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Just Watch it Already

By AmourrroPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Lot’s of people have lot’s to say when it comes to watching anime. Fans of anime have probably heard “this show is stupid” or “This cartoon is pointless you don’t learn anything from it” oh and my favorite “It’s not even real!” a thousand times.

But do you know what I find so funny. Is that those same people are the ones watching series like Stranger Things or Riverdale. Not that I have anything against those shows, I’ve definitely watched them also. So I would know that if those peoples standing argument is “The characters aren’t real” then what do you have to say about those shows that you love oh so much?

Yes, the actors bay be real, but the characters are not.

So here we anime fans are listening to your justified argument about how what you call cartoons have no purpose and are bottom tier shows/movies.

But in the back of my mind, If some one is going out of their way to put down a genre they know nothing about. Then maybe I feel sorry for them because just like how Parasites film director Bong Joon Ho said “Once you overcome the 1 inch barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films” and I couldn’t have agreed more.

Did you know that the human brain cannot tell the difference between a real person and a fictional character? That would mean when people cry watching anime films/shows that they are actually empathizing with the characters as if they were real people.

And so for the people who love to cry and feel all kinds of emotions, I’m here to recommend you some of the most brutally upsetting anime shows/movies in the anime community. In no particular order I shall start off with featured films that will definitely make you shed tears.

Starting off with, A Silent Voice, I Want to Eat your Pancreas, Graveyard of Fireflies, Colorful, The Wind Rises, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Perfect Blue, 5 Centimeters Per Second, Weathering With You and how about Hotarubi No Mori e. If you like to cry then I highly suggest watching one of these.

Moving on to series let’s start off with Orange, Anohana, You Lie in April, Violet Evergarden, Nana, Clannad, Death Parade, Banana Fish, Devilman Crybaby, Guilty Crown, Fullmetal Alchemist, March Comes in Like a Lion, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 and Erased.

Now I’m not saying these are the only films/series that are out there. Theres tons more and I promise if you haven’t given them a try yet then atlas once in your life watch one.

Now moving on to the big anime that tend to be longer series that are my personal favorites and highly popular. If you like a little bit of everything then these shows are the ones for you. I’m going to start of with HunterxHunter, Attack on Titan, Naruto, One Piece, Tokyo Ghoul (people argue that the manga is better), My Hero Academia, CowboyBebop, FLCL, Dororo, Parasyte, Mob Psycho, Demon Slayer, Death Note, Black Clover, Jujutsu Kaisen, Future Diary, Psycho Pass and many, many more.

So folks who have not tried watching anime I want to let you know that don’t let those people who bash it turn you away from watching it. It’s not weird or “nerdy” and if you understand that all of these projects have complex storylines and ideals I know that you will fall in love with it. There is a lot of anime for kids but majority of these suggested shows are aimed towards young adults. Most consumers of anime are in between 20-30 years of age.

Anime is really loved and many fans find comfort in the characters because we can relate to them. And if you can’t get pass the “it’s a cartoon” idea then I don’t know what to tell you. You’re just holding yourself in a box.

In no way am I trying to force you to change your opinion. Maybe anime is just not for you and that’s okay. But I wanted to express that there really are some amazing shows and films out there. That they are not only for kids and that the people who create these pieces of art, work relentlessly and should be given on the praise, because it is not easy my friends.

I hope you try it out and that maybe I have introduced a wonderful world to you.

From one anime lover to another,

“Just give up on your dreams and die” as Captain Levi would say.

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