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The future of A. I writing

Ways to stay competitive

By DanPublished 2 years ago 13 min read

PS All content written herein except this line was generated by Jarvis A.I software. You can try it out here with free 10,000 words

See What Javis AI can do for you.

Watch the demo on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi7ImUwEd7I

One of the most important things to remember is that if you’re looking for a job as a writer, it pays to know what you’re up against.

Related: What Is A.I Writing and What Are Its Benefits?

All these companies are becoming increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence-which might not sound so bad, until you realize that this means they’re automating jobs that used to be done by humans.

It’s an incredible threat for anyone in this field-including freelancers who can’t compete with the cheaper prices of AI writers.

This article will explore ways to stay competitive and how A.I can actually be a boon for writers.

First of all, let’s take a look at the world we’re going to be living in when it comes to A.I writers vs humans.

One thing that you can’t avoid-A.I is only becoming more capable with every passing day.

Just like how self-driving cars have made big inroads into our roads, A.I writers are having a huge impact on how companies do business.

Artificial intelligence can write a blog post just as well if not better than many professional freelancers!

This means that the quality of writing will be increasingly important in order to stay competitive just the speed.

After all, most businesses want high-quality content that will increase their chances of more sales.

This means that A.I is actually a boon for writers, as the demand for high-quality content continues to rise.

The difference between AI and humans is that, while they do need training data (which doesn’t come cheap from companies)

A.I can create thousands of pieces of writing in just a few days with little human input needed afterward!

Because of this, it’s better for anyone who wants to stay competitive to specialize not on how fast they work, but on how good they are at what they do!

However, there will always be clients who are willing to pay less for writers.

In fact, many A.I tools already exist which basically give businesses the ability to select and pay for just the content they want.

This means that your writing will probably be broken down into units-and only a certain number of these will be purchased by clients (for cheap, since A.I is so much cheaper than human writers!).

In this case, it’s important to remember that companies usually have ‘rules’ as standards where A.I can’t replace every single human writer.

These include things like making sure there are no factual errors in the content you write or ensuring that there are no overly simplistic sentences in your article.

Here are some other ways A. I has impacted the future of content creation

Related: How artificial intelligence is changing the face of writing

1. Content creation is increasing in demand

It’s estimated that A. I software can now produce up to 60,000 pieces of content per day!

That’s a LOT of writing done in just one day — enough for humans to have never written before the invention of artificial intelligence!

As mentioned earlier, this means that it pays more than ever to be a really good writer.

With A.I, speed isn’t going to help you stand out — it’s going to be all about writing high-quality content that will get the job done and keep clients coming back for more!

This means that anyone looking to become a freelance writer needs a solid fallback plan in where to find work.

There are freelance websites that will connect you with any number of customers, but you should still put time into diversifying your portfolio so that it’s not at risk amid an AI-dominated world!

2. The prices for writing services are dropping like a stone

This is great news for both students and professionals — writing theses and reports are cheaper than ever!

Because the A.I software is so much cheaper to acquire, companies can get exponentially more for their money by utilizing them instead of humans.

A.I can produce high-quality content for businesses at a much cheaper price than they were before!

This means that cheap student writers will also have to put on their thinking caps in order to make sure that the new technology doesn’t spell the end of their livelihoods just yet!

Students are especially able to take advantage of this drop in prices, but professionals and business owners will need to put in even more work if they want their writing to remain competitive!

The good news is that professional writers have never had a better chance at surviving in the long run — just think how much lower the competition can get when A.I is able to produce words as fast as humans do!

3. There’s no way for human writers to hide from A. I

This is where the real impact of AI writing tools will become apparent since it removes all facets in which you can ‘hide’ as a writer once your work has already been published.

If you’re worried about being replaced by A.I, this is where the most obvious changes are going to come from!

A.I is now able to read through articles and evaluate them based on how well-written they are afterward — meaning that all those hours you spent perfecting your writing style may have been for naught!

If a piece is lacking in any specific area, software like the ones mentioned below is able to search for ways to improve it.

A writer’s job hasn’t changed much here — your writing has simply been broken down into smaller chunks and evaluated by machines based on how well it performs!

4. A new standard of writing has risen as a result of A.I

When an A.I read something, it’s able to look at the writing style and determine whether or not it matches up against any existing formulas on the market.

This means that companies can now create pre-designed templates for everything they need to be written — all based around feedback from their previous AI-based reviews.

This allows A.I to analyze the grammar, tone, and style of a piece before it has even been published!

What does this mean for freelance writers?

It means that your creativity is now being tied into how well you can use existing writing templates.

Meaning that if there’s already an AI template out there for what you’re trying to do, it may not be worth your time at all!

5. The structure of the content in the future is going to change a lot

Do you know how manuals are always so confusing and contradictory?

That’s because of A.I has been able to look at every manual ever written and identify trends that keep churning out erroneous information.

This has allowed A.I to produce its own manuals for things like consumer products or software.

This means that you might not have much of a role in the learning process after all!

If you’re already worried about being replaced by A.I writers, look at how easy it is for them to turn just about any idea into a manual.

This means that you’ll have to put in more work, fast — you won’t be able to sit back and rely on existing manuals anymore!

6. A new kind of writing will rise out of this era

A.I is not going to replace all human writers overnight, but it’s already making its way into the industry in a big way.

This means that we’re going to see more writers being hired with specific responsibilities already outlined for them.

