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2022: Excelling As An Oklahoma Design Team

2022: Excelling As An Oklahoma Design Team

By myheartcreativePublished 8 months ago 4 min read

As a creative design studio, we strive to continually learn and grow in order to better serve our clients and team members. Each year, our Oklahoma design team creates both professional and personal goals, and 2022 was no exception.

Our word for the year was “Excel,” which inspired us to do our best when creating new OKC web designs, customizing marketing strategies, and more. Keeping this theme in mind, each team member took on new challenges and accomplished several goals, teaching us valuable lessons beyond a single calendar year.

What We Learned In 2022.


One of Amy’s goals for 2022 was to read 12 books throughout the year. She happily accomplished this goal but ended up learning more than she anticipated, with one book, in particular, kickstarting a new and healthy lifestyle. “While I loved reading throughout the year about human experiences, one book that really impacted my life was Atomic Habits. In 2022, I cut sugar way down in my diet and began the habit of tracking my calories. Through this, I’ve lost 45 pounds so far. Life is too short and too sweet to not make the changes we want to see happen.”

amy 12 books


April’s desire to try something new was inspired by several local artists we host at our studio. What started as a distaste developed into a fun activity to enjoy in her spare time. “I always hated watercolors and never understood why people find them relaxing. I tried them because we had more than one artist with watercolors this past year. I used a cheap set and was frustrated by how hard they are to control, but I finally had fun replicating the painting techniques from people on social media videos.”

april art 23


Inspired by a love of cooking, one of Kristen’s goals was to prioritize cooking new and fun recipes. She made two new (and delicious) recipes every month, including her rendition of ratatouille, as shown below. “I enjoy trying new recipes, but it’s not something I prioritize, so I decided to try two new recipes every month. I usually don’t follow a recipe when I cook, so doing this helped me find techniques, ingredients, and flavor combinations that I hadn’t used before. Now, even when I don’t follow a recipe, the things I learned can help me create something new of my own.”

Kristen new recipes 2023


Our Operations Director, Sam, spent the final quarter of 2022 overseeing the Bengaluru studio renovations. Sam witnessed God’s provision and faithfulness through this process, learning to trust Him through calm seas and raging storms. “I learned to trust and lean on God through ALL things, including the hard things. When we were renovating, we hit multiple roadblocks (or so we thought). Still, through these trials, we were exposed to new contacts and deepened existing relationships that will now go well beyond the renovation. We believe we will gain two new clients from the twists and turns that the renovation journey took us. Like most of our myheartcreative story, the best part is that we can look back at the 3-month process and know it wasn’t done by our own might. It was a miracle, and we know it was God’s hand in everything.”

renno collage


Nathan set a goal to spend more time going on dates and outings with those he loves the most, such as his wife, pictured below. However, Nathan learned that going on adventures with loved ones also requires the careful art of planning. “One day, we went to Avalabeeta Hills without taking any food, and once we arrived, we couldn’t find any hotels nearby. This incident taught me about the importance of proper planning. If we want to visit a new place, we should research and ask our friends beforehand.”

nathan date


One of our designers, Suhail, strived for more rest in 2022. He visited a beautiful vacation spot for soulful rest with his family. He even set a goal to get 8 hours of sleep every night. Staying up late began negatively impacting him mentally and physically, so he began building better sleeping habits and seeing a positive difference that genuine rest makes. “I am a night owl, but I wanted to change that because staying up all night has its own negative effects on the mind and body. All my energy used to come at later hours of the day, so my goal was to get 8 hours of sleep every night. Doing this has helped me learn discipline and kept me energized and motivated throughout the year.”

suhail vacation

Create Something New with Our OKC Web Design Team.

Our Oklahoma design studio loved reflecting on our triumphs, new skills, and lessons learned from this past year, and we are excited to see what 2023 teaches us. We hope to keep cultivating hearts that embrace creativity and lifelong learning to better ourselves and serve our clients for years to come. myheartcreative will continue to excel in the work we do for our clients; get in touch to start creating with our team.


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