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We Have New Info About Daisy Ridley & Adam Driver's Force Connection Scenes

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By Culture SlatePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Image Credit: Star Wars, Disney

Over the decades, the Star Wars franchise has moved well beyond its visual media roots. There are several comics and books which continue to add color and depth to this universe.

Books Behind the Scenes

Pablo Hidalgo, a 20 year veteran of the Lucas Story Group, has released a fantastic behind-the-scenes look at all nine Skywalker Saga films. The new book entitled Star Wars: Fascinating Facts is 208 pages of images, stories, and trivia, bringing our favorite galaxy a little closer to home.

Hidalgo wanted the book to be easy to reference. In a recent interview with SyFy Wire, he stated, "I had a few months to compile the kind of facts they were looking for and hit the specific 'browse-able' tone they were seeking. It sounded like a good fit, and my schedule had opened up as I had recently wrapped up some other writing projects."

Image Credit: Portable Press/Lucasfilm

For example, the Force connection scenes between Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) are dissected to reveal the simple camera trick used to film them. There are little to no visual effects in these scenes. Director Rian Johnson wanted to make sure that the connection wasn't 'something trippy.' He wanted it to be intimate, personal. Both actors were on-set but filmed separately in their 'distant' environments. Editor Bob Ducsay cut the scenes to make it feel as though they were in the same room. Johnson and Ducsay felt that anything more would detract from the intense intimacy experienced during these scenes.

Image Credit: Portable Press/Lucasfilm

There are also anthologies about the characters and universe. Culture Slate has already discussed recently published books like The Lightsaber Collection, which features all of the lightsabers found in the universe. The book brings together various sources of lightsaber lore into one convenient compendium. Detailed images of the blades themselves are also revealed. There are also previews of lightsabers of future entries such as those for The High Republic.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

The High Republic is the most recent fictional era announced within the Star Wars universe. Previous publications have revealed other details about this period. The opening crawl was also previously released. It reads:

"The galaxy is at peace, ruled by the glorious REPUBLIC and protected by the noble and wise JEDI KNIGHTS. As a symbol of all that is good, the Republic is about to launch STARLIGHT BEACON into the far reaches of the Outer Rim. This new space station will serve as a ray of hope for all to see. But just as a magnificent renaissance spreads throughout the Republic, so does a frightening new adversary. Now the guardians of peace and justice must face a threat to themselves, the galaxy, and the Force itself..."

Author Charles Soule will inaugurate this new series with the novel Star Wars: Light of the Jedi. Soule has already given us hints about the arch-villains in these books. They are a band of marauders called the Nihil. The story team has already fleshed out the entire history of the Nihil. "The main villains of the piece...are a group of anarchic marauders with some unique abilities that make them very powerful and very dangerous in this era," he explained. Unlike other Star Wars villains, the Nihil do not have an ideology or code of ethics, warped or otherwise. As anarchists, they do what they want, when they want. They will cut down anyone who stands in their way.

Star Wars continues to keep us enthralled with new material expanding the universe. The team behind the scenes keeps us informed on just how the magic is made. Both keep fans coming back for more.

Written By Leana Ahmed

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