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Humpback whale swallowed man for 40 seconds, but still survived?

The reason why humpback whales eat people

By Patri NiniPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Humpback whale

Today, when brushing segments, inadvertently saw a message, a diver in the United States, in the process of normal diving, was surprisingly swallowed by a humpback whale bite. However, surprisingly, 40 seconds later the man was disgusted by the whale spitting out, that the body is not a big deal, had made a lot of people curious, why the whale did not bite him to eat him? Is the whale not eating people?

Humpback whales belong to large mammals, "humpback" name from the Japanese, means meaning wasabi, and describes the shape of the whale's body. They are generally about 15 meters long and weigh about 30 tons, with the largest growing to 60 tons, and newborn whale calves can weigh more than 2 tons. They often mischievously leap out of the water, are good at making complex calls, and do not look at their large size their temperament is docile, or warm-heated, usually, mainly eat not small fish and shrimp type for food.

Humpback whales and blue whales, like baleen whales, baleen whales are neatly baleen in the mouth, similar to a toothbrush, in addition, they do not have teeth. Because of the lack of teeth, they will not hunt large animals as food, because they can not bite and chew food, plus its esophagus is very narrow, and large food can not swallow, so they will choose small crustaceans or fish and shrimp as food.

Although the esophagus is narrow, the huge size is proportional to the mouth, it opens its mouth wide and can swallow 4.5 meters wide prey. Because it mainly preys on shrimps and fish, its huge suction can suck all the water around it, along with food, into its mouth. After that, it closes its mouth and then filters out the seawater through the toothbrush-like hair whiskers, and the fish all stay in its mouth and then swallow it into its stomach through its oral muscles.

The American diver who was swallowed by the whale described how he was working underwater when he suddenly felt a huge thrust that pushed him into a place where it was all dark around him. When he slowed down and felt something squeezing it, he was terrified and thought he was swallowed into the mouth by a great white shark, but he found that the animal had no teeth in its mouth and tried desperately to save himself in his mouth for fear of being swallowed into his stomach. It may be that the whale also felt uncomfortable, like something stuck in its mouth, it spits him out, which was thus rescued, before and after about 40 seconds lasted.

Experts believe that swallowed the diver is an immature humpback whale, not as large as the adult, but enough to swallow humans. The reason why the humpback whale attacked him was that the whale was feeding and did not see the diver, it just wanted to eat the small fish around it before it swallowed the human by mistake. As the whale could not swallow him into the stomach, usually spit out, so that for the whale is also a kind of protection, because there are no teeth, a lot of food swallowed into the stomach is still alive, if it is a large creature, there is also damage to their stomach.

The whale swallowed people not only happened this time. In last year's news reports, two women also happened in this way, fortunately not swallowed, the same as the whale mouth survived. Although humpback whales do not eat people, but also very dangerous, if squeezed for too long, resulting in unconsciousness in the deep sea, it is likely to be dangerous. So when diving, try to stay away from whales or shrimps to avoid being swallowed by mistake.

Humpback whales are very intelligent and often help other creatures, especially animals that are being attacked by orcs, because humpback whales and orcs have always had a grudge. The killer whales belong to the family Delphinium, and although they are not very harmful to adult humpback whales, they often bully young whales, and from time to time, young humpback whales are preyed upon by orcs. Probably out of hatred, humpback whales will come over and beat orcs even if they are a few kilo meters away when they hear the sound of orcs, and then go away.

It is such a habit, resulting in many times orcs preying on other animals, agreeing away from the humpback whales to save, but also known by humans as the ocean zealot. As for the specific reasons, it is not known, but citizens often tease humpback whales as the sea warrior, came to, not to beat you up also said.


About the Creator

Patri Nini

Pet groomers focus on the pet's self-media。

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