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Time Travel Could Prove that Life is Predestine

Is it really possible to time travel? If one traveled into the future, that means that a future has already been placed, hence making life choices all but pointless.

By Bazooka TeachesPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo from SnappyGoat.com

Do you believe in time travel? Is it really possible that it can be done! I watch all these crazy time-traveling documentaries on the Discovery Channel and History Channel, and they always drive me nuts due to my intuitive and inquiring brain. I know that time travel has been a dream for mankind, and it is a fascinating subject to talk about. It’s crazy, and I love it! Imagine if it was true!

Here’s my thought on it. Traveling into the future would be more difficult than traveling to the past and here’s why. Traveling to the past is going to a place that’s already happened, like going back into the prehistoric world of the dinosaurs. If they really existed, which evidence shows that they pretty did exist, going back to visit them would be possible if time travel was real. This would also apply to any historic event such as World War II, the Roman Empire, the landing of the Moon, the Vietnam War, the assassination of JFK, the crucifixion of Jesus (wait is that for real?). Anyway, you get the picture. If you could travel back, you could go even to see yourself graduate from high school. Wow! That is just mindboggling, right?

Photo from Pixabay

Now, going to the future is another whole game. If you travel to the future, which future would you go into? Would you go to the future where you graduate from college or the future where you got caught smoking too much pot in college and got kicked out? Do you get my drift? In other words, the future hasn’t happened. We all have decisions to make in our lives, right? At least, I hope so. So, if time travel only goes to one future that we all belong to, then our lives are pretty much meaningless.

I hope you understand what I am saying. If a time machine took me to the future, and I saw myself there, successful or not, I would have to imagine that the choices that I made all of my life, have been already decided since there is only one future to go to. So, if that is true, then our lives are already written out for us. That means, whether you are evil or a complete saint, the outcome of your personality was meant to be that way. Additionally, since you are not really making your own decisions, then your life is pretty much worthless, right? There would be no freedom. Freedom would just be an illusion!

Now, this thought takes me to other subjects to argue about. For instance, time could be compared to the "Divine Plan" that is mentioned in the Bible. If both of these ideas were true, then time travel could be possible or at least easier to accomplish. The reason is that time has already been written or laid out. So, time-traveling into the future would be possible like flipping through the pages of a book. Again, your life would be decided for you and your freedom all taken.

On the other hand, if our choices really mattered and weren’t already planned out, time travel cannot be possible. The reason I say this is because the future is made up of different dimensions or possibilities; we are constantly creating different universes at all times every time we make a choice. So, if you were to time travel into the future under this rule, you could be jumping dimensions or going into different futures. Then, when trying to return, you would get lost in the different pasts that those various futures hold. Wait, what is going on?

Anyway, imagine every time you have a choice, you are creating a different future. What about the rest of the billions of souls that live on this planet. They are creating different futures, as well, when they come across a decision. That means there is an innumerable number of futures that are constantly changing. Different dimensions are constantly being born as millions of people make millions of different choices. It would be a constant kaleidoscope of dimensions fluctuation across the universe. Again, what is going on?

Maybe I’m just blabbing. Maybe I could be saying the ultimate truth ever! Maybe I’m full of shit, but you have to admit that it is a mind-boggling subject. So, do you believe in time travel? If so, which one? The one with one fixed future or the one with an infinite amount of dimensions? What do you think? I really want to know!

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Bazooka Teaches

A regular Joe that is just surviving the struggle. Loves to write and is constantly fighting the forces of evil.

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