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Discover the undeniable clues that prove the existence of the human soul!

Ever wonder what happens after death? Do we really have an immortal soul?

By TestPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Have you ever wondered if you were someone else in your past life or if you had a past life in the first place? This is a question that has been asked by many philosophers and scientists alike. One of the main questions that arise is whether or not humans have souls. A soul is a spiritual, immortal part of a human being that exists before the body and continues to exist after death. It is the reason why people are able to reincarnate and start a new life in a different body. Most people believe that they have souls because the phrase "you don't have a soul" is kind of insulting. However, there are those who are skeptical. Here are some clues that may prove that at least we humans (non-cloned) have souls.

Sometimes we come across photos that seem to depict images of ghosts or always blurry Bigfoot, so it would make sense that cameras may be able to capture souls as well. Regardless of whether these photos are real or not, they are really interesting and very hard to explain. For instance, about a month ago in Powell County, Kentucky, there had been a terrible motorbike accident in the area. A passerby named Sal Vasquez happened to take a picture of the incident as he drove by in his truck. Fast Cars posted his picture on Facebook to share the devastating news. However, what he received in the comments wasn't what he expected. People who saw the picture claimed that Vasquez had actually captured the dead man's soul leaving his body. Take a look at the picture that seems to show a translucent human-shaped figure leaving the body of the man who passed away.

Next, we have this very interesting experiment conducted by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person using a special bioelectric graphic camera at the time of his death. Korotkov teaches physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University and is famous for his research on human energy fields. The bioelectric graphic camera creates a high-intensity electric field and it produces a flow around the object. Once curled caught photographed a person at the moment of his death the pictures seem to show the soul leaving the body. Korotkov explained that the life force in blue first left the core then the head and lastly the heart and groin region.

Finally, "Reincarnation". Throughout history, there have been countless cases of people remembering their past lives some cultures even treat reincarnation as fact—Professor Ian Stevenson formerly of the University of Virginia, and his successor dr. Jim Tucker spent decades researching claims of reincarnation by children and is said to have investigated over 3000 cases. In many of these cases, children were able to remember incredibly specific details of their previous lives for example a famous case of a boy known as Sam, when Sam was four years old his father brought home an old photo album from his grandmother's house to Sam's parents knowledge Sam had never seen a photo of his grandfather before. When they were looking through the album Sam pointed to a photo of a car and said that's my car it was his grandfather's first car. Sam's mother was skeptical so she showed him a photo of his grandfather as a young boy with other boys of the same age Sam pointed to his grandfather is said there I am. Testing it further Sam's mother asked if he remembered anything else from his past life to which Sam said someone turned my sister into a fish, when asked who Sam replied bad man. Turns out Sam's grandfather's sister had been murdered and her corpse was dumped into a body of water.

personally, I believe that we all have souls and that's why I'm kind of scared of this whole cloning or making machines more and more lifelike because well spoiler alert if you haven't seen season 6 of Supernatural we also have the same metric you lost a soul but seriously I do believe that the soul is what makes us who we are and I really don't think that, when we die is just over I mean it's kind of depressing like I just talked about reincarnation. There are so many documented cases of reincarnation and even if you don't believe it you can't really explain it. I mean how can you explain a little kid remembering such accurate details of another person who died way before they were even born unless all the kids in the world are somehow communicating with their little plastic toy phones and are like hey you guys want to mess with your parents just tell them you used to be this dead guy oh and every so often point to an empty chair and tell them that your friend Bobby is sitting there right now and he wants a glass of milk.


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