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You're Not Gonna Hear Me Roar

I wish I was your typical Leo.

By NicoleXenia's LibraryPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
You're Not Gonna Hear Me Roar
Photo by Ivan Diaz on Unsplash

Did you know that Leo's are up there as one of the most hated signs of the Zodiac?

Why? Put simply, we're high maintenance according to others. We think we're always right, we think the world revolves around us, we're arrogant, we have too much ambition but we're also lazy, we're prideful and we hate criticism.

Essentially we're... human?

Like any Zodiac sign, Leo's are said to have their strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps Leo's display a lot of the shortcomings detailed. While I contest some of them, I will admit that I do have a tendency to be stubborn and, while in many ways I am very laid back (also a Leo trait apparently) I also don't do well with change - another weakness due to our fixed signs,

"Well that just sounds like a mass of contradictions!" one might say. I say, you're not wrong.

I adore looking up and researching my horoscope, zodiac sign - my whole birth chart in fact. However, I often find that, while there are many consistencies, one astrology-lover will say one thing while another will turn around and say the opposite.

Is that because we're all human anyway? And most research found online is based on other people's perceptions and biases? - Yes! But, like I say, I love looking into all of this and so, once and for all, I will determine just how much of a Leo I truly am.

The Lion

Despite being one of the most hated, I do often wish I was a typical Leo.

Perhaps this is a very 'Leo' thing to say, but I adore my zodiac sign. When most astrology-lovers talk about Leo's, they use phrases like 'Kings and Queens of the Jungle". We're ruled by the sun and represented by the fierce and proud Lion.

If you're anything like me, dear reader, then there's a chance that you know a considerable amount about your own sign, but not necessarily a great deal about the others. I'm told us Leo's love to talk about ourselves, but I'll try to be brief.

A Leo's strengths are said to include: Warm-heartedness, creativity, passion, loyalty and generosity. Interestingly, these are all traits I aspire to build upon and live by in my day-to-day life. I don't always succeed, but that's the intention.

As for weaknesses, when people hear 'Leo' they think arrogant, dramatic, vain, have a need for approval, they don't do well with authority, self-centred, lazy - honestly, the list goes on.

Of course, it depends on perception. Confidence can be perceived as arrogance and being laid back can be perceived as lazy.

While I can admit to a bunch of these, there are qualities of a Leo that I just don't seem to posses. For example, confidence / self-confidence or being a 'natural born leader'. How does one move from needing guidance and approval to running the show? We're meant to be brave and achieve every goal we set ourselves.

If the astrology-lovers are to be believed, then a Leo with anxiety just doesn't exist.

We do exist.

The Myths

Life of the Party

I've no doubt that this is true for many Leo's however, unless I'm surrounded by people I know well, I am incredibly shy and there's a good chance you'll find me sat at a table, listening to everyone else's stories, or by the drinks / in a corner - somewhere safe where I can observe my surroundings.

Born Leaders

Leo's can absolutely be great and charismatic leaders however, while I do one day want to build and run my own business, I am incredibly indecisive and spend a very long time thinking about my next move or the best decision - especially if that decision involves, or will have an affect on, other people.


I'm not sure if networking is the right term. I have a wonderful group of friends however, outside of that? Like I said, I'm shy and incredibly anxious! I don't know what's the best thing to say in any given situation and I loathe small talk. Networking is not something I enjoy. If I have a conversation I want it to be meaningful, not just greasing the palms of people I for some reason need to know.

Did You Know?


Leo's are actually very loyal to the people they care about. When you make a friend in a Leo, you have a friend for life - or so they say, but honestly I agree.

"But Nicole, you're a Leo! You're biased!" Yes and no. One of my best and oldest friends since we were four years old is also a Leo, and she is incredibly loyal. If you need her, she is always there at a moments notice. She is someone you can trust with anything and rely on. My hope is that I do that for her, and for my other friends.

A loyal friend will back you until the end but also let you know if you've messed up. They can be completely honest with you about the most trivial to the most important things. They'll tell it like it is but they won't hurt you in doing so and, most importantly, if they mess up themselves they don't hesitate to apologise sincerely for it.

Hard on the outside but sensitive at heart

A very little known fact about Leo's is that we're actually very sensitive. We're perceived as social butterflies, and I'm sure many are however, speaking from personal experience we're pretty selective about who we hang out with - and not in a way which is meant to exclude anyone but because, if there are any Leo's like me, they're very protective with their heart. This could be the anxiety talking, but unless I click with someone it can actually take about 2-3 years before I feel like I can open up and be myself and trust you with that.

Values their friends

Perhaps it's because it does take me so long to open up to others, but I believe a Leo truly does value their friends. This links back to loyalty however, also in the sense that a Leo will be your cheerleader. You want to start a business? Heck yeah you can do that! You want to be a teacher? You would be perfect because of X Y and Z reasons. You want to audition for something? They would be fools to turn you away!

If, for any reason, it doesn't work out the first time? Well now you have experience and you know how to improve the next time around. It isn't a setback, it's a learning curve and the next time you'll have all this knowledge you didn't have before!

Valuing friends also means that they can tell you pretty much anything and you don't judge them for it, even if (or especially if) they're judging themselves.


I cannot speak for every person with whom I share this sign. I can speak from the experience of having a Leo friend and, to a certain extent, being a Leo.

As I said at the beginning, sometimes I wish I was a typical Leo. In many ways I feel I have some of the characteristics and weaknesses - I think some I've grown into over the years (both the good and the not so good). So perhaps as I continue to live my life I'll grow in confidence, I'll become a natural born leader and gain the ability to smash all my goals.

Again, we're all just human. Chances are, even if you're not a Leo, you related to one or more of the items I've mentioned. Zodiac signs are always a lot of fun and interesting to look into... unless you stumble onto someone who hates your sign.

Speaking of which, remember I said Leo's are up there as one of the most hated in the zodiac? Well I suppose I sort of get it. Leo's can be kind of in your face, place value on appearance and are incredibly stubborn at times.

Yet, despite all the weaknesses and perceptions, I still wouldn't change it. So, while you may not hear me roar, I suppose that is very Leo of me, and perhaps there's a bit more inside just waiting to claw it's way out.


About the Creator

NicoleXenia's Library

Lover of stories.

Perpetual Overthinker.


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