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American history


By Mark GrahamPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Continuance of previous lesson for 'Rise of the American Nation'.

Economic ferment

Not only was unemployment high but also for thousands of other people prices were rising and it was difficult to make ends meat. Today we call this 'inflation' (write on blackboard)-during a period of inflation with prices soaring a fixed amount of money will buy fewer and fewer goods. Some with few or a limited amount will find it hard to buy food and clothing.

One reason for rising prices in England and all through Europe was the flow of gold and silver from the Spanish colonies to the New World. The Spaniards used the gold and silver to buy products from other countries. There was increased demand for their products the farmers and manufacturers in the other countries were able to secure higher prices that created hardships for thousands of people, but in England the higher prices bought prosperity to businessmen, merchants, traders and the manufacturers. So some of the treasure of the New World flowed through Spain and in the Englishmen's hands of business. Now they were looking for ways to invest so buying shares in overseas trading ventures. Because of the boldest among them thought of financing colonies in the New World. (Write on blackboard this flowchart on how inflation was seen at this time.)

A dam about to burst

In the late 1500's and the early 1600's England's conditions forwarded colonization. People longed for freedom to worship as they pleased. They were eager to escape from political unrest and persecution. The poor people wanted a chance to earn a better living or find a job. The businessmen had the money to invest in their promising colonial ventures. (Write these reasons on the blackboard in a chart form with the title 'Reasons for a Better Life'.)

New England is settled by Pilgrims-Puritans

November 11, 1620-Cape Cod in North America the Pilgrims landed were the first permanent colony in New England other than the one in Jamestown.

"Why?" of the Pilgrim's story

In the text the question written 'Why have the Pilgrim's come to this wild and lonely spot?' (Write this question on blackboard then ask the students to answer the question.) There were 102 passengers on this ship. 'Reasons for the trip' could be the title of this list:

1. They wanted to be free to worship in their own way.

2, The Pilgrim's were also Separists refusing to follow the practices of the Church of England.

Not all the passengers were Separists as John Alden (write name on blackboard) he was a young cooper/barrel maker (write on blackboard and ask students if this career job exists today in some form.) He (Alden) had helped to get the Mayflower ready for the voyage; he also decided to make the long journey out of the spirit of adventure. (Write on blackboard) There were others with other reasons besides religious reasons.

Some of the passengers had lived in the Netherlands where the government allowed them to worship in their own way and were treated well by the Dutch, but they did not want their children to grow up speaking Dutch and living like Dutchmen rather like Englishmen.

(Discussion) Do you think this would work in today's society? The main purpose of all the travelers was the establishment of new homes and a new way of life for themselves and their children in the New World. (This could lead to another discussion in a Social studies lesson in Citizenship- What makes a citizen a citizen?)

The Mayflower Compact

First the Pilgrims had to accomplish the organization of a new government. The London Company had given the Pilgrims a land grant south of the Hudson River, but since a storm blew them off course they ended up that November in the New England area where they had no right to land or settle. They did not have any plans on settling here or governing the colony where they landed.

The Pilgrim leaders did a lot of deliberations and they wrote and signed what is now known as the 'Mayflower Compact' (agreement) (Write these terms on blackboard) This promised 'all due submission and obedience' to the laws that they themselves would pass. This was not a plan of government. It also did not commit the Pilgrims to a democratic way of life, but it did lead to a first step to self-government in the New World.

Plymouth is settled

By the time the compact was signed it was too late for any to go ashore and the next day was Sunday, a day of rest and worship, so the Pilgrims settled and started work on Monday in what is now known as Provincetown, Massachusetts. (Have a student locate on a map of US.) It took a month or more looking for a place to settle and the Pilgrims finally selected the location on the other side of what is now called Cape Cod Bay (have students locate on map.) This was the same spot that was visited earlier by the English explorers who named it Plymouth and marked it on the map.

Advantages to Plymouth

1. a smaller but good harbor

2. a brook of clear, fresh water

3. a hill that is easily defended against attack

4. it was also been a site of an Indian village and had surrounded by cleared fields

To be continued


About the Creator

Mark Graham

I am a person who really likes to read and write and to share what I learned with all my education. My page will mainly be book reviews and critiques of old and new books that I have read and will read. There will also be other bits, too.

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    Mark GrahamWritten by Mark Graham

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