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The Full Blood Moon Eclipse

What you need to know for the Blood Moon Eclipse in Taurus, November 2022

By Janine McCollum Published about a year ago 5 min read
The Full Blood Moon Eclipse
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

The Blood Moon Eclipse on November 8, 2022 is quite a magical event. Falling in the sign of Taurus, it brings waves of transformative energy that can shift us to higher states of consciousness and alignment in our journeys. In May 2022 we had another Blood Moon Eclipse, but in Scorpio. Can you recall any significant events or transformations happening around that time in your life? I can personally relate.

When is it, exactly?

Blood Moon Eclipse

Here's when to see totality:

4:17- 5:42 a.m. CST on Tuesday, 8 November, 2022 (peak totality at 4:59 a.m.)

This November Blood Moon Eclipse will be working in synergy with that May Eclipse, so you very well may notice similar themes and patterns, or more to the story may be revealed. It’s not that the same events will necessarily repeat themselves, but you may notice you are working through a similar set of lessons or dealing with healing from the May 2022 upheaval.

Transformation can be challenging and often requires the painful work of peeling back layers, shedding skin, and birthing into the new. Each of these steps carries its struggles and magic, but under a Blood Moon Eclipse, the intensity level can be turned up. Reflecting on life and letting ourselves feel the pain or grief before releasing it helps the process. My favorite ways include music, journaling, rituals and self-care.

A Blood Moon Eclipse is the most potent kind we can experience as it’s a Total Eclipse. It gets the name Blood Moon from the blood-ish red color it turns as it is completely eclipsed by the shadow of the Earth. This eclipsing of the Full Moon causes darkness, something that can influence our energy field, our pineal gland, and can also serve as an activator of our shadow side, bringing to the surface things that need to be cleared.

Even if our shadows emerge, even if we are faced with its intensity - it is a natural cycle of nature and part of Mother Earth’s rhythm - and it is nothing to be feared. In many ways, the sight of a Blood Moon can be a beautiful reminder of the beauty and mystery that is always around us, and that our shadow selves can benefit and heal by confronting our dark and embracing the lessons.

Under all the intensity and transformative energy of a Blood Moon, we can feel drained, off-balance, or a little more irritable or emotional than usual. It is important to practice self-care, grounding exercises, and to get plenty of rest. Try a bath ritual with candles etc. Above all, be very kind to yourself.

Blood Moon Eclipses can also have a purging effect, so it is extra important to stay hydrated as our body, mind, and soul release and do away with all that no longer serves.

Uranus, the planet of awakening and breaking boundaries is very active under this November Eclipse. We may feel inspired to cut the chains that have kept us bound and free ourselves from any boxes we have put ourselves in.

Where are you longing for greater freedom? What chains do you need to cut? What do you need to break free from? You may very well find the Blood Moon Eclipse energy lending a supporting hand.

Uranus can also bring awakening and surprise, so there is a chance that this Eclipse could bring some shocking news, or may inspire an action or decision that comes as a shock to those around you. Unexpected roads are opening, so if it feels right to veer off course, this Eclipse will provide the opportunity!

It is also worthwhile to note that Eclipses always put us where we need to be for our highest growth, even if it doesn’t feel like it initially. Bring some trust and faith to whatever manifests, even if it does seem difficult.

Venus, the planet of love, is also active under this Eclipse, and while we may find ourselves focusing on our relationships and romantic life, Venus is also the planet that rules over our values and our feelings of self-worth.

What do you truly value? Do you feel worthy enough to have what you value? This line of questioning may open up for you under this Eclipse.

Get real with yourself. Don’t be afraid to get honest and have a real conversation about what you truly value and where your beliefs lie around those values.

The November Blood Moon Eclipse is also a good time to set intentions around releasing self-limiting beliefs that keep you small. Weed out any beliefs that are making you feel that you are not good enough or worthy enough and offer them to the Full Moon for release.

You may also find that things that you no longer value, or things that you have pretended to value, may fall away from your life. If this happens, acknowledge it, grieve it and then release it - and know this new space is an opportunity to fill it with things that are more aligned with where you want to be.

Saturn, the planet of Karma is also active under this Eclipse energy too. Saturn’s presence can definitely create some heaviness and can shine a spotlight on all the things that we need to deal with from our past.

We may find ourselves feeling extra overwhelmed, irritable, emotional, or frustrated, especially if we are holding on to past events or past stories.

If you are feeling consumed by any of this, consider writing a letter where you get out everything from the past that is troubling you. Write it all down, reflect on any wisdom that comes up, and then burn it as a signal of release. Then, when you feel ready, write a new story – create a new letter on how you want this next chapter to go.

While there are many manifestations and ways this Eclipse can show up, at its core, we are being called to let go so we can transform and create space for more of what we truly value.

We won’t have another Blood Moon Eclipse until 2025, so find gratitude for this rare celestial event. Honor yourself for moving through the work, and know when you find yourself on the other side of its energy, you will be facing a new, better chapter of your journey.

Blessed be.


About the Creator

Janine McCollum

I’m an author and illustrator, here to support other writers. I use this platform as a personal creative outlet.

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