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What AI Reveals About Revelations

Are the end-times now?

By Jim DeLilloPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read

I asked Notion.SO AI to write an essay comparing current events to the events in The Book of Revelations in The Bible.

The book of Revelations in the Bible is known for its prophetic and apocalyptic nature, with various events described in the book being interpreted as signs of the end times. While it is important to note that the interpretations of the events in Revelations are highly debated among scholars and religious leaders, there are some similarities between the events described in the book and current world events.

One similarity between current events and Revelations is the rise of political and social unrest. The book of Revelations describes a world in chaos, with wars and conflicts breaking out across the globe. In recent years, we have seen a significant increase in political turmoil and social unrest, with protests and demonstrations taking place in various parts of the world. These events have been fueled by issues such as economic inequality, political corruption, and racial injustice, which have led to widespread dissatisfaction and anger among the masses.

Another similarity between current events and Revelations is the rise of extremist ideologies and groups. The book of Revelations describes a time when false prophets and leaders will arise, leading people astray with their deceitful teachings. In recent years, we have seen the rise of extremist ideologies and groups, with individuals and organizations promoting hate, violence, and intolerance. These groups have been responsible for numerous terror attacks and acts of violence, causing widespread fear and devastation.

Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has been compared to the plagues and diseases described in the book of Revelations. The pandemic has affected millions of people across the globe, causing widespread illness, death, and economic disruption. The pandemic has also led to significant political and social changes, with governments implementing lockdown measures and restrictions on travel and gatherings.

While it is important to note that the events in Revelations are highly symbolic and open to interpretation, it is clear that there are some similarities between the events described in the book and current world events. These events serve as a reminder that we must remain vigilant and work towards creating a more just, peaceful, and equitable world for all.

The above text was generated by Notion.SO AI

So it's scary enough thinking about the Apocalypse, but look at the comparison AI was able to do between the current events and Revelations in the Bible.

This information is extracted from deep searches of the web and then generated in a narrative text.

It's clear that the engine does not want to reach any conclusions. I found this to be the same for other AI applications with caveats such as "it is impossible to give a definitive answer."

Also, some of the AI extracts are limited in their search capability. I was advised by another platform – CHAT AI support that the data only is current to 2020.

AI does not make any assumptions, but it can make inferences and correlations between content.

I did ask it to include political figures as characters from the Bible, but it politely refused stating that it went against policy that could prove disparaging, damaging, or libelous for actual persons; frankly, a nice safeguard.

As I read the generated copy, I felt uncomfortable in the inability to distinguish the AI generated words from those that may be authored by a human.

AI copy generation, and its engines are here to stay. It is being used for writing essays, resumes, news, articles, and indeed Vocal media.

There is a strong argument that humans still have an edge over AI due to the ability to think outside the box, or apply certain stylistic constructs. AI can be instructed to write "in the style of Hemingway", or similar criteria.

AI is being refined daily, if not minute-by-minute, both by the AI designers and programmers creating the algorithms, as well as by AI recursive functions.

End-times for all? or for just authors, artists, and other creatives?

literaturescience fictionsciencehumanityfuturefeatureartificial intelligence

About the Creator

Jim DeLillo

Jim DeLillo writes about tech, science, and travel. He is also an adventure photographer specializing in transporting imagery and descriptive narrative.

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