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Underlying facts about Space

By Muhammad AlimPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The colour of the sun

The sun is often depicted as a bright yellow ball of fire, but in reality, it appears more greenish or white. The color of a star is determined by its temperature, and the sun falls in the yellow-white range.

The sun appears greenish, not yellow. Its color is determined by its temperature, and scientists measure its temperature based on the color spectrum it emits. Cooler stars appear red, while the hottest stars appear blue.

there is no Sound in Space

In movies and popular culture, you often hear sound effects during space scenes, such as explosions or spacecraft engines.

In the vacuum of space, sound cannot travel since it requires a medium to propagate. However, in regions with sufficient particles, such as gas clouds, sound can travel. For example, the hot gas cloud around the black hole in the Perseus Galaxy cluster emits sound that can be detected.

However, space is a vacuum, meaning there is no air or medium to transmit sound waves. Therefore, there is no sound in the traditional sense in space.

In movies and popular culture, you often hear sound effects during space scenes, such as explosions or spacecraft engines. However, space is a vacuum, meaning there is no air or medium to transmit sound waves. Therefore, there is no sound in the traditional sense in space.

Twinkling Stars:

Stars are often portrayed as twinkling in the night sky. This effect is commonly seen in movies and cartoons. However, the twinkling of stars is caused by the Earth's atmosphere bending and scattering the starlight. In space, where there is no atmosphere, stars would appear steady and not twinkle.

Gravity in Space:

In movies set in space, you might see astronauts floating around weightlessly inside their spacecraft. While it is true that astronauts experience microgravity in space, objects and spacecraft still have mass and are affected by gravity. The absence of gravity would result in objects floating freely rather than being anchored to a specific spot.

Distance Between Objects:

Space is vast, and objects in space are often depicted as being much closer together than they actually are. Distances between planets, stars, and galaxies are incredibly vast, and the scale of space is difficult to comprehend. It would take significant time and effort to travel between celestial bodies.

Explosions in Space:

In movies, you often see massive explosions and fiery destruction in space battles or spacecraft collisions. Explosions in space, as depicted in movies, cannot occur since there is no air or oxygen to sustain combustion. Space is a vacuum, preventing traditional explosions from happening.

However, explosions require oxygen to sustain combustion, and the vacuum of space lacks the necessary air. In reality, the absence of oxygen would prevent traditional explosions from occurring.

Aliens and Extraterrestrial Life:

While the existence of extraterrestrial life remains a topic of scientific exploration and speculation, no confirmed evidence of intelligent alien life has been found to date. Despite numerous depictions in movies and stories, contact with intelligent aliens is purely speculative at this point.

You can't fly through The asteroid belt

located between Mars and Jupiter, is not a dense obstacle course. Space rocks are spread out over vast distances, making it unlikely for a spacecraft to collide with one.

You Instantly Freeze in Space

In space, freezing doesn't happen immediately. Heat or cold doesn't transfer quickly in the vacuum of space. While your body would eventually freeze, it would take hours to occur. Lack of oxygen would be a more immediate threat, leading to unconsciousness and organ failure.

Space is Cold

Space itself doesn't have a temperature. Temperature is defined by the movement and energy of particles, which are sparse in space. However, certain regions near stars or dense gas clouds can be extremely hot or cold

Mercury is not the hottest planet in the solar system.

Venus holds that title due to its thick atmosphere creating a greenhouse effect, leading to scorching surface temperatures of about 475 degrees Celsius.

Our solar system is in constant motion, hurtling through space at a speed of 220 kilometers per second. It takes approximately 230 million years for our solar system to complete one orbit around the Milky Way galaxy.

Planets and moons do not orbit directly around the sun but around a central point between them called the Barycenter. This point varies depending on the masses and distances involved, causing celestial bodies to orbit each other.

earth is a sphere

Earth is not a perfect sphere but an irregularly shaped ellipsoid. It bulges at the equator due to centrifugal force from its rotation, making it about 43 kilometers wider at the equator than at the poles.


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