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10 Physical Traits Men Subconsciously Find Attractive in a Woman

Have you ever wondered what men really notice in a woman and what they find the most attractive? While it's true that a person's character is more important than how they look, there's no denying that first impressions matter. It turns out there are certain physical traits that men subconsciously look for in a woman. If this aroused your curiosity, stay tuned because several studies have determined what most men find attractive in potential partners. Here's what they found:

By Space OnlinePublished about a year ago 4 min read

10 Physical Traits Men Subconsciously Find Attractive in A Woman

Have you ever wondered what men really notice in a woman and what they find the most attractive? While it's true that a person's character is more important than how they look, there's no denying that first impressions matter. It turns out there are certain physical traits that men subconsciously look for in a woman. If this aroused your curiosity, stay tuned because several studies have determined what most men find attractive in potential partners. Here's what they found:

Number 1 - Small Waist to Hip Ratio Wide hips are one of the most well-known physical characteristics men desire in women. However, there's more to it than that. Researchers say that men prefer a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.67 to 0.80 which is considered the ideal ratio for childbearing. Less than that might indicate that a woman is unfit for childbirth; more than that could signal possible fertility issues linked to being overweight.

Number 2 - Healthy Hair A woman's hair is actually one of the first things that men notice. This is in line with scientific findings, which suggest that men subconsciously consider hair an indicator of health. Typically, healthy women have lustrous hair which, from a biological perspective, implies that they are capable of nursing potential offspring.

Number 3 - Large Eyes According to research, men find bigger eyes to be more appealing and more attractive. They associate larger eyes with femininity, good health, and youth. Larger eyes are also a sign that a woman has higher levels of the female hormone estrogen, which would make her more reproductively fit.

Number 4 - Glowing Skin Smooth, glowing skin is a sign of youth and good lifestyle choices. And nice skin is actually one of the few immediate indicators of good health that men will notice! A woman with good skin appears to maintain a healthy diet and is less likely to engage in substance abuse. While that is a desirable trait in and of itself, there's also the added benefit of radiant skin being an indication of fertility.

Number 5 - High-Pitched Voice According to studies, men prefer women with a high-pitched voice, which once again is linked to higher estrogen levels and therefore, is perceived as more youthful and feminine. In addition to having a higher-pitched voice, women with high estrogen levels have been shown to have better ovulation rates, more regular periods, and more suitable uterine and cervical environments for pregnancy. Likewise, this correlation goes hand-in-hand with the fact that features connected to reproductive capacity are also seen as attractive.

Number 6 - White Teeth and A Big Smile White teeth are not only a sign of health, but good genes, too. Some even equate white teeth with having a better social position, which is seen as more attractive. Healthy, white teeth also make you smile more, and a big smile is something that men find very attractive for a couple of reasons. For one, a smiling woman is more approachable than one who is frowning. And second, a smile has been linked to agreeability. Something men prefer in women.

Number 7 - Facial Symmetry There appears to be some math and science underlying beauty standards and what men find appealing. And that's because facial symmetry is rather important. Facial symmetry means that a face is equal on both sides and it indicates that a person has good genes. Lopsidedness, on the other hand, has been linked to bad genes and poor health. And why is this so important? Because, of course, men subconsciously want women to give them good offspring! To be fair, guys aren't the only ones who seek symmetry. Women also prefer men with symmetrical facial features since they indicate superior genes.

Number 8 - Natural Beauty This one may disappoint women who spend a ton of money on cosmetics and countless hours in front of the mirror applying their makeup. Don’t shoot the messenger. But the truth is, guys actually prefer significantly less makeup than you would think! In fact, research shows that men find women who wear less makeup to be more attractive than women who wear more makeup. Guys seem to favour natural beauty, since it is a good predictor of what attributes will be handed down to their offspring.

Number 9 - Average Looks Most women strive to look better than average yet, according to multiple studies, 'average' is exactly what men want. They prefer women with average features, referring to how similar faces are to the general population. And there’s an explanation for this. Evolutionary biologists say that women with mathematically average features display a more diverse gene pool which makes them more attractive. In fact, there's something genetically driving all of us to seek the average. Basically, our brains pick up people's faces in our environments and average out looks so we have a mental image of the typical face. Therefore, it goes without saying that women also look for men with average features.

Number 10 - Having A Certain Smell Research shows that men are more likely to be drawn to the smell of a woman with high estrogen and low progesterone levels. The attraction to this attribute is again due to the fact that men instinctively seek out women who can effectively bear their offspring. Reproductive hormones are indicators of a woman's fertility, and the higher the levels of these hormones, the more appealing the woman is to men.

At the end of the day, men are subconsciously attracted to a woman whose physical traits indicate that she’s reproductively fit. In fact, both men and women are predisposed to seek a mate they can have healthy offspring with. If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs-up, and share it with your friends, so we can keep making them.


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