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The Life-changing Black Book

How one black notebook changed a young man's life forever.

By Breauna WilsonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The Life-changing Black Book
Photo by MontyLov on Unsplash

What would you do if you stumbled upon a goldmine wrapped up in a little black book?

This is what happened to 26-year-old Brandon walking to work one day like usual. As he was going to stop by his local 7/11. He noticed a little black book on the floor with numbers written on it. Upon first glance, it was just gibberish. A bunch of numbers written down that didn’t have any rhyme or reason. As he entered the convenience store reading the book he was startled by the shop owner that greeted him as he walked in. “Hey Brandon, what’s up?” “Oh, hey Moe how’s it going?”

Brandon finally got home from his 10-hour shift at McDonald’s and as he studied the book more and more he realized that the numbers started to look familiar. From years of playing the lottery, he realized the numbers were in sequence for lottery numbers. Just then the tv announced the winning lottery numbers and they matched up with the date for today. Brandon was shocked to discover what the book was. His ticket to a stress-free life. No more working, he quit his job and never worked again.

Armed with this new knowledge and with the book in hand he went into his local 7/11 filled with confidence and pep in his step.

He filled out the numbers as laid out in the book and went home to wait for the results.

As he waited for the next announcement of the winning numbers he had a strange feeling someone was watching him. He brushed off the feeling as the announcer read the numbers. “I won, I won, I can’t believe it worked!” Brandon was now 20 million dollars richer and filled with joy and excitement. The first thing he did was call his job and quit. Then he ran to the 7/11 and burst through the doors and gave Moe the ticket.

A few days later and 20 million dollars richer Brandon quit his job and moved to California. Living his life to the fullest filled with as much joy and excitement being a millionaire could offer. Every couple of years he would cash in on his winning numbers from his little black book and continue growing his wealth. As Brandon went for his daily jog he had almost forgotten it was time to cash in his newest set of winning numbers but this time it was different, for some reason he felt as if somebody was watching him. He brushed off this feeling and went to cash in his ticket and wait for the winners to be announced. On his way home he realized that a mysterious person was following him as he sped up his jog the person sped up their pace as well until he and the person were in a full-on sprint. Brandon finally managed to lose his pursuer as he entered his house, or so he thought. just when Bandon thought it was over he heard three knocks on his front door he reluctantly went to answer the door. When he finally got to the door and opened it it was the delivery man dropping off one of the packages he had ordered. Turning around to head back into his house a low voice said "you have something that belongs to me." startled by this person he tripped over his threshold and began crawling as the mysterious person was following him into his house he noticed it was the same person that was following him earlier. "Wha- what do you want? who are you?". The woman slowly removed her hood and told him her name was Claire and that the little black book he had found belonged to her. Brandon was skeptical and demanded proof that it was really hers. She recited the next set of numbers and dates word for word without hesitation. Brandon went to his room where his safe was that had the book and read what she had told him and it was all correct. Brandon asked her to have a seat and offered her some refreshments. As he and Claire started to talk about the book she told him that she's from the future and that she needed the book back because its only safe in her hands. Brandon didn't want to give up the book because he wanted to keep using it but he noticed how nervous Claire was about the whole situation and told her he needs time to think about it. Angrily Claire slammed her hands on the table and grabbed her head saying that there is no time for him to decide. Brandon noticed that her hands had started to shift and become transparent. "Look we can't talk here we need to go somewhere more secure." She wrote down an address on the back of a piece of paper she had in her pocket and told him to meet her there by 10 o clock tonight. Brandon hesitantly agreed and Claire left. 10 o clock had come and Brandon made it to the address. It took him to what looked like a run-down and decrepit old house. When he got to the door he rang the doorbell and a robotic voice asked for him to present the book to the peephole on the door. Brandon complied with the request and the door opened. He was greeted by a mini flying robot that told him to follow him into the back as they passed through the door it felt as if a thin veil of energy had surrounded him and it made him jump back and close his eyes. When he reopened them he was speechless from what he saw.

The room was 10 times bigger than the house he looked at it had tubes filled with this green liquid spewed all across the place. Monitors from wall to wall and about 20 drones flying all around entering and exiting out of hatches that were on the walls. It was obvious that all this technology was nowhere near close to this time period. "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come over here and look at this" Claire said to him. he went over to her and she showed him that he's been being followed for years and that they are close to gathering enough information on him to take him away. Brandon asked who they are and claire told him they are the Time Anomaly Correction Agency and they know that the book that he had was written by someone that's from the future. As claire was explaining to him about this mysterious group all the lights in the room started flashing red and "Red Alert" began flashing on all the monitors. "crap they found us" " were you followed?" yelled Claire. "How the heck should I know," Brandon said shakily. Brandon began to panic and run around the room, claire then slapped him and told him to calm down. she then went back to her setup and ran the "Doomsday Protocol". Claire informed him that the protocol she just ran was for the whole place to explode in 30 seconds and if he wanted to live he needed to step into the shower immediately. Confused and hesitantly he trusted Claire and stepped into the shower. "What's happening, What are we doing," said Brandon. "We're going to the future," Claire said with a big grin on her face.

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