Meaning that if you want to stay competitive, you’ll have to produce original content rather than rely on pre-written templates!

It’s no surprise that A.I have already started making its presence known in the writing field.

It’s still a long way off from ‘taking over the industry, but it has already begun to challenge many pre-existing norms in writing.

If you’re looking to start a career in writing, the best thing you can do is to get your name out there as quickly as possible — without relying on pre-existing generic templates!

Even if you are confident that A.I isn’t going to impact your job much, it’s still good to keep an eye on trends and modern developments to ensure that you have plenty of time to adjust!

7. Writer’s block is going to be one of the biggest challenges for writers moving forward

One major challenge that AI has already posed for human writers is a new kind of writer’s block — meaning that if you’re having trouble writing something, now there will be no shortage of people willing to fill in and take up the work!

This means that if you ever find yourself unable to write something, there are plenty of people who will be able to take care of it for you and provide a great alternative!

This is an important part of ensuring that your writing stays relevant — even if you’re happy with the structure of your existing work, someone else may be able to improve upon it!

8. A.I can create much better content than most of the writers out there

One of the biggest challenges that you’ll face as a writer is figuring out how to use your words to turn something into an attractive product.

Even if you’re able to come up with something exciting or fun, there are still many steps involved in making that content into something people want to read.

With A.I, those steps are going to become a lot more streamlined!

The best thing you can do to ensure that your writing stays relevant is to make sure it’s unique and interesting.

9. A.I is going to be the first thing we turn to when a piece of writing doesn’t make sense

One major challenge that humans face in the writing field is making sure that their work can be understood by a wide audience.

When you’re writing something in a language or medium that you’re not used to, it can be hard to figure out where the errors are and what people aren’t understanding.

A.I is going to help us tackle this problem by being able to scan through a piece of writing and accurately determine where the errors are, no matter how complex they may be!

10. A.I is going to make it easier for us to develop new techniques in writing

Another major problem that professional writers face is having their work being copied by other people.

This means that if you come up with a fun method of writing, you could find yourself on the losing end!

A.I is going to change this a bit by making it easier for us to create new ways of writing and develop techniques as they come up without stopping someone else from copying them.

This will help keep writers in a better position to take advantage of new trends in technology.

Make sure that their writing stays relevant, and ensure that they’re always changing the game!

11. A.I is going to make it possible for us to write more easily than ever before

One final challenge that writers face in terms of staying relevant is keeping up with all of our responsibilities on a daily basis.

This means if you want to improve your work and stay on top of what’s going on, you’ll be forced to maintain a certain level of discipline!

A.I is going to take away some of those responsibilities by making it easy for us to get all the content that we need with as little effort as possible.

But this is something we should be worried about in terms of staying relevant as a writer!

The best way to build credibility in the writing field is to make sure that you’re not only producing good content but also have good reasons for the things that you say.

This means coming up with strong arguments and backing them up wherever possible — and A. I is going to make it a lot easier to get that kind of support!

12. A.I is going to make it easier for us to surround ourselves with intelligent people

One of the biggest challenges you’ll face in your professional life is knowing that you’re putting yourself into an environment where it might be easy to fail.

Instead of turning yourself into a victim, you should use A.I to ensure that you’re always working with great people and information.

This means if you want to stay relevant as a writer, A.I can help you by getting you into contact with everything else that you need!

5 ways you can stay competitive as a freelance writer in an AI world:

1. Learn how to use it yourself

It may seem counterintuitive, but that’s not the case at all.

Instead of fighting A.I, you should learn how to use it so that you can keep up with everything else in the writing industry and still be relevant as a writer for years to come!

2. Become a part of the conversation

If you still want to fight A.I by getting your name out there in front of everyone, don’t just use social media — get involved in the conversation.

Create content that helps people learn more about A.I, how it works, and what they can do to benefit from using it — and you’ll be able to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry!

3. Be transparent with your audience

Instead of keeping things a secret or looking like you’re hiding something, be open with your audience — and they’ll trust you more than ever before!

Be transparent about the tools that you use, why you’re using them, and how A.I is changing the way that people write.

Make sure to explain it in easily readable terms for people who aren’t as familiar with technology!

4. Use A.I to make sure that you’re always learning

Our professional lives are moving faster than ever before, meaning we have more to learn than ever before.

If we don’t keep up, there’s a chance we might fall behind!

Instead of letting yourself get left in the dust by A. I , take some time every day to learn everything you can.

Make sure to see if any of the things you learn relate back to your writing career!

5. Just relax and have fun with it

Relaxing doesn’t just mean taking a break when you need it, in this case — it also means not getting too caught up talking about A.I.

Don’t get so caught up in fighting A. I that you forget to enjoy yourself — because it’s better than anything!


For writers looking for something new in the writing world, there will be no better place than right at home using A.I.

While this technology is still in the early stages of development, it’s already making a huge splash with what it can do.

We’ll have to wait and see how far it’s refined by the time 2018 rolls around!

The writing world is changing for good, and if we want to stay relevant as professional writers.

We’re going to have to find new and interesting ways of making sure that our work stays fresh and relevant.

A.I is going to make that a lot easier than ever before — and this developing technology will be added to our arsenal of writing tools pretty quickly!

What do you think about using A.I in the future? Have anything interesting planned for 2021?

Let me know where I’m wrong in the comments below, thanks for reading, and I’ll see you back here soon!

artificial intelligence

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