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Enlightenment? What?

True Buddhism

By John Charles HarmanPublished 15 days ago Updated 14 days ago 4 min read

Having practiced and studied Nichiren Shoshu True Buddhism for as many years as I have, as a lay person, I find it somewhat enjoyable discussing various concepts with people both online and in person though often it is far more difficult online. Online conversations can deteriorate quickly when people make assumptions and let their egos drive those assumptions. And also it seems certain people actually find pleasure in being wrong about things for a variety of reasons.

Over my 50 years of practice (Practice entails: Faith, Practice and Study) I have had discussions with a vast variety of people. Some have been Christian, other Buddhist schools, Muslims, and a whole lot of people that say they are atheist or agnostic. In general, I believe the internet has opened a vast amount of information for people that maybe did not have access to certain types of information before. At the same time Ihe amount of propaganda and constant false equivalencies has fueled a lot of people to believe in and promote ideas that are blatantly false. I am sure anyone reading this can offer many examples of their own.

Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism has extremely profound concepts that even well studied philosophy aficionados are amazed at. The well preserved doctrines passed down through a vibrant Priesthood for over 800 years is rare for any religion or philosophy. Because there is so much documentation and not all of it has yet to be translated from Japanese most long standing lay members rarely voice opinions or try to interpret doctrine. Muddying up profound concepts just because you can or even worse to promote “My Belief”, is definitely avoided by the vast majority of lay practitioners. Nichiren Shoshu Priests do not have time to be active on social media so mis information is allowed to continue.

I simply try to point out fallacies, misconceptions, or misinformation. I also like to show how various concepts that get spread around, mainly on social media, are based on false narratives. This often happens out of greed or self aggrandizement.

I recently wrote an article on AI explaining how the vastness of the platforms is going to allow truth to rise over the fallacies and propaganda we are all bombarded with since the inception of the internet.

So let’s discuss “Enlightenment” or in Buddhism “Buddhahood.” Wait, or maybe not? But why not?

Ok, let’s start from this concept that comes from, “Basic Terminology of Nichiren Shoshu”. (More is posted online at my domain usaBuddhism


(Sokushin jöbutsu)

The state of Buddhahood can be attained without discarding one's present form as a common mortal by practicing the Buddhism of the Three Great Secret Laws.

The Daishonin states in the "Reply to the Wife of Lord Ota" (" Ota dono nyôbo-gobenji"):

Tiantai and other great teachers conclude that attaining Buddhahood in one's present form is only possible through the Lotus Sutra. My disciples should never forget this.

(Gosbo, p. 1472)

In the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings, it is expounded that one must practice over a period of countless kalpas in order to attain Buddhahood.

However, the Lotus Sutra, which teaches the principle of ichinen sanzen (three thousand realms in a single life-moment), is the supreme teaching. It enables all people in each of the ten worlds to attain Buddhahood through the power of the Law without changing their present form.”

For me, there are a few things from that explanation that stand out.

“In the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings, it is expounded that one must practice over a period of countless kalpas in order to attain Buddhahood.” Wow, OK, so nearly all the information I see posted by people online is about the “Pre-Lotus Sutra teachings” I mean, when I looked up “Kalpas” I find that it is a long, long time! I doubt I can live that long and I definitely am not giving a donation to or following any person that tells me that!

Yet, we even have South East Asian Hinayana (pre-Lotus Sutra) cults, like the “Tiger Cult” that drugs and raises Tigers to sell their parts to China being promoted on online platforms because Beyonce and other celebrities have gone to their Temple to have photo opps with the Tigers irregardless of the fact that every animal rights group has condemned them and local authorities have fined them numerous times! That cult has raised a lot of money thanks to modern day social media and the celebrity worship narrative.

Now there are other terms in the quote that obviously I somewhat understand and most likely others reading this don’t understand but that is for another article.

The second thing that stands out as it relates to the title of this article is that nowhere do I see a description or definition of Enlightenment! Hmmm.

Interesting because if I scroll through social media posts I see Anna the Yoga Lady, Bruce the Mindfulness Expert, and Vicky who read some book by Alan Watts all telling me their definition of enlightenment! I mean, I do yoga for the stretching and health benefits. I try to be mindful. I have read Watts and just felt he plagiarized a lot of Buddhist concepts to make money.

So am I to believe “enlightenment” comes from an interpretation of the concept by a plethora of people promoting themselves online as enlightened so they can make a profit?

Well, I will tell you little secret that I have learned from my years of practice and study. This is actually what was taught by the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni, and all other Buddhas that preceded and followed him. (Oh, if you didn’t know, there have been, are presently and will be plenty of Buddhas or Enlightened Beings)

Enlightenment is only known and shared between the enlightened.

In more simple words.

It is not an intellectual exercise.


About the Creator

John Charles Harman

Award winning author/musician in Orlando, Florida. BS Kinesiology UCLA

Popular novels - Romantic/ Crime/Drama “Blood and Butterflies” in production for a TV movie.

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