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The Purple Order

Conversation with a Screen Star

By Ocusan MPublished 6 months ago 9 min read

Hand of Glory on my television screen

What ingredients do I need to see the Invisible Beings?

Zenith, Quasar, Samsung & Quantum TV

Give me a Mask so I can see!

If you have a real voice

Just call out to me

Through the raster images

In Virtual 3D !

Saying the spell was simple, the time it took for someone to answer stretched out until dawn’ Finally inside my flawed tv screen was a woman wearing a crown I recognized’ I Greet you from the astral world of mirrored film! What beckons your spirit upon summing me? Your Grace, I am excited to inform you that I will be replacing the screen you are in with a newer model’ Well that suits me fine since this one obscures my image with a strange black pillar! I can explain your Grace. Go on, I’ve been receding here since I passed away’ with my second life, I’ve got all the time in the world’ Alright, when I write a story it goes somewhere else when sending. I believe it gets carried on a drone to a holographic world for review’ When doing so, I noticed that it in turn made a gap on my 3D tv since the television itself is composed of holographic pixels. Yes, it is rather annoying’ Just you wait Your Grace until the Quantum tv arrives, Your image should be fully restored & revived with state of the art abilities making a world ever so vibrant! Oh I can’t wait, my color hues are turning to black & white’ But how did a dripping Hand of Glory appear in the gap? It’s such a dreadful looking thing, if I do say. Well, the gap is composed of infinite space where it must have been floating around, I’m not really sure how it got there. What is that in the center of the hand? I think it’s an eye of Illuminati the seal of Providence, ancient symbol of the All Seeing Eye! In England it is known as the Rose Croix symbolized with a Two Headed Eagle’ I’ve seen it on our currency’ It dates back thousands of years with manuscripts written by robed druids from the dark ages, a secret order of Christians that were among the Crusades’ I know little about the Crusades, except for one film that comes to mind since it was so profound’ What film was that my dear? The Seventh Seal. Oh the Ingmar Bergman film! I knew him well being a Native to my Country, yes the film did portray the Crusades among the contrast of traveling Angels, Saints, Bandits & Devils’ He suffered greatly being an existentialist of the avant- guard’, while the film spoken in the old dialect makes it difficult to understand’ The crowned face on the screen related. The fact that it is in black & white adds a deeper contrast. The chess game between the knight & Death is my most vivid recollection’ I understand. The hand of Glory still was burning between the two frames of the television. The flames seemed to be listening as it flickered as the two women related’ I remember women being in the scene of the traveling plagued souls who were marching among the crusaders of men’ Yes woman were in the Crusades. Why then are the derivatives of the robed orders using the Eye of Illuminati an all male Decree? The Scottish Rites adapted the order conforming it to a Masonry of only males, while their are orders for women such as the Daughters of the Nile’ You might want to visit them being inquisitive where the crowns they wear while giving charity make them impressionistic’ You yourself are impressionistic as your a crusader yourself with a personality of solid steel! The crowned actress laughed at the Joan of Ark comparison. I of course see myself as a Ninotchka woman being that we now live in a Ninotchka type world’ The solid no nonsense at all personality was just the movie needed when Russia invaded the Ukraine. I loved the stern Russia accent as I had never seen the movie before’ Sometimes I think they are making new movies to look old. You might be onto something, I am alive in the holographic world, as we can revive an old film making it fresh’ There are rumors about a cube located in space that you are able to live inside’ There might be one, or maybe your seeing into the future. Do you know of the Mukaab? No, what is that? It’s a holographic dream design of a cube world to be located out in the Arabian desert’ I pictured in my mind that you lived upon a planet like this’ When I turn off my television, do you fade away or do you go on living somewhere? The age old question, does a tree that falls in the forest make a sound if no one is there to hear it? Yes something like this. We do have a television world, where I do have a house when I’m not on screen’ I thought so, when I had satellite tv I could see a little of it’ Tell me what you saw’ I would watch the Greek cinema channel where I discovered Thanasis Veggos. I’m not familiar with him, is he a comedian? Yes, he portrayed a world set in Greece that made his movies look like home movies where the night scenes had no stars, making it feel distant to watch’ He was on my tv all the time as he acted much like a dad does. I started to think he was a long lost Uncle’ When he wrote my initials upon a homemade rocket with my mother’s initials, I became more estranged! When this was happening there was news of a patch of space found that had no stars around it. What happened to him? I don’t see him in here. I was told to remove my satellite as they made them not allowed anymore’ That explains it since I am connected to the fios fiber optic network’ It’s funny that Fios sounds like a Greek word, Yet once it was installed, the