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Teddy’s Adventures

The Magic Cloak

By Timea Laurel Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Showing off my new cloak

A warm summer breeze was playing with my dress as I approached the front gate to our garden. The creaking as I opened it and stepped through sounded like a happy hello and the roses covering the veranda were especially fragrant today. The scent completely filled up my lungs as I was rushing past the house towards the back yard where I had spotted my parents curiously standing over a rather large pile of boxes. I couldn’t wait to tell them the good news - I’ve passed my admissions exam to University!

As I got closer I noticed the incinerator having been lit and suddenly found myself transported back in time as I stumbled and tripped over an old favourite cardboard book of mine. There were many more lying around me and the long lost stories of magic and play came to life in the light of the fire. Marvelling at them amongst the many boxes of many more memories I spotted him - it was Teddy! Grandma’s teddy, whom she appointed to take her place as my storyteller once the time came, but in fact he became much more than that; he was my best friend! We bonded over the many stories grandma told us and decided to carry on even without her.

As I was looking into Teddy’s eyes he looked back at me with that same curious stare full of hope and anticipation, just like he used to when it was my turn to tell him a story. Then I remembered what I’ve got to say, that I’ve passed my admissions exam to University. Indeed, my childhood is over, I’m and adult now and I’ve got to be practical and rational. Teddy with his left arm hardly attached to his body and his fur crumbling away at the touch will turn into dust sooner or later, and I placed him back into the box next to the incinerator.

Decades later meandering through the leafy streets of North London I stumbled upon a friendly looking charity shop and decided to take a peek inside. As the door hit the tiny bell hanging above it, I was hit by the musky smell of vintage leather and wool. An old painting of a bluebell forest caught my eyes leaning against the wall above one of the top shelves. As I took a step back to gain a better view I found myself falling into what turned out to be a large crate of soft toys. To the shop keeper’s delight I managed to stop myself, grabbed it’s side and to regain my balance I turned around and there he was! Teddy starting straight at me.

I reached down and pulled him out. He seemed a bit smaller and lighter than how I remembered him, nevertheless the eyes were unquestionable. That same curious look, full of hope and anticipation, but this time I didn’t put him back into the crate...

Every time I looked at Teddy sitting on the night stand, life appeared innocent and joyful again, it’s challenges adventures somehow, even if only for a brief moment.

So one Sunday afternoon I sat him down on my desk opposite me, across a big roll of matching brown plush that I’d bought the day before. Sitting face to face with a pair of scissors in one hand and the rolled out material in the other I was waiting for Teddy to tell me just what kind of clothing he’ll be needing for his next adventure. He started speaking and I started cutting. First a wizard’s hat, then a pair of trousers with a matching shirt. The set of clothes seemed complete and we were both very happy with the results and thought that’s plenty. Until about a week later when a thunderstorm scared him and decided he needed something more potent; a magic hooded cloak with a pleated belt that holds a special set of three keys which unlock the sunny days with bright blue skies and fluffy white clouds...

Turns out Teddy was right, the cloak and the keys did work, in fact he managed to succeed where only very few did, but many tried. That is to turn the English weather into something predictably bright, because if it shines there are always new adventures to be had or a new outfit to be tested - who doesn’t love to show off a three piece suit, a luxurious coat or a fancy new gilet - and when it rains, well, that’s just perfect for a new story with a matching outfit to go with it, of which there are, now, plenty!


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