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To Know a Libra

Unraveling the Truth in the Stars

By Christina ViolaPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

“Without Libra, there will be no one keeping the order and balance. There will be no one settling the fight and restoring the peace.” - Unknown

From the endless quotes and stacks of books to daily horoscopes, most of the information that I’ve read about who Libras are, is pretty in line with who I am. Is this because it’s easy to generalize most personality traits and characteristics of a person to fit a label? Or is it because there is truth in the meaning that comes from the distant cosmos? I’d be lying if I said that I never blindly engaged in the world of Astrology before I really had a good understanding of its origins. As I explore my spirituality, I like to include Astrology as a part of my life. Even if it’s not a focal point of my everyday life, I do feel connected to the universe in this way.

For years, I’d read any book about astrology that I could get my hands on. Quickly flipping to the chapter on Libras and then next to the section on compatibility. It’s clear to me now, I might have been searching for some kind of validity - about who I was, about how I should act, any cues I could get about what it meant to be a Libra. The added mystery and magic of learning about the stars and signs combined with what seemed like a glance into my future did nothing less than excite me.

Libra’s are said to be the “romantic charmers” of the zodiac - we’re fair, caring, loving, and always in the pursuit of balance. To my core, I am those things. There is little I care about more than the fair and just treatment of all people. It’s hard not to wonder if I am who I am largely in part of the way the starts and planets were organized on the day I was born. Especially when the descriptions from most astrologers are so spot on. Many of my friends and loved ones would describe me as someone who hates conflict, someone who likes to investigate all sides of a situation, and who is easy to be around. These are all traits often used to describe a Libra. I’ve found myself in the position of mediator countless times throughout my life. I tend to be the voice of reason when my family members get in a fight and the friend that is always making sure there is harmony throughout our group - making sure everyone feels heard and seen. I am mostly very laid back and chilled out, but when it comes to discord or any kind of unethical behavior, I will do as much as I can to make sure things are put right.

Healer and astrologer, Rachel Lang, describes Libras as “The pleasant peacemakers of the zodiac, Libras are super-easy to get along with and make a point of considering both sides of every story. They tend to avoid conflict, or, if they find themselves involved in a conflict, they mediate as soon as possible to restore a state of balance and equilibrium. Theirs is the sign of relationships, which means they can have a tendency to prioritize others and need to learn to balance autonomy and interdependence. Otherwise, they can find themselves people-pleasing, which is a temptation for Libra." It’s honestly like reading about something that was written specifically about me. Coincided much? Maybe.

If you know anything about Libras, it is probably that we love love. It’s true, I see love as one of the greatest human experiences. And not just romantic love, but love in all forms. Libras love being chatty and love flirting, even though they tend to actually be a little more on the introverted side. While we love partnering up and acting as a caregiver, we also love our alone time. Autonomy is one of the things I cherish most. I love traveling alone, having full weekends without talking to or seeing any friends, and spending nights in my mindfully curated apartment in my freshly made bed. Given the chance at true love though, you will find me all in. Everything about love, I love. The falling, the excitement, the fear, and even the breaking of a failed love. It feels as though it is a part of me. My style in love matches my need for overall balance in my life - I wish for unions that are split evenly. Where each person remains themselves within the relationship while balancing out the other person.

I see most things as art and little fills my heart more than the way shadows hit the mountains in the morning, and again just before the sun sets. The way a room is put together, with colors and patterns that just feel right together. Or the way wearing a perfectly fitting and comfortable outfit feels. Moments when things aren’t just right seem like moments wasted. This could be seen as a hindrance, but honestly it’s never felt that way. My indecisiveness though, that has held me back from time to time.

Along with the beauty I see in everyday events and objects, I am constantly seeking out the magic in the world. The mystery and magic of life is what keeps my curiosity alive and thriving. Without my curiosity, I would wither away.

In the book Sextrology Sextrology: The Astrology of Sex and the Sexes by Quinn Cox and Stella Starsky has a huge chapter on Libras that I must have read 50 times. As I get older, and reread it, some pieces stick out to me in ways they did not before. And as a whole, it is a bit shocking how well it matches who I believe I am. One section that has always jumped out to me is their physical description of many Libras.

“First of all, she is often blond, though a dirty version... Her skin appears poreless, though sometimes dry and flaky, her cheeks flushing apple-red with every registered emotion. Her eyes, regardless of heritage, are pale: a gray-blue instead of bright, hazel-green or gold- flecked brown. Libras face is serene but for that eternal grimace; her eyes too, seem to be laughing. She boasts strong cheek-bones in a rounded, rather meaty doll-face that rarely looks taut or gaunt. Her mouth is a perfectly drawn bow-shape, just ample enough to escape a thin lipped look.”

My mom called me Rosy Cheeks growing up as a term of amendment and I’ll include a picture below, so you can decide for yourself. I know, this describes many people! So many of these attributes could easily be used to describe non-Libras. I still have so many doubts about the validity of astrology as an exact method to determine the outcome of any single human being. But, it’s hard to ignore the overwhelming similarities. If you’re like me; a Libra that has been almost perfectly described over and over by people who have never met you, you’d know where I am coming from. All said, it’s hard to know exactly what the meaning of all of this is - the stars, life, and the human experience. But, I am open to the continuation of exploration of the cosmos and our human connection to them. And I will most likely continue to happily describe myself as being a Libra.


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