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The High Priestess - Analysis

exploring the major arcana

By auraborrowsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
"The High Priestess". Collage. Auraborrows print.

For as long as I can remember, Tarot cards have been a key part of my life. When I was really stuck on a decision or was just overwhelmed by everything going on in my life, I would be encouraged to refer to the cards.

At New Years in 2020, I spent my time collaging and making my own deck of tarot card prints (which are now available for purchase too!) I focused on the major arcana: the first 22 cards of any classic tarot deck that represent an overarching situation or experience in your life. Around that time too, I began recording the tarot readings I did for myself every new and full moon. I would record notes in a small journal and reflect on it at a later date to see what applied and how I could interpret the cards. This helped me to be able to read cards better for my clients in private readings, but I also thought it may be useful to share what I've learned; Now, over two years later, I can pass on my knowledge to new tarot users who may be getting confused or frustrated as they try and figure out what their cards mean.

So let's get into the major arcana cards, shall we?


The High Priestess is the third card of the tarot, but it is understood as card #2. Numbers carry a lot of meaning in tarot and if you're into numerology you may find a fair amount of crossover. The number two represents grace and power. The number 2 represents balance, and likewise, The High Priestess is seen as a balance between the natural world and that of the divine. This card is about natural power and intuitive strength. In reverse, you may be disconnected from your intuition or feel a sense of powerlessness in your situation.

While it is important to consider what The High Priestess card may be paired with, it is important we have a good understanding of the dynamic the card has. (Please note that this analysis is based on my own recordings. While they may help you to better understand what your deck is telling you, if you feel that the card represents something else to you, trust your own intuition.)

When upright, The High Priestess is a reminder that you embody the graceful flow of nature's cycles and carry a powerful intuition when it comes to things that are meant for you. While The Magician was a focus on the resources you could use around you, The High Priestess focuses more on the connection you have to the world and how you move with it to co-create your reality.

The High Priestess card can also represent a moment of alignment for you as this card can bring "aha" moments or epiphanies that help you to make sense of why something happened the way that it did. You're better able to see the bigger picture, or at the very least, to trust that there is one, with this card.

When the card is reversed you may be feeling a disconnect with your intuition or your relationship with the natural world. This card encourages you to make time to build that relationship with yourself and nature. You may also be doubting your intuition or not listening to your higher self. Trust that the messages that come to you do carry meaning.

The High Priestess ultimately asks us to listen and trust what our intuition has to say. You are far more connected to those around you and the natural world than you may give yourself credit for.


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