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Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

What is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month? How can I support it? How can I get involved?

By E.AmaliaPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

When is Childhood Cancer Awareness?

Yearly beginning on September 1st


Cancer. Sends a sting from our hearts into our tummies. According to the World Health Organization approximately 400,000 young people from birth to 19 years of age are diagnosed with cancer worldwide. You can read more facts by following the link.

This article's aim is not necessarily to flood you with facts that will crush your heart because, at the end of the day, cancer is cancer. There's no word in any language strong enough to express the crushing weight this word brings to so many people around the world.

In this article, I will share my story and explain what CCA Month is and how you can support or get involved with it.

What is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month?

By Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

It's the time of the year when hospitals, charities, families, and friends gather together to let the world know about childhood cancer, its effects, its treatments and ever-advancing research.

Some of the very best children's hospitals in the world include Boston Children's Hospital, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Birmingham Children's Hospital and Alder Hey Children's Hospital.

If you live in the US or the UK, you probably are well aware of some of the above listed.

Within these hospitals are doctors, researchers, play specialists, family psychologists, chaplains, and more who rely on the generosity of donors from all over the world, be it blood donors, plasma, or finances.

My Story - The Nutshell Version

By Victor Freitas on Unsplash

*The longer part of this story will be for another time and probably won't be on Vocal.

Me and my family have been impacted hugely by childhood cancer and the generosity of others...

Firstly, I was born with a cancer called Retinoblastoma, which is cancer in the eye. Fast forward to when I became a mother, and the very same thing happened with my daughter in February 2021. She was six days old...

Genetics are a funny thing, especially when you're given the odds.

We became well acquainted with the ins and outs of the hospital. We were also well taken care of by many charities, charity workers, chaplains, and of course, the nurses, doctors and consultants.

It was from charities that we were able to stay in hotel rooms since our hospital was in another city. It was the charities that funded the taxis and special events for our little one and the other families there.

I am living with the later affects that comes with having a childhood cancer as that is very common and my daughter is currently under a regular observation schedlue.

How Can I support it and get involved?

By Rod Long on Unsplash

Below is a list of charities and hospitals that you can give to in order to support their work with the children and their families.

I have not chosen only the ones that are worth giving to but are the ones that have directly and quite personally helped me and my family.

Many of these hospitals and charities host runs and all sorts of special events both virtually and in person that anyone can get involved with.

1. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

2. Childhood Eye Cancer Trust (CHECT)

3. Birmingham Children's Hospital

4. Alder Hey Children's Hospital

5. Young Lives Vs. Cancer

Some other ways to get involved in Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is to find the closest children's hospital to you and support what they're doing. Blood donation, plasma donation, and even your time if you are able. Every contribution in any capacity makes the biggest difference in the children and their family's lives.


Every year cancer affects way too many lives, that goes without saying. However, there are thousands and thousands of doctors, nurses, researchers, children and families who are fighting back.

As someone who has been impacted by the insane generosity of complete strangers, there is never too little that you can give.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any future contribution you give towards fighting childhood cancer. If you have any questions or want to learn more please drop them in the comments below!


About the Creator


Hola! I'm E.Amalia. I've got a penchant for the macabre, weird, and spine chilling genres. Also I write poetry, also I'm a dragon for books.

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  • Thank you for sharing this and for the links, I am sure this will help a lot of people

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