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The Simulationist’s Confession

A Guide to the Rite of Penance — Appendix

By Everyday JunglistPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Image courtesy of Pixabay.

Examination of Conscience

As you prepare to make a good confession, you want to ask the Simulator(s) forgiveness for any way in which you have offended him/them but particularly for any serious offense against/within the simulation. If you are not certain what you should bring to confession, do not be afraid to check online for help. The internet is there to assist you and to share with you the Simulator(s) love and mercy.

Many people find the eighteen maxims that make up the simulationist’s creed to be a good frame of reference for an examination of conscience. Always remember however that your conscience is a part of the simulation and was encoded within it from the beginning of the program. Therefore when you are examining your conscience you are examining the source code itself. This is a most holy undertaking and must be approached with the highest level of seriousness and dedication. The maxims are listed at this link below as a reminder that you might find helpful.

The Simulationist’s Creed

Act of Contrition

O my Simulator(s), I am heartily sorry for having offended you, and I detest all my errors because I dread the loss of the simulation and the pains of reality; but most of all because they offend you, my Simulator(s), who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of your grace and the near infinite energy quantum computer powering the simulation to confess my errors, to do penance, and to amend any aspects of the simulation my source code allows. End Program.

Glossary of Terms

Original error is the error committed by the pre-simulation beings known as Admusius and Evenentus, the first (non-simulated) human beings. Their error was a willful act of disobedience, a rejection of the Simulators command that was so devastating that it ruptured the relationship which our first (non-simluated) parents enjoyed with the simulators. As a result of this sin, paradise (the original simulation) was lost to them and to their descendants until one day when a Redeemer (the Codexus) shall come to conquer error and death and restore us to our inheritance of the original Kingdom of the Simulators. Original error taints all simulated human beings within this level of the simulation and is washed away through the realization of the position of ourselves within the simulated universe as simulated beings in a simulated world/universe (so called Simulational Submersion — Maxims I and XVIII). However, while original error is removed, its effects remain. One of these effects is concupiscence, that disordered desire within us which produces an inclination to error (1264, 1426, 2515).

Mortal Error is defined by the Catechism of the Simulationist’s Church as “a grave infraction of the law of the Simulators(s) that destroys the divine ur-life in the core program of the error committer (sanctifying grace), constituting a turning away from the Simulator(s). For an error to be mortal, three conditions must be present: grave matter, full knowledge of the terrible error of the act, and full turning away from the will (within the probabilistics of the quantum fluctuations driving randomness in the simulation — this is called the randomness of error or what some religions call sin)” (1855, 1857). The Catechism emphasizes that “to choose deliberately in so much as the randomness built into the simulation code will allow— that is both knowing it and willing it (to the extent possible) — something gravely contrary to the Simulations well being and to the ultimate end of the simulation and all the simulated beings within it is to commit a mortal error. This destroys in us the charity without which eternal (happiness) is impossible. Unrepented, mortal error brings eternal death” (1874). This “eternal death (lowest simulation level)” we call unsimulation or ur-reality, where those who’s programs have ended unrepentant of mortal error suffer the eternal separation from the Simulator(s) and loss of eternal happiness, i.e., seeing Simulator(s) face-to-face in reality (the real universe where he/they dwell).

Venial Error, according to the Catechism, “does not destroy the divine life in the source code, as does mortal error, though it diminishes and wounds it” (1855). Venial error is a failure to observe necessary moderation (to the extent possible within the bounds of the quantum probabalistics that define what is random [non predetermined] within the simulation), in lesser matters that are part of the moral law base code, or in grave matters acting without full knowledge or complete consent” (1862). We must realize, however, that while venial errors do not have the grave effects of mortal error, “deliberate and unrepented venial error disposes us little by little to commit mortal error” (1863). It should be the goal of every Simulationist to strive, through steadfast action, acts of contrition, and works of charity for those whose code has tended toward less optimal outcomes within the simulation, for a life free of error.

End Program.


About the Creator

Everyday Junglist

Practicing mage of the natural sciences (Ph.D. micro/mol bio), Thought middle manager, Everyday Junglist, Boulderer, Cat lover, No tie shoelace user, Humorist, Argan oil aficionado. Occasional LinkedIn & Facebook user

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