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The Makings of a Magpie Oracle - Part 3: What to Know Before You Start the Path of Magpie Oracle Reading

Deciding if Magpie Oracle is right for you

By TestPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Collage by Yvonne Glasgow

Magpie Oracle is a form of divination – similar to reading tarot cards in the fact that it is a way to intuitively divine the future. Unlike reading tarot cards, these bones and trinkets you’ve collected are more personal to you, the individual diviner. You may have the same items in your kit as another person and have each item mean something completely different than what they've attached to their pieces.

When you start stepping into the world of Magpie Oracle as a divination tool, you will see that you have to have a connection with your set of bones and trinkets, for starters. You also need to have at least a little bit of psychic ability. But what is most important of all is having a strong intuitive ability and knowing how to tap into that. The various trinkets will land in different areas of your throwing space and you need to be able to intuitively understand how they tie together to create a story about yourself or the person you’re doing a reading for. You can have the most perfectly constructed kit that makes others jealous and it’s nothing but bones and baubles if you don’t know how to tap into your own clairvoyant abilities. We all are born with these talents, but many of us lose them as we get older.

Want to tap into your ESP? You will want to learn to open your third eye, trust your gut feelings, and you can use things like guided meditation to help with this. You also want to learn to be more mindful. Mindfulness is simply being in the moment and listening to your inner dialogue.

When it comes to using divination in any form, there are always things that you'll want to be aware of before delving in. With Magpie Oracle, there are also some pros and cons to consider when it comes to this specialized and personal form of divination. Fortune telling in this form is completely intuitive – there is no book of keywords to reference (unless you write one for your specific kit).

Here are the reasons why experienced intuitives should consider using Magpie Oracle as a form of divination:

It's personal – Magpie Oracle is an extremely personal divining practice. You create your own set, you add and remove pieces as you want, and you will read your bones differently than anyone else reads them. Not only that, but you (and your trinkets and bones themselves) choose the meanings of each piece in your kit.

It enhances your intuition – Because you are forced to use your intuition with every reading, you enhance your psychic abilities. The more you use them, the more powerful they become.

It connects you to spirit – Because you're calling on spirits and ancestors to help you, you're bringing them into your life and connecting with them on a deeper level. You're connecting with nature and the universe as well.

There are also some reasons this might not be the right form of divination for you, which include:

It's not easy – You shouldn't work with any divination when you're sick or your head isn't in the right space. Being in the zone is especially important when it comes to working with Magpie Oracle, mainly because it works with your intuition so closely. You'll need to be willing to set the kit aside when they aren't working for you (or you aren't working well with them).

You're not tapped into your intuition – If you're not open to your sixth sense, psychic abilities, and intuition, this type of divination will not work for you. While everyone has these abilities naturally, some people block them. You can pick up some books on opening your intuition back up or find articles and meditations online that will assist you in opening up your third eye and your connection to the messages from the universe and your spirit guides.

They aren't the most travel-friendly – Magpie Oracle sets can be delicate. Traveling with them risks breaking delicate shells, feathers, and animal parts you may have in your kit. You also risk losing pieces if you try to do public readings – I can attest to how easy it is for pieces to bounce off the table during a toss. This set is best for use at home or in your own “office” setting, though a sturdier collection can be used for traveling purposes, if, like me, you do readings at events.

Once you’ve mastered these things (at least to some extent), you can start connecting with your kit. In case you missed it, here is my article on building your Magpie Oracle. Also, check out the introduction to using this form of divination.


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