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Team building activities

Team building activities

By Muhammad AbrarPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Team building activities

There are several team-building exercises you may wish to consider incorporating into your company's culture. Below are some ideas that have been proven to be effective over time. These ideas do not need to take a lot of time or money, but they should have a clear purpose and benefit for your employees. The following list includes several types of games and activities that are designed to build trust among coworkers, increase communication skills, and improve leadership abilities.

Games & Activities:

• Give each participant a $10-$20 dollar bill, then ask them to spend that money how they would like to be treated at work: (i) Spend it on themselves; (ii) Spend it on others; or (iii) Don't spend it at all.

• Have participants complete a personality test online and share their results with everyone else.

• Go around the room and discuss answers to a question. If someone raises their hand, give them a small prize.

• Divide the group into two teams. Each team writes down a word describing how they feel about their job. One person from each team reads out loud their words, then passes them to the other team. Discuss what they heard and decide if any of the words accurately describe you and/or your colleagues.

• Ask each employee to write down 5 things he/she enjoys doing outside of his/her regular job duties. Afterward, compare the lists.

• Create a scavenger hunt using items from your office supply closet. Tell the group that if they find something on their own, they get to keep it. But if anyone finds a hidden item from their teammate, they must return it.

• Organize a race between different departments in the workplace. Each department will receive a different type of object. Participants will start at opposite ends of the room and run toward each other until they cross paths.

• Have each team member stand alone and sing a song about himself/herself. Record each individual singing and then play them back individually, alternating between men and women.

• Play a game where everyone sits in a circle and takes turns saying something positive about the person sitting in front of him or her.

Write down 10 random numbers on a piece of paper, fold the paper in half, and place it in a bag. Pass the bag to the first team. Once they finish counting, give them their card. The second team receives the same thing. Finally, pass the last team a similar bag filled with cards numbered 1 - 10. Each team counts its way up to ten, but only keeps the highest number card. The winner is determined by who holds the highest number.

Communication Skills:

This may sound weird, but try doing teambuilding activities once in a while! We know we are not supposed to do things like this in the workplace, but it really does help! Try these out and let us know how they work.

Team Building Games:

Try playing some fun games together with your employees or clients. Here are some ideas:

* A game of who can get to the bathroom first? You have 10 minutes to finish...

* What is the highest number someone can count in 5 seconds

* Who can eat the most chocolate bars (or marshmallows)?

* See who can do the best sprinting race/hurdle run

* Whoever gets the most points wins.

* How many people can jump over the fence at the same time without falling off?

* Can everyone do a handstand and then touch their feet together?

* Which person can hold his breath the longest?

Hanging Out With Friends:

Hanging out with friends is always fun! But try to spend quality time with them. That's how you get to know people better. Ask about their lives, what they do for fun, who they hang out with, etc. You may find some great people to be around. If not, well then at least you have some quality time with your friends.

Doing Something Together:

Doing something together is a way to get close to someone. Do things together in nature, go hiking, camping, fishing, swimming, etc. Try to make sure you choose something that you both enjoy doing. Even if you don't know each other well yet, try to do things together anyway.

Going To A Bar Or Restaurant:

Going to a bar or restaurant is a good way to socialize with others. Maybe you've never been before, but now is the perfect time to try going somewhere nice. Go eat at a nice place or stop by your favorite bar for drinks and conversation.

Being Active:

Being active is a great way to bond with people. Try to go outside and play tennis, volleyball, frisbee, basketball, soccer, baseball, etc. Be sure to take turns being the ball, even if you're playing alone.

Taking An Art Class:

An art class is a great way to learn about yourself. Are you able to express yourself, and if not what would you like to change? Take a painting or drawing class, or just go sketch some drawings on a whiteboard or notebook.

Cooking A Meal Together:

Cooking a meal together lets you bond over food and creates a deeper connection than simply eating together. Try cooking dinner together, making a pot of soup, or baking cookies. Your relationship will improve with every bite.

Visiting A Museum And/Or Gallery:

Go visit a museum or gallery where you can sit down and talk. Talk about everything. Discuss your lives, your hobbies, your passions, anything! Museums are full of interesting things and you'll learn so much from visiting them.

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About the Creator

Muhammad Abrar

Writing is a distraction for me. It takes me to places unknown that fulfill my need for intellectual stimulus, emotional release, and a soothing of the breaks and bruises of the day.


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