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Brachial Plexus Injury: From Limitations to Liberation

Brachial Plexus Injury

By Nadeem KhanPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Brachial Plexus Injury: From Limitations to Liberation
Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

Brachial plexus injury refers to damage to the nerves that control movement and sensation in arms and hands. The brachial plexus is a complex system of nerves that originates in the neck and extends to the shoulder and upper limb. When this network of nerves is injured, it can result in several problems, such as weakness, numbness, and loss of function in the affected arm. Brachial plexus injuries can occur for various reasons, such as accidents, sports injuries, or tumors. Brachial plexus surgery in India is entirely safe. This article will try to understand the overview of brachial plexus injuries, its symptoms, diagnosis, and available treatment options.

Symptoms of Brachial Plexus

The symptoms of brachial plexus injury can vary on several different factors. Brachial plexus surgery in India can help you eliminate these symptoms. Some common symptoms of Brachial Plexus include:

Weakness: Weakness or paralysis of the affected arm is a common symptom of a brachial plexus injury. The degree of weakness can vary from mild to severe, depending on the extent of nerve damage.

Numbness or Loss of Sensation: The injured person may experience numbness or a reduced sense of touch in the arm, hand, or fingers. This can affect their ability to feel temperature, pressure, or pain.

Pain: Brachial plexus injuries can cause severe pain, which can be located in the shoulder, arm, or hand. The pain can range from a mild ache to sharp sensations.

Loss of Motor Control: The person suffering from brachial plexus injury may have difficulty or inability to control muscles in the affected arm or hand. This can lead to difficulty performing activities requiring fine motor skills, such as grasping objects, writing, or performing precise movements.

Muscle Atrophy: Prolonged weakness or paralysis can result in muscle atrophy. This is characterized by decreased muscle size and strength, which can further lead to functional limitations.

Limited Range of Motion: Brachial plexus injuries can restrict the normal range of motion in the affected arm. This can lead to difficulty raising or extending the arm fully, rotating the shoulder, or performing specific movements. Brachial plexus surgery in India will enable you to eliminate these symptoms and live a healthy life.

Treatment of Brachial Plexus

The treatment options for brachial plexus injuries depend on several factors, such as the type and severity of the injury, the age of the person, and the time since the injury occurred. Brachial Plexus treatment cost in India is around $3000. Here are some of the standard treatment options:

Observation and Rehabilitation: Observation and physical therapy are recommended in mild cases where the brachial plexus injury is expected to heal independently. Physical therapy aims to improve range of motion, strength, and function through exercises, stretches, and other therapeutic techniques.

Medications: Pain management is an integral part of brachial plexus injury treatment. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or analgesics are prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation. Medications such as muscle relaxants or anticonvulsants are sometimes used to treat muscle spasms or nerve-related pain.

Nerve Surgery: When brachial plexus injuries are severe or show no sign of improvement, performing surgery is necessary. Nerve surgery aims to repair the damaged nerves to restore function. Techniques used in nerve surgery include nerve grafting, nerve transfer, and nerve decompression. Brachial plexus surgery in India will help you treat your Brachial Plexus injury.

Tendon Transfer: In cases where the brachial plexus injury has resulted in significant muscle weakness or paralysis, tendon transfer surgery is performed. This involves redirecting a healthy tendon from another part of the body to replace a non-functioning or weak tendon in the affected arm. Tendon transfer surgery can improve functional abilities and enhance the ability to perform everyday tasks.

Occupational and Physical Therapy: Rehabilitation is crucial in treating brachial plexus injuries. Physiotherapists help patients to improve strength, coordination, and range of motion. They provide specific exercises tailored to the patient's needs, helping them to regain function and adapt to limitations.

Assistive Devices and Adaptive Techniques: In cases where full recovery is not possible, assistive devices such as braces, splints, or slings support the affected arm and improve functionality. Therapists and doctors provide proper guidance on adaptive techniques to enhance independence and quality of life.

Post Treatment Precautions

After undergoing brachial plexus treatment, it is important to follow post-operative precautions to ensure proper healing and minimize complications. Here are some post-operative precautions:

Immobilization: The affected arm may need to be immobilized for proper healing. This involves the use of splints, braces, or slings. It is necessary to follow the instructions provided by the surgeon.

Wound Care: Proper wound care prevents infection and promotes healing. It is advised to Keep the surgical incisions clean and dry per the surgeon's instructions.

Pain Management: It is common to experience pain or discomfort after brachial plexus surgery. Follow the prescribed pain management medicines provided by your healthcare provider, which may include oral pain medications or other medications.

Physical Restrictions: Your surgeon will provide guidelines on the activities you should avoid or restrict during the initial stage of recovery. This may include limitations on lifting heavy objects, intense physical activities, or movements that could strain the healing tissues. Adhering to these restrictions is essential to prevent damage to the surgical site.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation: Physical therapy plays a vital role in recovery after brachial plexus surgery in India. You should follow the prescribed rehabilitation program and attend regular therapy sessions as your doctor advises. The physical therapist will guide you through exercises, stretches, and activities to improve strength, range of motion, and functional abilities.

Follow-Up Appointments: Attending all scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider is essential. These appointments allow the surgeon to monitor your progress, assess healing, and adjust your treatment plan.

Lifestyle Modifications: it may be necessary to make certain lifestyle modifications to promote healing. This may include adopting a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol, and practicing self-care.

Getting brachial plexus surgery in India is an affordable and viable option. Knowing that brachial plexus treatment cost in India depends upon several factors is essential. Most hospitals offer comprehensive treatment packages which are inclusive of everything.


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