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The Imperial Royal Guard Who Became Emperor

Another Fascinating Figure From 'Star Wars' Legends

By Culture SlatePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

With the death of Emperor Palpatine, the Empire went through a long list of various leaders who tried to take up the mantle of Emperor. Various admirals, generals, and other high-ranking officials all tried to get the top job. Some had more success than others. Many of these unworthy successors came from the innermost ranks of the Emperor's inner circle. One of them was a member of the most elite force in the entire empire, an Imperial Royal Guard who became Emperor in Legends.

His name was Carnor Jax.

Rise Of A Guard

Carnor Jax was an ambitious elite cadet. He was selected from the ranks of stormtroopers to join the elite Imperial Royal Guard that would protect and serve the Emperor in all things.

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Jax would train side by side on the planet Yinchorri with another fellow guard Kir Kanos. Together, the two excelled and stood out from their peers. They were both the best of the best of the cadets who would fight against Darth Vader to test their skills. Jax would eventually graduate to become a member of the Imperial Royal Guard.  

While his time in service was unknown, he managed to survive the Battle of Endor. He continued as Imperial Royal Guard under the command of those who rose to the top of the Empire. One day he encountered the Dark Lady of the Sith Lumaya who noticed his Force potential. She took him as an apprentice to train him in the ways of the dark side. With these newfound powers, the once-loyal Imperial Royal Guard began to harbor ambitions of his own. 

When Emperor Palpatine returned for the second time on the planet Byss, he rejoined his master along with most of the Imperial Remnant. However, his loyalty to the Emperor was now in question. Jax had an ambition of his own. He wanted to become Emperor.

He would bribe several high-ranking Imperials, and sabotage Palpatine’s clones. When the cloned Emperor was finally defeated by the heroes of the Rebellion, Jax made a bid for power.

Crimson Empire

Once in power, Carnor Jax controlled what was left of the Empire that Palpatine had managed to conquer. While warlords continued to break off, Jax had the support of the Imperial Ruling Council, the last legitimate body of the Empire. During this time, Jax introduced reforms such as allowing aliens on the Imperial Ruling Council, a first for the mostly xenophobic Empire.

However, Carnor Jax's reign was not to last. His old rival from his days at the academy, Kir Kanos, was on the hunt. Kanos revealed Jax’s betrayal and exposed him as a traitor to the Imperial forces.

Jax and Kanos would fight each other again on Yinchorri where they first met and trained together all those years ago. Carnor Jax was slain. His Crimson Empire would slowly crumble without him as its Emperor. 

End Of A Reign

The fall of the Crimson Empire and the fall of Carnor Jax was the end of any sort of centralized authority. His machinations also led to the final downfall of Emperor Palpatine. He betrayed his oath to the Empire and the Emperor, and in an odd way brought forth their destruction in a way that even the Rebellion was not able to achieve.

Crimson Empire was one of the more interesting comics of the post-Endor era, detailing the events of the Dark Empire and its aftermath. The idea of an Imperial Royal Guard betraying the Emperor is a fascinating one and gives us insight into the mindset of some of the deadliest warriors in the galaxy. 

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Written By Joel Davis

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