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"5 Clues Suggesting the Existence of Advanced Human Civilizations Millions of Years Ago"

Advanced Prehistoric Civilizations: Do They Exist?

By TestPublished 5 months ago 4 min read

Modern humans have been on Earth for around two hundred thousand years, with the oldest civilizations existing some 10,000 to 12,000 years ago in places like China, Rome, and Egypt. But what if there were much older civilizations that once thrived way before that? Our records may not show much, or anything at all, about them, but some clues may prove advanced prehistoric civilizations, in fact, did exist even millions of years ago.

1. Drill Bits Encased in Coal

Coal on this planet was said to have formed hundreds of millions of years ago, which is why it was a shock for researchers in the 19th century when what looks like a man-made drill bit was found in a large chunk of coal. It appeared that this tool, which was as advanced as the tools used in the 19th century, was deposited in the organic matter that formed into coal.

Joggin Cannon presented a mysterious object to a meeting of the Society of Antiquities of Scotland on December 13th, 1852, where he said that the iron instrument was found within a seam of coal about 22 inches thick, which was in turn buried in a bed of clay mixed with boulders some seven feet deep. He said, "I quite agree in the generally received geological view that the coal was formed long before man was introduced upon this planet, but the puzzle is how this implant confessed Lee of human hands should have found his way into the coal seam overlaid as the ladder was by a heavy mass of diluvian and boulders." The society examined the drill bit and said it was modern, but it could have been a piece of the Chile equipment used at that time that was broken off. However, Buchanan's report indicated that the coal surrounding the instrument was not punctured at all.

2. Adam's Bridge

According to Indian legend, a bridge was once built by King Rama 1.7 million years ago. This bridge is known as Adam's Bridge, Rama's Bridge, or Ram Setu and lies between India and Sri Lanka. In the legend, King Rama of India built the bridge more than a million years ago in order to send troops from India to rescue his wife in Sri Lanka. Yet, this legend may not just be a legend after all.

Using imagery, a bridge-like formation was seen between India and Sri Lanka. After studying the materials, the British doctor Ballerina Rihanna and former director of the Geological Survey of India said that the structure appears to be man-made. He told Red of the magazine that, "In the 32-foot (10 meters) sample, we found a meringue stands on top, and below that was a mixed assemblage of corals, calcareous and stones and border-like materials. Surprisingly, below that, up to 4 to 5 meters were 13 to 16 feet again, we found loose sand, and after that, hard formations were there. The borders on top of the marine sand layer indicated to Dr. Ballerina Brianna that the borders must have been artificially placed there."

3. Clear Storm Spheres

These strange spheres called clear storm spheres were found in the mines of South Africa. Experts describe the spheres as being about 2.8 billion years old with a very hard surface and a fibrous structure inside a shell around it which is very hard. It cannot be scratched even by steel. The age of the spheres was determined because they were found in pyroflights, a mineral that was formed by sedimentation around 2.8 billion years ago.

Some spheres are left to go in a shape, but some are so balanced in shape in proportion with fine grooves around them that are so straight researchers believe it would be unlikely that they were formed naturally. Some of their spheres were also found in Utah that date back to 2 million years. Known as Moakley marbles, these marbles correlate to the old legend of Native Americans playing with marbles and leaving them for relatives to show that they are well.

4. Telescope

When asked who invented the telescope, most people would say Galileo, who was supposed to have created the first one in 1609. Some might say it was the Assyrians after the Nimrod lizards were discovered in modern-day Iraq. However, according to some ancient stones in Peru, the telescope may have been created even long before that.

In a Cabrera museum, an eco Peru, there are about 10,000 stalls that depict prehistoric humans wearing headdresses, and shoes, and even engaging in complicated medical procedures such as c-sections and blood transfusions. And there is one stone that shows a man looking at what can only be described as a telescope. But the thing is, this stone was believed to have been carved as far back as 65 million years ago. While some of the stones that were obtained from a local farmer were said to be fake, most of them were authentic and excavated from an ancient truth.

5. Ancient Nuclear Reactor

In 1972, a French factory imported uranium ore from the Gabon Republic in Africa. To his surprise, it found that the uranium had already been extracted, which was confusing because there were no other factories that had the capability to extract uranium ore in the Gabon Republic. When the news of this was brought researchers from all around the world went to the site to investigate, they found that the uranium had been extracted by a natural nuclear reactor that was active two billion years ago.

The existence of these advanced prehistoric civilizations raises many questions about our current understanding of history. While some of these discoveries may be controversial and not universally accepted, they provide intriguing possibilities and challenge us to continue exploring and questioning the past.


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