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DB Cooper

The enigmatic mystery remains

By laraPublished 9 months ago 8 min read

In the annals of unsolved mysteries, few captivate the imagination as much as the case of D.B. Cooper. On November 24, 1971, a mysterious man, dressed in a suit and sunglasses, embarked on a commercial flight from Portland, Oregon, that would ultimately etch his name into the annals of criminal history. This individual, known only as D.B. Cooper, orchestrated a meticulously planned hijacking that ended up in an audacious parachute escape, vanishing into the obscurity of the Pacific Northwest wilderness. Over five decades later, the identity of D.B. Cooper remains elusive, and the enduring enigma continues to inspire fascination and intrigue.

As the plane went down the runway in Portland, Cooper's actions were poised to set in motion a sequence of events that would capture the nation's attention. Cooper, with a one-way ticket to Seattle, appeared to be an unassuming businessman. Yet, his demeanor concealed a meticulously orchestrated plan that would defy the authorities, baffle investigators, and leave an indelible mark on US history.

Cooper's move began when he handed a handwritten note to a flight attendant, a note that would soon reveal his sinister intentions. The note claimed that he possessed a bomb, and he demanded four parachutes and a staggering $200,000 in cash. In a high-stakes gamble, Cooper wagered the lives of 36 passengers and crew members against his plan.

The plane landed in Seattle, where Cooper's demands were met. He received the parachutes and the ransom money, and then ordered the plane to fly to an entirely new destination: Mexico City. The unfolding drama in the air held the nation in rapt attention. Yet, it was after the takeoff from Seattle that Cooper executed a move of unparalleled audacity.

As the plane ascended into the night sky, Cooper, with the ransom money strapped to his person, accomplished the unthinkable. At an altitude of approximately 10,000 feet, he parachuted out of the plane's rear stairwell, vanishing into the abyss of the Pacific Northwest wilderness. The date was November 24, 1971, a date that would become etched into the American psyche.

What followed was an extensive manhunt, an FBI investigation, heightened airport security measures, and a proliferation of books and TV documentaries delving into Cooper's enigmatic persona. Cooper's audacious act marked the only unsolved hijacking in the history of American aviation. The unanswered questions surrounding his identity and fate became a source of enduring fascination for amateur sleuths and investigative enthusiasts alike.

Among those who drew into the vortex of the D.B. Cooper mystery is Eric Ulis, a dedicated investigator who has spent years combing through the labyrinthine web of FBI documents related to the case. Ulis, who was just five years old at the time of Cooper's hijacking, has channeled his passion and curiosity into an unrelenting quest for answers.

Now in his 50s, Eric Ulis has committed countless hours to the pursuit of the elusive truth behind D.B. Cooper. His fascination with the case is grounded in the belief that Cooper's story possesses a distinct allure akin to a James Bond thriller. However, Ulis is quick to underscore that this is not a mythical legend but a real, tangible event that unfolded on American soil.

A notebook rests beside Ulis's bed in his Phoenix, Arizona, home, a testament to his unwavering commitment to the case. He remains vigilant, ready to record any new insights that might strike him in the dead of night. Eric Ulis has not confined his efforts to the quiet solitude of his home; he has actively participated in a variety of endeavors aimed at unraveling the Cooper enigma.

One of Ulis's notable contributions to the Cooper saga is CooperCon, an annual gathering where enthusiasts convene to dissect and discuss the intricacies of the case. This event has become a focal point for individuals who share Ulis's passion for unveiling the mysteries surrounding D.B. Cooper.

The convergence of minds at CooperCon is not limited to casual discussions. Participants delve into the minutiae of the case, dissecting each facet with meticulous attention. It is within these gatherings that theories are debated, evidence is scrutinized, and a community of dedicated Cooper enthusiasts thrives. CooperCon serves as a testament to the enduring allure of Cooper's legend, drawing individuals from various walks of life who all share a common goal: to uncover the truth.

While the search of documents and testimonies forms a significant part of Ulis's investigation, he is equally committed to seeking tangible, physical evidence that could provide vital clues. One such area of focus is Tena Bar, a stretch of beach along the Columbia River in Washington state. This location gained notoriety when $5,800 of Cooper's ransom money was unearthed there in 1980.

Ulis believes that Tena Bar holds vital clues related to the Cooper case. He has spent a lot of time in the area, meticulously analyzing its geography and landmarks. Through old news footage, FBI photos, and firsthand exploration, Ulis has endeavored to pinpoint areas of interest. His belief is rooted in the conviction that vital evidence, including the parachute Cooper used that fateful night, may still lie hidden in the rugged terrain of Tena Bar.

