching against two rails, passed him in an instant. Lying on the ground, his mouth was breathing heavily. He raised his eyes to look at the starry sky. He knew that he and the young man lying next to him had just luckily escaped death. He felt proud, not only of saving a life, but also of joy when he conquered himself. He is proud to know that he did not let the instinct of wanting to live interfere in the moment of life and death, because if he faltered and was indifferent for the sake of his own safety, he certainly did not put himself in danger. danger to save that stranger. But he knows his professional conscience does not allow him to behave like that. He couldn't ruin it and let his conscience torment him for the rest of his life. Lying for a while to recover, he heard the sound of the engine starting, and the train continued to roll. The light of the train slowly disappeared into the distance. But then Do felt strange when there was another, smaller, light source moving closer to him and the bored young man. As the light approached, Do recognized a man of medium build, although he appeared to be older, was striding nimbly up the sleepers, holding a flashlight he had just thrown on the side of the road, along with a flag. badge and bag moving towards him. Man wearing blue railway uniform.

Mr. Uoc approached the two strangers. The first thing he did was shine a light and look closely at the face of the young man who had just intended to commit suicide. This person was quite young, his skin was tanned, his melancholy and cloudy eyes flashed an angry look back at him, and he shouted:

“I just want to die! Yet you won't let me die!”

As soon as he screamed, the young man who was standing immediately rushed to the ground, his legs kicking and struggling like when he was a child.

The atmosphere was tense, and he had just narrowly escaped death, but seeing that scene, Do couldn't help but laugh. Mr. Uoc saw that and immediately winked, signaling him to keep quiet.

“Do you really want to die? You're still young, don't you feel bad about dying like that, son?" Mr. Uoc looked intently at the young man, then spoke mockingly.

Lying on the ground, angry at not being able to die, when he heard this, he jumped up and glared at the person opposite him.

“Who is your son and speaks so bluntly! Well, young people can't die, old man? If I die, what does it matter to you?

Mr. Uoc is an understanding person. With these types of boring cases, engaging him in conversation is also an initial success. Usually young people, once they want to die, will be determined to the end. He was able to escape the train he was on, but it wasn't quite the end. He knew there would be at least a few more trains passing by tonight. And where can I find a patrolman who will be there in time to save him? So Mr. Uoc decided to get off the train. With experience and knowledge, he thought that was the best way to save the young man and avoid the trains following him from encountering bad situations.

“Why don't you mind, son! If you die in a broken way, with your whole body falling into pieces and your brain scattered everywhere, who will clean up the body? Definitely a boy!”.

“Hey old man! - The young man's voice now raised, his face was annoyed and indignant, his cheeks were red. -I'll say it for the last time, there are no boys here! I already have a father, my father is still alive, who is his son that you address him like that?

"Right! Are there still three? - Mr. Uoc's voice was soft. So if the patrolman here hadn't saved you in time, the one with the white head would have sent the one with the green head away! When you stand in front of the train, do you think about your father?

Hearing this, the young man withdrew, his facial muscles relaxed and his eyes no longer glared at him like before. Then he remembered what he said, his whole body was crushed, his whole body was cut off... How would his father feel when he had to witness that scene?

Seeing that the young man's eyes were no longer dull and his face looked thoughtful, Mr. Uoc slowly advised:

“Listen young man, now come with me for a while. Song Phan Station is nearby. Once we get there, we'll slowly continue planning. Just now I was sitting on the train, because of you I had to get off, now please accompany me to the station. On the way we walked and talked. I know you're probably stuck, but who lives without encountering deadlocks at least once or twice? Every problem has a solution, especially when you are young, and maybe this old man can help you with something. I promise to find a way to help, there is nothing more precious in this world than your life, so believe me..."

Mr. Uoc kept speaking sincerely and kept talking, making the young man hesitant to leave or listen to him, but perhaps in this situation he did not know what to do or say, so in the end he had to let go. according to Mr. Uoc. Behind Mr. Do, he held a flashlight and followed, illuminating the path for two people, one old and one young, going in the opposite direction of Song Phan station. As he walked, Mr. Uoc continued to encourage and confide in small talk - the work he often did when he was in the railway union industry:

“Do you know, the place we are walking, before liberation, is the place of Leaf Forest, the revolutionary base of our people. So many bones and blood of our predecessors have fallen, they had to trade to have a free and prosperous life like today. So appreciating your life is the simplest way to be grateful for those great sacrifices. In life, we understand that the two most difficult things are living and dying. To live, we must strive for happiness, and to die, we must strive for peace...".

While talking passionately, Mr. Uoc stopped because he heard the rumble of a train preparing to pass from afar. Mr. Do straightened his clothes, continued to do his job of holding up lights and flags, and stood in a position to welcome the train safely through. An area of ​​light from the train swept across, radiating immense. Taking advantage of the light, Mr. Uoc looked closely into the boy's eyes. He felt relieved because from his eyes there was no longer the blank and dull look of someone determined to seek death to the end.

Song Phan Station is only about a kilometer away from Mr. Uoc.


About the Creator

HK Decor

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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    HK DecorWritten by HK Decor

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