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The shocking prediction of chatGPT creator, Sam Altman

AI Revolution

By Maestro VarialPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

As we stand at the precipice of a technological marvel, generative artificial intelligence technology emerges, promising to soar productivity to new heights for countless workers in the years ahead. However, this momentous leap forward comes with a bitter realization - some may find themselves displaced amidst the dance of progress.

Sam Altman, the visionary CEO of OpenAI, the mastermind behind ChatGPT, exclaims in June the potential of AI to elevate the quality of life in the most extraordinary ways. Yet, in March, he bares his vulnerability, cautioning that a hint of fear toward AI is not unfounded. Disinformation problems and economic shocks loom on the horizon, casting a shadow on the path we tread.

In the captivating embrace of The Atlantic, Altman challenges the notion that AI's boom will exclusively be a harbinger of good tidings for workers. A profound truth emerges from his lips, echoing through the digital corridors - jobs may indeed vanish, a stark reality we cannot deny.

"A lot of people working on AI pretend that it's only going to be good; it's only going to be a supplement; no one is ever going to be replaced," he asserts. "Jobs are definitely going to go away, full stop."

The epoch of ChatGPT, unfurled last November, stirred the hearts of economy experts who envisioned AI as an invaluable ally to workers, easing their toils, and liberating them from mundane tasks. Optimism radiated like a sun-kissed dawn, as some believed AI's rise would not herald the dreaded job displacement that many Americans feared. Instead, a different fear surfaced - that of their co-workers leveraging AI as a means to supplant their positions.

Oded Netzer, a venerable professor from Columbia Business School, consoles, "You will not be replaced by AI but by someone who knows what to do with AI," providing a ray of hope amidst uncertainties in early July.

Yet, Altman's words resonate with an underlying truth - though the majority may remain untouched by AI's relentless embrace, a few shall inevitably falter on this dynamic dance floor. Goldman Sachs' grim forecast in March predicted the potential disruption of 300 million full-time jobs worldwide, a reminder that simplification often begets automation.

Carl Benedikt Frey, an esteemed Oxford economist, solemnly echoes the sentiment, revealing the ultimate purpose behind AI assistants that scrutinize telemarketers' calls and dispense recommendations - they are being groomed with the goal of replacing their human counterparts.

In the grand tapestry of AI's adoption, however, a delicate counterbalance emerges - the possibility of birthing new jobs. Altman, with steadfast conviction, foretells that better opportunities will rise from the ashes of displacement.

"I don't think we'll want to go back," he asserts.

The heartrending question endures - shall the displaced souls find their footing on this ever-evolving stage? As history whispers tales of transformation, we glimpse the late-19th century's saga - automation of telephone operators, once a common profession for women, thrusting them into the tempest of technological change.

Ethan Mollick, a sage professor from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, shares their tale - the young adapted and ventured toward new horizons, discovering fresh avenues of prosperity. Alas, the older souls bore the weight of a lifelong wage hit, forever unable to reclaim the luster of their former employ.

In this enthralling symphony of AI's advent, we must acknowledge both the symphonic crescendo of hope and the melancholic strains of uncertainty. As AI's melody enchants us, may we stride forth with unity and empathy, ensuring that those displaced find solace in the guiding notes of reskilling and reinvention.

In the dawn of AI's dance, let us harmonize a symphony of transformation - where progress and compassion intertwine, and the workforce of the future finds its footing amidst the ever-changing rhythm of technology's embrace. Together, let us embrace the digital dawn, where humanity's greatest potential dances in unity with the technological marvels we weave.

techscienceopinionfutureartificial intelligence

About the Creator

Maestro Varial

Human relations enthusiast, storyteller and blogger.

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