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Engaging Facts About Dolphins

Dolphin facts

By william d'cruzPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Dolphin, a sea-faring friend has similar characteristics to humans. They are known to have very playful behavior and also have intelligence and their brain development is similar to humans. They are anthropomorphic having good intelligence and their brain development is similar to the human, similar characteristics like empathy and they mourn their dead. Being spectacular animals, they are full of magic and mystery. The spectacular cool facts about dolphins are described here.

Dolphins have no sense of smell yet they have extraordinary sense of touch. These creatures have a well developed sense of touch with great eyesight in and out of the water. They can hear frequencies 10 times as compared to any adult human, and use echolocation to locate hidden things underwater.

Amusement facts of dolphin

Dolphins are carnivores

They work and hunt in primitive communism and being carnivores they have teeth with strong gripping power. They have two abdomens for storage and digestion.

Unihemispheric slow-wave sleep dolphin

The term means that they sleep with only half of their brain. Becoming either motionless or swim slowly each side of the brain gets 4 hours of sleep. The purpose behind the breathing and this type of sleep is for their protection from higher predators. Also assists in maintaining body heat.

Dolphins live a long time

The dolphins' age depends on many factors like habitat, diet, health status, species, geography, and level of endangerment. Critical years of dolphin's life are only first 2 years mostly susceptible to disease predators and adverse climate conditions. Dolphins in captivity also have a shorter lifespan due to a lack of strong social structure, closed environmental conditions, lack of proper diet.

Some whales are actually dolphins

Orcas, being white and black coloring are part of the dolphin family. Also called killer whales they are the biggest member of the dolphin family and are found in every ocean. They are intelligent and able to communicate. A cetacean is the scientific order from which dolphins belong. Orcas are the largest members of (Delphinidae) dolphin family.

A Dolphin Can Swim More than 20MPH

The normal swimming speed is about 7-8 miles per hour they use their tail, fluke to produce thrust to push them forward. The flukes become stiffer as they push forward.

Dolphins do not have hair

They have few follicles generally fell after birth due to epidermis thick and constantly flakes and peel making their body smooth and they can swim efficiently.

A group of dolphins is called a pod

Pods contain generally 2 to 15 dolphins. They might be multi-generational or include both mother and calf pairs, juvenile dolphins, and adult male dolphins. There are highly social hierarchies shown by them and exhibit aggression by raking. They play and hunt together in pods, sometimes the size of the pods can be much bigger than normal that can have at least 1000 or more which is called ‘Superpod’.

Some species of dolphins are endangered

The most endangered species are the Maui dolphin, hector dolphin Indus and Ganges river dolphin, and the baiji.

The size of dolphin varies

The size depends on a number of different factors, like its sex, species, age, and where it lives.

The smallest dolphin is Maui’s dolphin, which does not get bigger than 5 and a half feet in length. The biggest dolphin is the orca, of course, which can be as long as 25 feet or more.

Dolphins Can Hold Their Breath Much Longer Than Humans

The composition of dolphins’ lungs is different from that of humans. Dolphins can squeeze out every last bit of oxygen to stay down as long as possible. They breathe through a blowhole that gets covered by a muscular flap when they go under the water.


Being anthropomorphic they behave similarly to humans and they show similar intelligence and empathy.


About the Creator

william d'cruz

williamdcruz (born November 8, 1991) is an American entrepreneur who co-founded and served as spokesman for the online social directory and networking site.

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