Greek Cinema was gone. That was how I began to wonder if Holography is alive’ Of course I boost it with the dilithium crystals I buy on my game where their exists a holodeck for role playing’ Oh it’s 1am, I have to go there now to spin the wheel, I’ll be back later. Take your time dear, don’t forget it soon will be Halloween’ It was so late that evening that I fell asleep letting the warm Autumn air filter through my curtains’ Inquisitive lights always liked to play in my room, as I felt some might be from an unidentified flying object’ Little did I know that I would have an encounter’ I felt a sudden heaviness as I heard the sound of engines’ My window bounced open where a bright overwhelming light shon upon my being. The heavy sensation reversed where I drifted up & out my window’ I was fully conscious as I felt no control as if I was lifted by a invisible blanket of gravity’ Looking up I could see I was being pulled inside a giant craft that scared the daylights out of me’ once in the craft I could see a tiny race of transparent aliens surrounded by what seemed like purple fog’ They motioned me over to a seat by a window letting me look down upon the Earth. They had large eyes & used telepathy to talk as I was too nauseated to speak’ A taller one who said he was the Leader told me not to worry, that I was just going for a ride’ The air had a clean taste as I looked around at the gentle beings who smiled so melancholy that I relaxed. The craft was being navigated somewhere yet I couldn’t see through the bright purple light that beaconed from a threshold that made time distort as well as hypnotizing. The crafts motion of acceleration stopped suddenly where I could see through the window we were hovering above the Washington Monument’ It must have been the significance of the full moon on Halloween night that called for a ceremony’ Looking down I could see a full circle of robed women holding lit torches burning as if it were a coven ritual’ I became more afraid of them than the extraterrestrials that captured me’ Then I was let out into the ceremony wearing just my white night gown that glowed from the revolving craft lights’ My long red hair blew amidst the purple fog the floating metallic ship was emitting’ I then heard the shouting of the women who I learned were of the Purple Order. The chant repeated over & over’ Celestial Dream way up high, Like a Bird you hover in a clouded sky! You have the Amethyst, You have the Being! Let us see her Image that is Unseen! The craft hovered above rotating its lights as if thinking what to do. I looked around at the hungry cult of women surrounding the Egyptian Pillar Replica. Torches stood still crackling soot fire & smoke’ It was dead silent as I noticed that some of the women wore crowns instead of hoods’ Maybe some of them were Sisters of the Nile, I wasn’t sure. One smiled at my presence & brought me a robe as I shivered in the now cool air’ Then the craft made a piercing noice where a door opened from above’ There within the swirling fog appeared a head that floated like a candle with a sea of glittery amethysts surrounding making it a surreal experience I shall never forget. It must have been what the coven wanted as they all said Ahhhh in unison’ She was truly breathtaking whoever she was, like seeing an image of the Virgin high up in space’ Her eyes sparkling of Amethyst while her lips were sealed in silence’ She was there for only a moment then she disappeared back into the fog while the door slowly closed’ The coven began to chant prayers to what they called the holy orb while it lifted away from its stationary position taking off at the speed of light’ Many of the covenant wanted to know how I was taken in the craft while others wanted to know about the beings inside’ I told them what I experienced while their eyes grew big & wide in hearing my tale. We walked in the night air until reaching the cemetery’ The white crosses over the graves glowed in the moonlight. The talked about how they had visions of the mysterious woman who communicated to & from the craft. They shared Recorded video picture images of her cloud formation walking upon the clouds, pacing as if she were trapped’ The woman wanted to help her and in turn formed the purple order where they all had sworn to secrecy’ The wind began to blow as the meeting area in the cemetery made Ole Hallows Eve a bit too Witchy for

My young bones. I see you need a ride home sweetie, an elder member said as her purple broach glittered with her caring eyes. Torches were extinguished while I was led to a black sedan parked on a side street. As I sat for the ride home I wondered why not one sirened car had noticed the spectacle over the Monument’ It was if a secret transparency had shielded the phenomenon’ One woman whispered that it was the work of the burning of candles beforehand that put everyone to sleep. I was invited to join the coven of women who told me they had plans for many interesting adventures that I could benefit from. Thanking them kindly, I stepped out the car making a beeline for my door. Safely back in my comfort zone I sat on my bed examining my robe I was given. There stitched on the front was the embroidery of the Eye of Illuminati with writing that said, Purple Order. I thought about joining as I wanted to know more as I felt dizzy from being taken by a Omni while at the same time it made me sink into a deep dreamy slumber that made my Halloween the most memorable one ever’


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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