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The pod

A futuristic view on where we could go with gaming technology.

By S.R.DaleyPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Gaming, where are we going. What does the future hold for it.

Only now are we stepping into beginning to step into the virtual worlds ourselves with games such as Pokémon go, which relies on gps location, digitally placed items on the map that can be interacted with through an app on your phone. We even have places like virtual world where you can put on some goggles and experience a roller coaster or go skydiving without the risk of dying. Fairly soon we will have virtual shopping centres where we go to a complex, put on goggles and gloves, then walk around virtual shops do our online shop with other people. There is seemingly not limit for that kind of virtual technology in todays world.

But let look to the future, and let’s take inspiration from some of our favourite movie and littiritue concepts. The fist step will probably be much like what we have now. Goggles, gloves or a suit that lets you interact and even feel things just like you’re really in the game. Much like a book and movie ready player one. If you’re interested in VR and havn’t cheapies it out please do.

One day we will be able to shead our physical form and virtual reality will take on a new form. Like a fan favourite “sword art online” an anime about a group of people trapped in a virtual game until the beat the boss on the last level. If they die they die for real as the helmet they wear will fry their brain. If any one tries to remove it, it fried their brain.

The helmet will probably be the second step. Something that connects our consciousness to the digital world and renders our movements in the real world mute. However I feel that the technology required to manipulate and transfer our consciousness is more than a life time away.

Due to the need to be in the digital world for as long as possible. It is probably that time won’t work the same in the virtual world as it does in the real world. Time would pass a lot quicker in the real world.

Eventually the technology will progress for extended periods of time in the virtual world. So the system would upgrade to alow for a feeder. This would alow people to almost live in the virtual world, by this point it would be safe to asume virtual life and virtual presence would be reguarded as more important than anything real life. Different worlds for different kinds of people will be developed to play on. Imagine being able to live inside your favourite game. If that’s what you wanted. Just come out for work, real exhersise. It would probably be an expensive habit. People would probably stop buying real food and just a powder substitute for their VR system. They will probably sleep in the system.

Eventually the need to always be in the system will cause the technology to advance again and we will probably have pods. Much like what you see in avatar. But instead of transferring your consciousness to another individual you are uploaded to the system. In the beginning only the wealthy will afford such a pod, but as time passes and technology passes more and more people will migrate to the system until eventually people will spend their entire lives there. The poor will be forced to maintain the pods by surigate robots controlled by people in the pod, or technology will be so advanced by them the everything is done by machines.

And at some point it all turns into the matrix


About the Creator


fiction writer. World creator. Brainstormer

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