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Interesting facts about dolphins

Importance of dolphins in nature

By Parveen Baloch Published 2 months ago 3 min read

Every living creature has a purpose in life. Nothing is useless in this world no matter whether we understand their purpose of existence or not. Like terrestrial land Ocean also comprises a variety of living creatures, which increases our excitement when we go for exploring it. Humans have found various ways to explore marine life such as scuba diving, snorkeling and cuboid Aquarius. From all creatures, there is one marine animal who is everyone's favorite, and we all like to see it. This marine animal is called dolphin. It is believed that human and dolphins are similar and dolphins mostly relates to humans. Dolphins have a streamline body, which helps them to swim faster than others creatures in the ocean. Most of the marine creatures' breath with the help of gills in water, but dolphin is the only animal which doesn't possess any gills. Dolphins breath with the help of lungs same as humans. For breathing they come on the surface of water, that's why mostly dolphins are seen on the surface of water.

There are around 49 species of dolphins in the world, from which 4 to 5 species live in rivers. The biggest species of dolphins is called killer whale, which is actually a dolphin. Its length is about 8 to 6 meters and can have a weight of 3000 to 4000 kg. And the smallest species of dolphin is hector's dolphin, whose length can be around 1.6 meters and weigh around 60 kg.

So these cute and fun-loving creatures are not only interesting for the purpose of amusement , but they also have an important purpose our nature.

Importance of dolphins

1. Dolphins are apex in marine food chain

Dolphins are on the top spot of ocean, seas and rivers food chain. Because they eat on other small creatures, and help to maintain their population. Because overcrowding of these creatures results in an imbalance in ecosystem. If dolphins were not, there would be a huge imbalance in marine life. It means they maintain the food chain of ocean ecosystem.

2. Dolphins keep marine ecology in check

Marine scientists believe that the presence of dolphins in a species area in the ocean tells about the health and living conditions of other creatures living in that area. Because if any alterations occurs in their habitat, they first distress the dolphins. So by this we can know that there is a problem in that habitat and steps must be taken to save the creatures of that area.

3. Dolphins keep diseases in control

Most of the dolphins prey to old and diseased fishes. By doing this, they save the water from infectious and disease spreading creatures. So there will remain only the healthy and reproducing organisms.

4. Dolphins can help in producing some medicine

Some species of dolphins such as bottle nose dolphin with the help of Coral reefs can treat themselves from microbial infections. It means we can find a solution to treat infection from dolphins.

Even after having so much importance, still the survival of dolphins is a huge environmental concern. Because some species of dolphins are listed in endangered and critically endangered species list. The dolphin such as Maui's dolphin who's only 55 members are Left and Indian Gangetic n is also an endangered species. 

The main reason behind dolphins' population decline is humans activities such as poaching dolphins for skin, the waste of industries in ocean and river and the construction of barrages and building which has disturbed their normal living conditions and habitats. Apart from this, extensive fishing activities has also declined their population in a huge number.


About the Creator

Parveen Baloch

MPhil/Zoology, Freelance writer

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