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What do you know about love

Evolution of love

By LoventerPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

Erotic IQ in the evolution of love

In the quest for successful relationships, many people believe that love is the ultimate key to happiness. However, I'm here to shed light on a crucial factor that goes beyond just love - I call it "erotic IQ." Let's delve into this concept further. Relationships, unfortunately, don't come with instruction manuals, and there are no formal degrees or qualifications in the art of love or marriage. In fact, most of us lack exemplary relationship models to emulate. We grow up surrounded by romanticized portrayals of love in movies, music, and media, leading us to yearn for that fairy tale love story. As adults, we hope that love will be like a Disney movie, with a happily ever after. But reality often proves to be far more complex.

Language also plays a role in how we perceive and understand love. For instance, the Greeks recognize seven different types of love, Italians have over 10 ways to express it, and the French have over 15 variations. However, in English, we rely on a single word to convey our feelings toward our partner and our favorite latte.

Understanding the emotions associated with love reveals their temporary nature and the underlying neurochemical basis. What we describe as feelings or moods are actually governed by neurochemicals in our brain. Sexual drive is influenced by dopamine and pheromones, romantic love by oxytocin and serotonin. As attachment sets in, rationality might take a backseat, leading to irrational behavior.

Unfortunately, the future of love appears bleak, as the social conditioning of love has become a global concern. Half of all marriages are ending in divorce, which has significant economic implications, costing billions of dollars in countries like Australia and the US. Relationship issues have also been linked to decreased workplace productivity and a rise in depression cases, identified as a leading cause of disability worldwide by the World Health Organization. The failure of love has even become a multi-billion-dollar industry.

What is erotic IQ

This concept is not about sex or excitement but centers on intelligence applied to attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions in our relationships. It involves understanding and working through our emotional baggage, referred to as "the shadow" by Jung and "the body armor" by Reich. These unresolved past memories, resentments, and disappointments shape our current behaviors and attitudes in relationships. For example, a past betrayal can lead to lingering trust issues.

As we progress through the erotic IQ spectrum, we achieve a clean slate to reprogram ourselves, fostering new connections, passion, and desire while maintaining the safety and security of the relationship. Advancing further, we reach symbiotic flow, a state of deep connection and synchronization with our partner. This state is akin to what neuroscience calls neuro synchronicity or quantum entanglement, where we seem to be on the same wavelength.

The most exciting level on the erotic IQ spectrum is the plateau experience, a transcendent state that Maslow described as being always turned on. In this state, our optimal selves are sustained, and our relationship reaches its supreme best when both partners synchronize their plateau experiences.

The brain's neuroplasticity allows us to evolve and improve our relationships, making erotic IQ an essential element for the future of love. By embracing intelligence as a core value in relationships, we can create fulfilling and successful partnerships, not only for ourselves but for future generations and the world at large. A revolution awaits us as we biohack our own biotechnology to elevate love to new heights. Let's take this step forward to create a brighter future where love thrives with emotional intelligence at its core.

Erotic IQ is not about sex, arousal, or excitement; rather, it involves intelligence applied to our attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors within relationships. It is a systematic approach to cultivating relationships for optimal success. The foundation of erotic IQ lies in understanding and addressing what psychologists Jung and Reich refer to as "the shadow" and "the body armor." The shadow represents the unconscious part of ourselves that holds onto past memories, resentments, and disappointments, shaping our current attitudes and behaviors in relationships. For instance, past betrayals can manifest as major trust issues even when we think we have moved on.

The process of erotic IQ involves working through our emotional baggage, leading to a clean slate where we can start anew. Here, we can reprogram ourselves to establish new connections through intimacy and explore novel ways of passion and desire while maintaining the safety and security of the relationship. As we progress along the erotic IQ spectrum, we reach the advanced levels, entering what can be described as the "symbiotic flow state." In this state, neuroscience refers to it as "neuro synchronicity" and physics as "quantum entanglement" - it's like being on the same wavelength as our partner. At this level, our relationship is at its optimal best, making us among the happiest people in the world.

But the excitement doesn't stop there; erotic IQ goes beyond mere flow states and enters into the "plateau experience." This concept, coined by Maslow, is a transcendent state that remains consistently turned on. Unlike flow states, where we experience peaks and altered states intermittently, the plateau experience helps maintain our optimal selves. When both partners synchronize their plateau experiences, the relationship is elevated to its supreme best.

The brain's neuroplasticity allows us to evolve and improve our relationships, making erotic IQ an evolution of love and a revolutionary concept. Embracing intelligence as the core value in relationships, we have the potential to transform our relationships for the better. This endeavor is not just for ourselves but also for the benefit of future generations and the world at large. Let's seize this opportunity to bio-hack our own biotechnology and create successful, fulfilling relationships.


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