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6 People Who Ruined History for the Rest of Us

"The Disastrous Consequences of Tourists' Reckless Behavior: 6 People Who Ruined History for the Rest of Us"

By TestPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

We all love being around ancient architecture and historical places, surrounded by myths, stories, legends, and artifacts that have filled museums and private collections from around the world. Unfortunately, some people feel the need to touch or take selfies with these priceless and irreplaceable structures or artifacts, resulting in sometimes disastrous consequences. In today's video, we are counting down the 10 people who completely ruined history for the rest of us.

Number Six: Full Moon Rising

It should be an understood and unwritten rule that getting naked in places such as museums and ancient historical sites are completely frowned upon. To have it printed as a warning and reminder on signposts and information cards is quite another story. This need arose after an incident at the sacred temples of Machu Picchu in Peru. Known as one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the temples at Machu Picchu are a place that seems to be frozen in time. Amidst a backdrop of sloping mountains and clear skies, the temples - to this day - hold a significant amount of importance to Peruvian history and culture. Unfortunately for the temples though, they have seen more than one kind of moon rising. Overconfident tourists are known to have their photos of their backside taken using the temples as the backdrop. Even more disturbing is the number of tourists who streak on the grounds of the temples which Peruvians consider as sacred grounds. Just in 2016, three tourists were detained and fined by Peruvian authorities for desecrating the ancient site with their nudity. A British tourist, Adam Burton, was arrested by local law enforcement together with a Frenchman. It was reported that they were stopped by police while naked at the site. They were then quickly prosecuted for offenses against morality and heavily fined.

Number Five: A Problematic Pinky Promise

Museums place cards that say "DO NOT TOUCH" for a good reason. Unfortunately, one tourist at the National Watch and Clock Museum in Pennsylvania decided that it was okay to touch things. Specifically, she decided to touch a clock called "The Clock of Nations," which is a rare 200-year-old antique clock worth around $400,000. As she touched it, she managed to break off the clock's pendulum, causing damage that required a professional clockmaker to repair. The museum staff was understandably upset, and the tourist was banned from the museum for life.

Number Four: The Domino Effect

In 2019, a Chinese influencer named Zhong went viral after live-streaming herself knocking over a row of 5,000-year-old pillars at a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Luxor, Egypt. Zhong's actions caused outrage on social media, leading to her arrest and deportation from the country. The incident prompted officials to tighten security measures at the site to prevent further damage to the ancient structures.

Number Three: The Great Wall Graffiti

The Great Wall of China is one of the most iconic structures in the world. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts millions of tourists every year. Unfortunately, some of those tourists feel the need to leave their mark on the wall by carving graffiti into the stone. In 2016, a Chinese man was caught on camera carving his name into the wall with a rock. He was quickly apprehended by authorities and fined $1,500. The incident prompted officials to call for greater protection of the wall and stricter penalties for those who deface it.

Number Two: No Selfie Control

In 2018, a woman in Los Angeles caused $200,000 worth of damage to an art gallery while trying to take a selfie. The woman knocked over a display, causing a domino effect that resulted in several other exhibits being damaged. The incident was caught on camera, and the woman was later identified and charged with vandalism.

Number One: The Price of Ignorance

In 2018, a Canadian couple caused outrage after they were caught stealing artifacts from Pompeii. The couple was visiting the ancient Roman city when they decided to break off a piece of mosaic flooring and take it home with them. The theft was caught on camera, and the couple was later identified and charged with theft. The incident prompted officials to call for greater protection of the site and stricter penalties for those who steal from it.

These ten people have ruined history for the rest of us by vandalizing, defacing, and stealing priceless artifacts and structures. It's a reminder to all of us to treat these treasures with the respect they deserve and leave them for future generations to enjoy.


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