In Eric Ulis's continuing quest, the parachute used by D.B. Cooper remains a focal point. Ulis firmly believes that this vital piece of evidence is hidden somewhere within the Tena Bar vicinity. His theory is that Cooper, in his desperate bid for escape, stashed the parachute away, possibly concealed beneath the overgrowth of blackberry bushes or hidden among the dense thicket of trees. For over half a century, this parachute, a symbol of Cooper's daring escape, has eluded discovery.

The importance of this parachute extends beyond its historical significance. Eric Ulis views it as a potential linchpin in unraveling the Cooper mystery. It represents a tangible link to the past, a physical artifact that could provide invaluable clues about Cooper's identity, actions, and fate. As Ulis guides a team of volunteers to explore Tena Bar and its surroundings, he remains driven by the conviction that the truth is out there, waiting to be unearthed.

In his relentless pursuit of answers, Eric Ulis has set his sights on another piece of physical evidence—the clip-on necktie left behind by D.B. Cooper. This seemingly innocuous accessory, forgotten in the haste of a high-altitude escape, has assumed significance in Ulis's investigation.

Ulis's approach involves the retrieval of potential DNA evidence from the tie's metal spindle. He believes that this overlooked component may still harbor traces of DNA that have eluded previous scrutiny. This DNA, if successfully obtained and analyzed, could potentially unlock the identity of D.B. Cooper.

In March of this year, Eric Ulis initiated a legal challenge against the FBI, seeking access

to the tie and the opportunity to collect DNA samples from the spindle. This legal endeavor represents a pivotal moment in Ulis's quest for answers. He envisions that the data obtained from the tie could be cross-referenced with genealogy databases, potentially revealing a match that would unveil Cooper's identity.

Despite his determination, the FBI's response to Ulis's request remains a subject of intrigue. While the agency had previously utilized DNA analysis on items connected to the Cooper case, Ulis believes that the tie's spindle, if left unexplored, could harbor the key to solving this enduring mystery.

The D.B. Cooper case, while perplexing to the extreme, did not elude the attention of law enforcement. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) embarked on an exhaustive investigation, scrutinizing hundreds of potential suspects and meticulously examining every available lead. However, the Cooper case posed unique challenges and unanswered questions that continue to perplex investigators.

Larry Carr, a former FBI agent who dedicated a portion of his career to the Cooper investigation, reflects on the enduring allure of the case. He acknowledges the monumental task faced by the FBI in reconciling the myriad of theories and potential leads.

Carr, a speaker at CooperCon, outlines several reasons why he believes Cooper's survival after the parachute escape is unlikely. Cooper's lack of experience as a skydiver, his failure to request location updates or provide a flight path, and the adverse weather conditions all raise doubts about his successful evasion of capture. Yet, Carr acknowledges that the case remains open-ended, an enigma that continues to tantalize those who seek closure.

The enduring fascination with D.B. Cooper extends far beyond the efforts of dedicated investigators like Eric Ulis. Over the years, a community of armchair detectives has emerged, individuals who have spent decades pondering the mysteries surrounding Cooper's identity and fate.

The FBI's public acknowledgment of bewilderment regarding the case has only served to fuel interest. The bureau's consideration of hundreds of potential suspects, including individuals like Richard McCoy and Duane Weber, has added layers of complexity to the narrative.

McCoy, a man who executed a similar plane hijacking a year later, parachuting over Provo, Utah, with $500,000 in ransom money, was eventually ruled out as a suspect. Duane Weber, who claimed to be Cooper on his deathbed, was also eliminated through DNA analysis. These tantalizing yet ultimately inconclusive leads have contributed to the enduring allure of the Cooper case.

As the years have turned into decades, the D.B. Cooper story remains an unfinished narrative, a tantalizing tale with a blank final chapter. This absence of resolution continues to drive individuals like Eric Ulis and countless others who are dedicated to unearthing the truth.

Since the official closure of the FBI's investigation in 2016, a wealth of documents related to the case has become available to the public online. Eric Ulis alone has reviewed approximately 35,000 pages of these documents, determined to piece together the puzzle of Cooper's identity.

Ulis remains resolute in his conviction that answers are within reach, that the truth can be unveiled. His approach is rooted in simplicity and facts, adhering to Occam's razor, which suggests that the simplest explanation is often closest to the truth. As the pursuit of D.B. Cooper's identity continues, the CooperCon gatherings persist, discussions endure, and the allure of this enduring mystery remains as powerful as ever.

In the annals of unsolved mysteries, few stories captivate the imagination quite like that of D.B. Cooper. A hijacking, a daring parachute escape, and a vanishing act into the Pacific Northwest wilderness—these elements combine to create a story that is as confounding as it is compelling. As long as there are unanswered questions, there will be those like Eric Ulis and the devoted community of enthusiasts who refuse to rest until the final chapter of the D.B. Cooper story is written.


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    LWritten by lara

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